The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Bruh you just tried to make an argument to compare fat people with people of color/sex and continue to make other straw man arguments because you can't make a compelling statement.

It's fine you're a racist and/or misogynist. Dunno why people can't just admit to their biases and call it a day or become self aware and try to grow from it.

You think calling someone a racist is effective anymore? It doesn't bother me because people like you have ruined the term and made it meaningless. Way to support black people by making accusations of racist meaningless. Racist.
  • 1Truth!
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Vyemm Raider
As possibly one of the few black people on these forums i think you guys need jesus :D. I noticed the strange influx of black women/characters in the xbox stream but it was just because it was "odd/strange"? It's already odd enough if it was a bunch of female main characters, but black female main characters is usually unseen in general so when its seen frequently in an hour its....different.

However its kinda weird to think the games will be better/worse based on any diversity... Its fine to notice, but weird to make it an issue and think its odd that someone calls you out on bringing it up.

Where has Lucio touched you?
  • 2Worf
  • 1Double Worf
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Okay, most new Xbox characters are midgets. And people are like what's up with most of who's new games featuring midget characters. Some even say it seems weird or wrong. What is your response?

Chimney Chimney You might have missed this calling everyone racists. Please answer. Would you not step up to call out size-ism from bigots? Or would your head in the sand approach pretend it was perfectly normal?

I almost feel people were pointing out the sex and race of characters because it was abnormal to see. Not because they some up just itching for an opportunity to be racist or sexist.

So, we're back to you being the one fixated on race and sex. Why so racist and sexist?
  • 1Double Worf
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Trakanon Raider
I have only called/implied two of you are racists/bigots/misogynists and it's the first time I've done so on the internets or real world in a decade+.

I would totally defend the midgets as well as that is something out of their control.

These things are only abnormal to see because demographics are changing and the analytics point towards doing things that make smart business sense instead of following the status quo of the last 30 years. In another decade it becomes the norm and you can either be wistful and long for the days when the only brown you saw in a video game were in the landscapes or you can accept it and move on.
  • 2Picard
  • 1Seriously?
  • 1Pathetic
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However its kinda weird to think the games will be better/worse based on any diversity... Its fine to notice, but weird to make it an issue and think its odd that someone calls you out on bringing it up.

It's not weird. If the assumption (a fair one to make) is that the characters are being included/designed specifically around their race, then the next assumption is that the character itself is going to be designed around something other than them being a good or interesting character, and any enjoyment of that character is going to be challenging because of the assumptions (again fair) even if the character is interesting or well written.

And to be clear that it isn't just a racism issue, it's the same shit that started popping up regarding the generic grizzled white dude protagonist throughout the 2000's because it became obvious that it was a decision based on marketing and little else.

And from an actual "racism" stance: Black women are some of the least likeable people in general, and they are one of the smallest demographics when it comes to gamers. It's absurd to think that this doesn't matter and has no influence on the enjoyment of these games for many people.
  • 1Solidarity
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Vyemm Raider
I wouldnt call them the least likeable, i know some Latinas that grate on my nerves as much as an annoying black woman. Ofcourse i dont date either and im quite pleased with my snowflake!
  • 2Worf
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
However its kinda weird to think the games will be better/worse based on any diversity... Its fine to notice, but weird to make it an issue and think its odd that someone calls you out on bringing it up.

I think for most it's just one of many red flags these days. If a character just happens to be black then I don't think most people care. But when a studio or entire company seen intent on a message to the point it seems to become pandering or an agenda you start to wonder where their head is at, and more importantly their resources.

Also odd when their intent starts to seem like they want you to notice race, which is especially noticeable after our society got fully on board with not noticing race.

I don't see anyone saying they'll refuse to play a game with black characters, or that having black characters is disgusting, so much as questioning why game companies are pandering and seem to think presenting/exploiting black faces is what people what people want.

Of course there are the strawman arguments jumping to conclusions that people think a game can't be good with black characters. Umm, no, the problem stems from so many shit games and the studios seeming to think pushing out woke messaging is a substitute for good games. And of course the retards defending bad games by calling people racist if they criticize bad games.

It's like ladies night at your favorite bar starting to advertise a senior discount. It's not elder abuse to question the direction of their marketting.
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  • 1Solidarity
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I would totally defend the midgets as well as that is something out of their control.

Wait, so if Xbox has an event and most of the characters in trailers are midgets and people are like umm wtf you'd defend the midgets and presumably by attacking people and calling them heightist bigots?

Because being a little person is out of the control of little people? Because the characters in a video game can't help how they were born?


Guess what isn't out of the control of Xbox devs and managers? Putting midgets in all their game previews!

That's what you seem to be missing. The racists aren't the ones questioning MS or Xbox. The racists are the ones thinking it's totally normal or acceptable for a company to pander or exploit a demographic by plastering them all over their products.

New Halo, all midgets, and you're going to call out people who notice and ask what the he'll is going on. Holy shit my sides.
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  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
lots of autism

I think your 2 brain cells are working overtime. In 1920 you'd be the dude talking about how abnormal it was to see women voting. In the 1950's you'd be the dude talking about how abnormal school integration was.

Heavens to Betsy the world is a changing and anything that doesn't follow popsicledeaths vanilla status quo is abnormal and he/she/it just can't take it anymore.
  • 3Faggotry
  • 1Picard
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Trakanon Raider
So what's up with STALKER 2 being on Xbox? It seems like a really odd game & company for an Xbox focused product

It is being PC released as well and Microsoft does seem to be pushing the multiplatform thing pretty hard while being desperate for exclusives.
  • 1NPC
  • 1Faggotry
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Vyemm Raider
It is being PC released as well and Microsoft does seem to be pushing the multiplatform thing pretty hard while being desperate for exclusives.

I don’t think of it as Xbox or pc. To me Microsoft/Windows is the platform in itself. I wish Sony would have went with a darker colored console just do to potential marks or stains.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I think your 2 brain cells are working overtime. In 1920 you'd be the dude talking about how abnormal it was to see women voting. In the 1950's you'd be the dude talking about how abnormal school integration was.

Heavens to Betsy the world is a changing and anything that doesn't follow popsicledeaths vanilla status quo is abnormal and he/she/it just can't take it anymore.

What's any of that got to do with the topic at hand? If you had a valid point on the actual topic at hand, you'd be making it. Or at least trying instead of just tossing out a couple of topics you think are impeachable subjects.

Fun facts, many WOMEN were against women's suffrage because voting came with trade-offs, like registering for the draft (#draftourdaughters). Less fun fact, school integration was based on some very faulty 'science' and even if one argues the ends justified the means, in many cases academic outcomes of black students were hurt by forced school integration, not to mention the stress and anxiety caused by forcing integration instead of encouraging it to occur naturally over time once segregation was deemed illegal (though strangely many school districts are now MORE segregated now, though with black kids having worse outcomes when they used to be on average during segregation).

You don't seem to have a full understanding of the topics you're passionate about. Do you think everything is black and white, good and bad? Do you base your positions on topics on your knowledge and understanding of the topic, or just what you think is the most palatable opinion to have? Why do your ideas of 'good' social policy go against women who didn't want to register to be drafted into combat? Why do your ideas of social policy go against data that show it hurt black students?

And why does your idea of good social policy seem to include giant software and gaming corporations forcing change onto the public by exploiting the imagery of black women in an unrepresentative way? Hey, guys, we might sell a few more video games or widgets if we plaster black women onto our products?

Who do you think you're kidding with your calling other people racist and sexist when all your ideas undermine the perspectives of women and/or people of color and lead to their marginalization?

If you'd really like to discuss these matters in a much broader sense than this thread is intended I'd like to formally invite you to the Politics or Michael Brown threads.

Meanwhile, sorry, no, I'm going to firmly plant myself on the foundation that I do not think MS or Xbox should be over-representing (aka exploiting) the images of black women on their products even/especially just to seem more inclusive to sell a few more games (it won't) and especially if they think it is their job to force social change (it isn't). Also, sorry, the demographics of our changing world is not ever going to be a majority black women and even if it somehow were it is not the purpose of a giant corporation to usher in the real or perceived demographics of the world. That's, like, eugenics, you fucking racist.

Our changing world, where black women are destined to be the majority demographic and Xbox is here to help usher in that new reality, and if you notice they're doing it then you're a racist!

Bruh, you've got some weird fantasies and ignorant opinions. But please join us in the politics or Michael Brown threads. Think of all the positive change you can make in those threads!
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  • 1Double Worf
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I don’t think of it as Xbox or pc. To me Microsoft/Windows is the platform in itself.

This is where I think MS/Windows is getting things right. With play anywhere games and integration between Xbox and windows they're feeling less and less like separate platforms. Combine that with Gamepass being pretty good the ever expanding rewards system (easy enough to pay for Ultimate sub just doing random Bing and Xbox reward) and I think they're on the right track with just about everything. But the actual games. I'm not huge on exclusives and latest releases, but maybe that's because it's been underwhelming for a while now.

If anything, the budget S model I have is doing just fine for how they've shaped me as a customer with rewards and gamepass and windows integration, etc, and I'm actually incentivized to buy a Playstation for exclusives, or upgrade my PC for play-anywhere titles that increasingly tied into their rewards and gamepass model.

Without interesting exclusives and with games being handicapped to run on old systems, why would I buy a series X? I think that's the answer they need to be trying to answer for a lot of current and future customers. But what are they doing to address it? The optics of diversity and janky backward compatible games aren't doing it for me, personally.
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Trakanon Raider
Dang with posts this long you must be sad you don't have frenworld and the_donald still. Are the politics/gamergate/brown threads here a good enough echo chamber for fragile racists to replace them?

There are <50 black female leads (and saying some of them are leads is being very generous on my part) across the video game world since video games have existed with tens of thousands of games. The fact you are weirded out when a new one is added is very telling when you think they are being overrepresented or pushed on the populace.
  • 1Moron
  • 1Imbecile
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Ssraeszha Raider
I think your 2 brain cells are working overtime. In 1920 you'd be the dude talking about how abnormal it was to see women voting. In the 1950's you'd be the dude talking about how abnormal school integration was.

Heavens to Betsy the world is a changing and anything that doesn't follow popsicledeaths vanilla status quo is abnormal and he/she/it just can't take it anymore.

Oh, another "you're on the wrong side of history!!" faggot
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