The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


<Medals Crew>
In other words, Sony was right about just about everything.

This seals it, if I buy a console this gen, it's going to be PS4. At least they have the balls to stick to what they say. I would have more respect for MS if they had said, these are our policies and we will let the market decide if we are right or not.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just received this. email

Guess that means they have actually started to receive the hardware. Estimated delivery date is still Tuesday, December 31, 2013 though.
I just received a similar email as well and it says my estimated delivery date is Friday, January 3, 2014. It's for a Launch edition, so why did we get told different dates!??!


This might be the last generation for traditional consoles

Nvidias new mobile CPU has more graphical power than the PS3, and approaching desktop GPUs
I've just finished reading the Anandtech article about Logan ( and I'm pretty blown away. Basically, it's a mobile GPU with better performance than the PS3 and the 8800gtx, but it runs on only 2W of power. It's 5x more powerful than the GPU in the iPad 4, yet it consumes the same amount of power. Crazy shit.

My main worry is that Nvidia is overpromising. The Tegra SoCs always look impressive when they first show them off, but they usually fail to deliver in retail devices.

Still, the rapid pace of mobile development is incredible to watch. I'm really curious to know which SoC will power the iPad 5. If Apple can double their GPU performance with their new SoC, which they've done for the past few years running, it'll be an absolute beast.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
MS has since confirmed this report, more to come at Gamescom at the end of next month.
Welp. A for effort. F for ultimate fail in the market and thinking any of their original ideas were worth a shit.

Still going to be fun to watch this thing crash and burn. Price still sucks, they still need an always on Kinect, and they haven't addressed the 3rd party marketing issues. Wonder if that is on their plate next - making the system NOT require Kinect, which is a pile of garbage anyway. As a bright note, I know countless people already who are using th emoney they would have spent buying both consoles and buying a PS4 and the other budgeted fund will go to a new video card for their PC's

Thanks Microsoft
(Hey, at least they might still purchase Windows operating software when they upgrade PC's and rebuild)


<Medals Crew>
From the article_sl said:
"We have no plans to introduce an Xbox One without Kinect," a spokesperson said this afternoon. "We believe in Kinect and the value it brings to both games and entertainment, and believe $499 is a great value for what consumers receive with their Xbox One."
Doesn't mention that is required for the XBone to operate in that statement. Just the "value it brings"...


Compilation of the MS indie self publishing leak:

Xbox One self-publishing won't be ready at launch, but will hit within the first year we're told via @Polygon
Such a hilarious knee-jerk. Sony has been courting developers throughout the PS4's development and getting them to get games on their platform from the get go for release.

Meanwhile, Microsoft planned to have this as a "BIG REVEAL" for Gamescom and it won't be happening for anyone until well into next year. Fucking sad and hilarious. Hell, the Indie devs must not have even known about this shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I seriously don't know why MS is so intent on shoving the kinect down our throats. It if it were so amazing then it would have been adopted by the mass market this generation. It didn't because no one cares, same with the ps eye. They are just interesting gadgets but they don't revolutionize your experience.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I know, right? They only sold 24 million of them in less than 3 years, what a failure, LOL Microsoft. Nobody cares.


But did it change the way you game? was it as revolutionary as ms claims it to be?
I still use my Kinect from time to time. My wife (who is not a gamer) uses the Kinect all the time. Have I switched exclusively to Kinect games? Of course not, but the thing was only $100. We have gotten that much value in entertainment from it a few times over.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I still use my Kinect from time to time. My wife (who is not a gamer) uses the Kinect all the time. Have I switched exclusively to Kinect games? Of course not, but the thing was only $100. We have gotten that much value in entertainment from it a few times over.
I think of it as a failure because I believe MS saw it as evolving console gaming like Nintendo and Sony did in the 90's with the release of the analog sticks on a gamepad or even MS themselves with xbox live.

And yeah I totally agree with Tuco. If you can make an amazing chip with that low power comsumption why didn't nvidia apply some of this tech with their current pc desktop gaming gpu's. Somethings fishy.


I think of it as a failure because I believe MS saw it as evolving console gaming like Nintendo and Sony did in the 90's with the release of the analog sticks on a gamepad or even MS themselves with xbox live.
I think part of the reason they think it hasn't is because it isn't a built in part of the system so developers don't want to make a game that can only be use on some of the systems. Imagine if there was a 100$ mouse that some games could use but if you had a regular mouse you couldn't play the game. It would be hard to get developers interested.


This would be a good argument if it was a third party peripheral that did not sell well. But it's first party and it sold well and Microsoft pushed for support as did Sony with the EyeToy and the PS Eye and the PS Move. It is just a shitty interface at an ontological level (its very nature is flawed), so no amount of creativity or technical achievement can fix that. You can make some very specific game work and maybe you can even make a great game using it (Poker Face: Murder Suspects - an interrogation room game where you play the suspect?), but you cannot make twenty, because it lacks breadth, it is too specific, not abstract enough, not reactive enough...