The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is it wrong that when I saw the spiritual successor to Panzer Dragoon from the ill-fated Sega Saturn, I felt that Microsoft was fucked? Not because I hated the old game, but....history.
There we go , a conversation. What is so bad about voice commands , is that not a feature that the ps4 lacks and the Kinect is another feature that clearly is superior to ps4. Switching between services with fucking hand gestures is not a feature , i mean i understand the plus of being able to borrow or rent a game and play it and saving 100 bucks for i dunno something. But to completely disregard a system cause of that is insane and childish. Why would i need to work for MS because of pointing out the obvious , its what made me want to buy it. Just like the 100 dollar less price tag and being able to play games certain games used is what made you all excited. Did nothing for me as the exclusives are not something i enjoy playing , fucking lynch mob did you all band up on irc rofl?


Vyemm Raider
This was like public execution grounds, and MS head was sitting nice and clean until that price point came down on their necks. If MS had not announced KI, project spark, RYSE, and Titanfall i'd prly cancel that preorder. However has Sony said what games they would even have at launch?

There we go , a conversation. What is so bad about voice commands , is that not a feature that the ps4 lacks and the Kinect is another feature that clearly is superior to ps4. Switching between services with fucking hand gestures is not a feature , i mean i understand the plus of being able to borrow or rent a game and play it and saving 100 bucks for i dunno something. But to completely disregard a system cause of that is insane and childish. Why would i need to work for MS because of pointing out the obvious , its what made me want to buy it. Just like the 100 dollar less price tag and being able to play games certain games used is what made you all excited. Did nothing for me as the exclusives are not something i enjoy playing , fucking lynch mob did you all band up on irc rofl?
I am pretty sure people are pissed b/c MS tried to enforce alot of stupid restrictions on what should be a gaming device. Not only that, had Sony taken to it to it would be the start of alot of shit that people who just want to game would have to deal with. Sure some companies such as Steam do things like authentications etc already, but that shit should stick to PC and not console. I like Xbox as much as the next, enough to own 3 of them, but even i know when they are being fuck ups.

That aside, so many intriguing titles coming out, now the wait for releases begins.


The bad part with voice command / gesture is that it's a worse interface than buttons. The bad part with Kinect is that brilliant minds tried for more than a decade to make good camera based games and they all failed. Bad features are not features at all.


Golden Baronet of the Realm


This was like public execution grounds, and MS head was sitting nice and clean until that price point came down on their necks. If MS had not announced KI, project spark, RYSE, and Titanfall i'd prly cancel that preorder. However has Sony said what games they would even have at launch?
Drive Club, Killzone, Knack? Plus a bunch of Indie games and Cross-Gen games, not sure what else. Lot of TBAs atm:

Btw, Project Spark and Titanfall are both on PC, you should cancel that pre-order. KI and Ryse aren't worth a $500 console.
This was like public execution grounds, and MS head was sitting nice and clean until that price point came down on their necks. If MS had not announced KI, project spark, RYSE, and Titanfall i'd prly cancel that preorder. However has Sony said what games they would even have at launch?
This is my point , the Xbox still has a lot of good things going for them....and no they didnt. They showed mostly cross platform games , some anime garbage and Steam 5 dollar games and shitty ass Killzone , and how they will support the PS3.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Frankly, I will say the voice commands sound cool - but I know long term they'd be a gimmick I'd stop using - just like I stopped using the (admittedly more limited) ones for Kinect on X360 - because they were slower and less efficient than just using a remote or the controller to navigate the menus in question.

Additionally, it's well known the XBone has less horsepower under the hood and it's actually costing more largely for gimmicky shit that I could care less about.

Then on top of that shit salad, it's bathed in a nice crust of extra diarrheal excrement in the form of the DRM as a nice dressing for that shit salad. For $100 more.

Premium price for gimmicky shit and less ability to actually game. (And a worse online service for gaming since PS+ is amazing and 2 games a month is about half as many as PS+ does in a slow month)

Plus PS4 has it's own cool gimmicky shit which actually looks appealing - being able to play PS4 games remotely on a Vita when I'm out and about - say getting in some extra time with Dark Souls while in a waiting room? Hell goddamn yes. (Especially with how many medical appointments the wife and I have...)

Zombie Thorne_sl

There we go , a conversation. What is so bad about voice commands , is that not a feature that the ps4 lacks and the Kinect is another feature that clearly is superior to ps4. Switching between services with fucking hand gestures is not a feature , i mean i understand the plus of being able to borrow or rent a game and play it and saving 100 bucks for i dunno something. But to completely disregard a system cause of that is insane and childish. Why would i need to work for MS because of pointing out the obvious , its what made me want to buy it. Just like the 100 dollar less price tag and being able to play games certain games used is what made you all excited. Did nothing for me as the exclusives are not something i enjoy playing , fucking lynch mob did you all band up on irc rofl?
I posted earlier this week that I understood why MS may be going the route they decided to. I also assumed that some form of DRM was going to be standard going forward. I also said I would wait for E3 to decide if there is a compelling reason for having a required online connection to play games. Well guess what, E3 is over... There is no compelling reason for MS's requirements. I still think some the Xbones features are cool, but they are in no way worth the DRM hoops and additional price tag.

It seems there are a number of new games that may require a connection, some may be worth it and some won't.
how would one trade/sell/borrow indiegames or dlc? (psn+ only members that can swap/trade/sell amongst themselves?)
dunno how the steam thingy resolved itself in germany...


Vyemm Raider
Drive Club, Killzone, Knack? Plus a bunch of Indie games and Cross-Gen games, not sure what else. Lot of TBAs atm:

Btw, Project Spark and Titanfall are both on PC, you should cancel that pre-order. KI and Ryse aren't worth a $500 console.
Man i'd do it but i've been waiting on another Killer Instinct for way too long. Alot of friends havent decided yet, i got a text saying "If it doesnt have party play like XBL im not touching it!" - i said it did but havent heard back yet. It's likely we will jump ship completely but will be a while before people decide. In the end there is still no harm in having both, tho i may cancel mine until after launch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
PC, PS4, and eventually getting someone to build me a 360 like controller for the PS4.

Sad thing is it's not even because the DRM would affect me (hardly ever hit used games and always online), but fuck no am not buying the losing system.
Can someone make me a cool avatar with some dude getting beat with some erasers or something to that effect....and im just gonna go back to lurking and not try and join discussions ,you all are insane. I have a cable box that does the same thing , who comes up with these comparisons and thinks that makes sense. Xbro , whats a ps fanboi name anyways....pedophile or some shit?