The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Buzzfeed Editor
People getting bent out of shape on gender/race/wokeness tend to be a) the racists/bigots b) the purple haired deerkin type folk who are both sides of the same coin of useless cunts.

Rational normal people don't give a shit or have a second thought about the agendas, the representation, the role models, the targeted audience in their video games. They will buy them if they are good and won't if they are bad and trying to go beyond that is a waste of time and energy if you're not a fucking retard.

If its not important, why are the most powerful people in the world, as well as every major corporation, obsessed with it? "Rational people don't care about agendas"? And yet...its important enough to be the main topic of current national discourse right now, with, again, the most powerful people in the world talking about it.

Your double think here is really showing.

Don't worry. I think both end of the spectrum are retarded. Having to hit a diversity quota is as ignorant and stupid as those crying about diversity being on display.

So both are equally retarded. But you'll spend multiple pages complaining about one, and think its dumb to complain about the other side.

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Buzzfeed Editor
But why the long ass posts? Lithose Lithose would be jealous.

How did I not know this thread had a new, amazing fence sitter in it. Thanks for tagging me, Izo!

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Trakanon Raider

The bottom line is these are video games and aren't going to be swaying public opinion with any sort of change one way or another.

When there are groups of people who think that not seeing a 40 year old white male protagonist in every single one of their video games is abnormal then there is something wrong with those people.

Literally <1% of all video games and it's suddenly an agenda or being forced on gamers.

If all of a sudden every single video game is female/minority lead then I'll eat my words, but for now that's not the case nor is it even close to being a problem.
  • 1SchwarzeNeg
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Buzzfeed Editor
The bottom line is these are video games and aren't going to be swaying public opinion with any sort of change one way or another.

When there are groups of people who think that not seeing a 40 year old white male protagonist in every single one of their video games is abnormal then there is something wrong with those people.

Literally <1% of all video games and it's suddenly an agenda or being forced on gamers.

If all of a sudden every single video game is female/minority lead then I'll eat my words, but for now that's not the case nor is it even close to being a problem.

I don't think most would give a shit if ALL games were minority and female lead. That doesn't matter. What matters is the people who talk and preach endlessly about diversity to the point it clearly affects the artistic vision of many people. When the most powerful companies in the world sit around and say diversity is their highest priority and force their workforce to go to diversity seminars and undergo classes in detecting whiteness (Yes, that's a real thing)--the idea that artists are going to produce what they want, rather than propaganda is absurd. THAT is the what people are upset about, the suffocating culture of this crap and how its clearly affecting art. And here is the thing about ideologies like that--if you don't make it known you oppose it, people will assume everyone agrees with the people pushing it. So people are speaking out about it.

That all said, you side stepped the point. If both sides are bad, why are you bitching about the one side and not the other? If bitching about someone's agenda is dumb (And apparently means you got raped), then what does that say about YOU that you spent 2 pages bitching about the agenda of a couple shit posters? At least they are railing against some of the most powerful media companies on earth....You just spent multiple pages twisted into knots over the fact that a couple shitposters don't like diversity bullshit.

Seems kind of fucking absurd you spent any time on this given how you feel about people worrying about agendas. (That's what we call double think, and its a sure sign of something...)
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Trakanon Raider
If both sides are bad, why are you bitching about the one side and not the other?

Because the only side displaying some sort of issue with supposed forced diversity or claiming things are abnormal right now are on that side.

I watched the previews and thought nothing of the lead(s) and went about my business until I saw people calling out complete non issues.

Look at TLOU2 - The fastest selling PS4 exclusive ever, but according to one side it's forcing certain beliefs down peoples throats and causing the downfall of all things that no one would ever want to see or play as. Yet clearly the market is saying otherwise and they are voting with their dollars.
  • 2Moron
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Buzzfeed Editor
Because the only side displaying some sort of issue with supposed forced diversity or claiming things are abnormal right now are on that side.

I watched the previews and thought nothing of the lead(s) and went about my business until I saw people calling out complete non issues.

Look at TLOU2 - The fastest selling PS4 exclusive ever, but according to one side it's forcing certain beliefs down peoples throats and causing the downfall of all things that no one would ever want to see or play as. Yet clearly the market is saying otherwise and they are voting with their dollars.

So both sides are retarded...but only one side is abnormal?

What? What makes the one side abnormal but apparently doesn't affect the diversity cultists who get up on stage and talk about how important it is? (I say this because you apparently only get triggered by people complaining, not when you see major corporations pushing diversity proclamations).

And yes, the sequel to one of the most beloved games of all time that had a media black out that actually abused DMCA claims to prevent information spreading...sold well. Shocking. I'm sure that says a lot about its quality...I'm sure. But sure, people can tolerate a lot for entertainment, hell, the fucking Transformers movies made billions of dollars; complaining about entertainment is more than the +/- of consumption. Feedback does affect art direction, if it didn't, the diversity cult wouldn't have the influence it does. So what's wrong people pushing their own feedback about the media they love to let artists know the current market does have a nuanced set of dimensions?
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Trakanon Raider
Both sides on the extreme are indeed retarded.

Calling a game without a standard white male protagonist abnormal is one of those extremes.

Do you see any comments here from our resident SJWs about all the white male protagonists that were in these trailers? No you don't.

So why would I call them out?

The fact you're trying to blame blackouts and other shit on TLOU2 success when it is following similar trajectory of other popular games like Uncharted 4 etc shows you're just trying to be antagonistic and correct when you could do a cursory search that points otherwise.
  • 1NPC
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Buzzfeed Editor
Both sides on the extreme are indeed retarded.

Calling a game without a standard white male protagonist abnormal is one of those extremes.

Do you see any comments here from our resident SJWs about all the white male protagonists that were in these trailers? No you don't.

So why would I call them out?

Why wouldn't you complain about the companies standing on stages pushing this? You don't need a local SJW to trigger you, there are pushes of this stuff at every event. So what gives, I've never seen you complain before.

The fact you're trying to blame blackouts and other shit on TLOU2 success when it is following similar trajectory of other popular games like Uncharted 4 etc shows you're just trying to be antagonistic and correct when you could do a cursory search that points otherwise.

You're basing its trajectory off box sales in the UK? So you pull a single anecdote ((Uncharted 4) and assert its a trend, when second week sales actually occupy a huge spectrum and rarely correlate to success OR failure (Some games had very low second week drop offs and shit the bed...Which you'd know if you were armed with anything other than soundbytes). Unless ND actually releases its sales figures, you don't know shit--nor does anyone. An 80% drop off isn't usually good, but in an era of digital sales, it doesn't mean that much anymore (As was the case with UC4). So fuck off with your "antagonism" bud, you argument was incredibly weak here, the market hasn't said shit--and you won't know what it says for a year+ and only if ND likes the numbers and wants to jerk off their investors. So save your "market has spoken" bullshit for someone who doesn't actually know how markets work.

Now, did you really need me to debunk this weak argument before you got back on track about the point...that consumption doesn't mean everything; you can change how an artist things by changing the conversations/social norms around them--which is precisely what this diversity religion actually does. So why shouldn't the fans constantly make their feelings known as well?
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Potato del Grande
Calling a game without a standard white male protagonist abnormal is one of those extremes.

But nobody did this, you disingenuous semen gurgling twat.

What was pointed out was a major entertainment corporation either as a widespread policy directive or a series of individual coincidences made a decision to over represent a specific demographic.

But you then started arguing against the delusion you saw instead of what was actually occurring in this thread. Posts you can read and analyze, and instead you respond to things that were never written. Why?
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Trakanon Raider
Why wouldn't you complain about the companies standing on stages pushing this? You don't need a local SJW to trigger you, there are pushes of this stuff at every event. So what gives, I've never seen you complain before.

You're basing its trajectory off box sales in the UK? So you pull a single anecdote ((Uncharted 4) and assert its a trend, when second week sales actually occupy a huge spectrum and rarely correlate to success OR failure (Some games had very low second week drop offs and shit the bed...Which you'd know if you were armed with anything other than soundbytes). Unless ND actually releases its sales figures, you don't know shit--nor does anyone. An 80% drop off isn't usually good, but in an era of digital sales, it doesn't mean that much anymore (As was the case with UC4). So fuck off with your "antagonism" bud, your argument was incredibly weak here, the market hasn't said shit--and you won't know what it says for a year+ and only if ND likes the numbers and wants to jerk off their investors. So save your "market has spoken" bullshit for someone who doesn't actually know how markets work.

Now, did you really need me to debunk before you got back on track about the fucking point...that consumption doesn't mean everything; you can change how an artist things by changing the conversations/social norms around them--which is precisely what this diversity religion actually does. So why shouldn't the fans constantly make their feelings known as well?

Mostly because it's tiresome hearing lately about how everyone and everything is against or out to get someone in some way/shape or form especially when it's on such a tiny ass scale that it shouldn't even be a blip.

If you don't like the direction companies are going that's great, don't buy it. That's how change is made, no company is going to give a shit about discussions, posts or their twitter outrage unless it messes with their money and even then with big IPs you are likely to be ignored completely no matter what (see the majority of franchise IPs/MMOs etc.) The literal tens of games/companies in the last decades that have opted to go on a different path out of thousands that opted to just tread along non controversy offer plenty of variety that screaming "what about my likes" for those handful of games is boorish.

I often forget this forum is apparently full of top sociologists and economists advising multi million/billion dollar companies on what is best for their bottom line so they truly know what is best.

As far as TLOU2 we'll see when they release the month over month data for the rest of the year, but I'm willing to bet we're going to continue to see millions of copies sold and you can happily rub it in my face if that isn't the case.
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Trakanon Raider
But nobody did this, you disingenuous semen gurgling twat.

What was pointed out was a major entertainment corporation either as a widespread policy directive or a series of individual coincidences made a decision to over represent a specific demographic.

But you then started arguing against the delusion you saw instead of what was actually occurring in this thread. Posts you can read and analyze, and instead you respond to things that were never written. Why?

Straight away it was "count how many black chicks are in these games" hurr durr. Not this game looks like shit, not this game looks good. HURR BLACK FEMALE.

Again you keep talking about over representation when it is a handful of games over of hundreds if not thousands that will be released this year and if we go back to the life of video games in general is not even a single percentage point.

What will be under representation for you? 0 out of 1000, 1 in 10k? What's the proper ratio of non white protagonists in the video game genre that calms your tits?
  • 1NPC
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Potato del Grande
I often forget this forum is apparently full of top sociologists and economists advising multi million/billion dollar companies on what is best for their bottom line so they truly know what is best.

Do you honestly think anyone in this thread is tut tutting because Xbox isn't listening to our sage advice? We're gamers noticing and sometimes reacting to shit we see in the gaming industry, and discussing it with each other. You're the one extrapolating strawman arguments into the stratosphere of your galaxy brain.


Trakanon Raider
Do you honestly think anyone in this thread is tut tutting because Xbox isn't listening to our sage advice? We're gamers noticing and sometimes reacting to shit we see in the gaming industry, and discussing it with each other. You're the one extrapolating strawman arguments into the stratosphere of your galaxy brain.

I do think a lot of internet people are majority mouth breathing foamers who think they are having their liberties, rights, culture or whatever infringed upon on a daily basis when no one actually cares that they exist enough to warrant offending them in the first place.

So yes.
  • 1Midwit
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Potato del Grande
Straight away it was "count how many black chicks are in these games" hurr durr. Not this game looks like shit, not this game looks good. HURR BLACK FEMALE.

Again you keep talking about over representation when it is a handful of games over of hundreds if not thousands that will be released this year and if we go back to the life of video games in general is not even a single percentage point.

What will be under representation for you? 0 out of 1000, 1 in 10k? What's the proper ratio of non white protagonists in the video game genre that calms your tits?

Woah, they presented hundreds of thousands of games in a single event?! Oh, wait, no, again you're making shit up thinking sharing your hallucinations bolsters your point.

No. What happened is multiple people here and elsewhere noticed Xbox seemed to have made a decision to prominently and awkwardly feature black female characters in a noticeable way. People started to discuss it, and you flopped in claiming everyone was racist like you thought woke-knighting some black chick characters was going to get you laid.

Then when I asked if you'd feel it would be strange and worthy of note if Xbox suddenly featured mostly midget characters in a showcase event you said you'd defend them too because the characters in a video game can't help how they're born.

Because you're suffering delusions and can't admit there are people making these characters and decision and it seem perfectly rational to question why they're doing what they're doing.

Bruh, not strange at all if the next Halo game trailer is all midgets, cuz like they were born that way and can't help it and there are thousands of other games with white 40 year old protagonists.

Why can't you even follow the discussion the rest of us were trying to have? Why don't words make sense to you?
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Potato del Grande
I do think a lot of internet people are majority mouth breathing foamers who think they are having their liberties, rights, culture or whatever infringed upon on a daily basis when no one actually cares that they exist enough to warrant offending them in the first place.

So yes.

First everyone else is a moron because they think Xbox isn't listening to their expert advice on a message board, and now we're all morons because muh rights are being infringed!

Maybe you're right. Do you believe most of this diversity stuff is only being complained about by mouth breathers on line because it's only on the internet?
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Trakanon Raider
I don't care why or in what numbers companies are displaying people or objects of color or sex or species in a fictional form of media entertainment where we have the option to buy it or not.

I want to know gameplay, mechanics, world etc. Who or what I'm piloting is such an afterthought because none of it is real in the first place and is going to have zero weight on my purchase.

First everyone else is a moron because they think Xbox isn't listening to their expert advice on a message board, and now we're all morons because muh rights are being infringed!

Maybe you're right. Do you believe most of this diversity stuff is only being complained about by mouth breathers on line because it's only on the internet?

It's not related to xbox. I mean just go to any popular media outlet and it's half narcissists posting selfies and other look at me items and half crying about how someone hurt them in some way tangible or otherwise.

Are people gathering at Friday night magic or their local pub trivia to complain about companies persecuting them due to non white protagnist video game leads and I have been left out?
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Potato del Grande
I don't care why or in what numbers companies are displaying people or objects of color or sex or species in a fictional form of media entertainment where we have the option to buy it or not.

I want to know gameplay, mechanics, world etc. Who or what I'm piloting is such an afterthought because none of it is real in the first place and is going to have zero weight on my purchase.

It's not related to xbox. I mean just go to any popular media outlet and it's half narcissists posting selfies and other look at me items and half crying about how someone hurt them in some way tangible or otherwise.

Are people gathering at Friday night magic or their local pub trivia to complain about companies persecuting them due to non white protagnist video game leads and I have been left out?

You seriously can't understand the discussion was about the Xbox execs, programmers and marketing managers and their presentation decisions they'd made, can you. How pathetic is that. You're in a conversation that has become how you don't understand the conversation, and you can't even understand that and are still having an unrelated conversation about something else entirely.

This is related to xbox. We're in the console thread discussing an xbox event. Where are you? What conversation are you having?

Pub? Are you British or a hipster faggot. May help me understand your perspective a little better.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Mostly because it's tiresome hearing lately about how everyone and everything is against or out to get someone in some way/shape or form especially when it's on such a tiny ass scale that it shouldn't even be a blip.

If you don't like the direction companies are going that's great, don't buy it. That's how change is made, no company is going to give a shit about discussions, posts or their twitter outrage unless it messes with their money and even then with big IPs you are likely to be ignored completely no matter what (see the majority of franchise IPs/MMOs etc.) The literal tens of games/companies in the last decades that have opted to go on a different path out of thousands that opted to just tread along non controversy offer plenty of variety that screaming "what about my likes" for those handful of games is boorish.

That's not how the "diversity" change was made though. People who wanted to push this ideology spoke up..loudly, and often. And every year we see more and more major media companies adopting this because guess what? THOSE are the people who are loudest. And if no one else speaks up, people will assume everyone agrees with them.

So no, this "vote with your wallet" shit is not how things really work, especially in the age of social media. They very presence of this diversity shit proves that. So telling everyone not to use the same tactics that have been WILDLY successful for people of that ideological persuasion seems a little silly, no?

I often forget this forum is apparently full of top sociologists and economists advising multi million/billion dollar companies on what is best for their bottom line so they truly know what is best.

Well, funnily enough I actually am an economist, by degree if not by trade. So let me be the first to tell you the field is shit, as are most of the soft sciences. Sociology/Psychology/Economics, are all pretty much dominated by ideological thinking now, and have been for years. (But lets be fair, they were kind of a joke before then.)

Also, if you think people are using absolute rationality and analytical advisement to make most of their decisions, then you really don't understand human behavior. Outside of their specialty, most humans use heuristics to arrive at conclusions--the biggest in this case are social proof and availability. Meaning, people generally go along with the social behavior they see most often. Which is why its important people speak up. Purchasing or not can be interpenetrated with a million different variables, but actual discussions about why people are unhappy? Are a lot more difficult for ideologues to massage away.
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