The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I pre ordered a PS4 within minutes of it being available, but the smoke has really settled for me and the realization that there isn't a single reason worth buying it has set in. I think I'll just resell it to some sucker on CL or eBay.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not as much that as my mind is boggled that essentially 10x the amount of people are supposedly buying the PS4 over the XB1. Though this is hardly a pristine polling environment, somebody else has to notice the fact that shit ain't right. Statistically, of course.
I'm a gamer. My friends are too. Most of their friends and friend's friends are as well. Some of us are casual, some are hardcore.

I haven't actually met a single person in real life that wants to buy an Xbox One. Not a single one. I've never see a console generation like this in my life. I've known people with Sega Master systems, NEO GEOs, hell, even a 3DO.

It's no wonder MS shills are hitting a lot of the major sites.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My friend wants an Xbone because his kids like his kinect and he thinks the kinect2 will be a huge improvement. So there's that.


Molten Core Raider
When i railed on kinect and the non-removable harddrive most of my xbro friends just responded "Ok, ill just wait till next year when microsoft releases version 2 of the console with a user upgradable harddrive and no kinect for $299". It's like sony sin't even an option in their minds. When i say "i'm seriously leaning toward ps4" they say "yeah, have fun with your shittily written/translated/acted japanese story-time adventure games". My call of duty friends don't even seem to care about either next gen console, they're holding the position that "the devs will optimize the games and maps for the shittiest platform the game is being ported to, ie xbox360, so why buy a new console noone has and sit in the lobby waiting for a match all day?"

Meh, i dunno, maybe i'll just play FF14arr on PC this holiday season and watch what direction all my friends end up going. Hell, except for the first month after a new cod launch, we use our consoles to watch netflix, hulu, and rent movies in party chat more than actually play games anyway.


When i railed on kinect and the non-removable harddrive most of my xbro friends just responded "Ok, ill just wait till next year when microsoft releases version 2 of the console with a user upgradable harddrive and no kinect for $299". It's like sony sin't even an option in their minds. When i say "i'm seriously leaning toward ps4" they say "yeah, have fun with your shittily written/translated/acted japanese story-time adventure games". My call of duty friends don't even seem to care about either next gen console, they're holding the position that "the devs will optimize the games and maps for the shittiest platform the game is being ported to, ie xbox360, so why buy a new console noone has and sit in the lobby waiting for a match all day?"

Meh, i dunno, maybe i'll just play FF14arr on PC this holiday season and watch what direction all my friends end up going. Hell, except for the first month after a new cod launch, we use our consoles to watch netflix, hulu, and rent movies in party chat more than actually play games anyway.
You aren't taking into account that your friends are likely sheep and will go to whatever is popular that moment. In this case PS4 come holiday season. They wont be able to resist.


Trakanon Raider
Well, they did remove launch in several Euro zone countries.

But who cares about them anyway. Suck on it, Norway, you fucking wankers.

But yeah the initial reports were wildly overblown.
So rude! What we Norwegians ever do to... where you from? The UK? Guess we raided you a lot in the past, so....ok

This is just laughable as a console launch. Not that I was planning to buy a Xbox One, but those are some rich countries they are neglecting. Granted the population in them might not be as large, but nearly every 18+ year old in Norway can afford a console, even on welfare. One of the reasons Microsoft is delaying is translation to the native languages for the kinect, why do that? Fairly certain the vast majority of 12-35 year olds in those countries can speak English, which is the age demographic for the actual console. Xbox on. We can do that. Then let us put the game in the console (which is 95++% of the time in English) and play it. Then rather patch in the translation later if we want to use our native language for the commands.

Microsoft be stupid.


Trump's Staff
I'm not gonna buy either until the moment I see something worthwhile console exclusive... which hasn't happened... or unless EQN PS4 servers are the same as PC servers. The thought of playing EQN on my Vita is just too tempting.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not gonna buy either until the moment I see something worthwhile console exclusive... which hasn't happened...
Exactly this. This is the absolute worst console launch game lineup that I can remember(and I'm old enough to remember them all back to NES). There is no reason to get one of the new consoles yet if you have a good gaming PC.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Exactly this. This is the absolute worst console launch game lineup that I can remember(and I'm old enough to remember them all back to NES). There is no reason to get one of the new consoles yet if you have a good gaming PC.
Yeah I just decided to wait as well. I went ahead and bought that Gigabyte 4gb GTX 770 card - and all these games are coming out for PC. No need to lay down 500 on a day one console if I buy one at all this generation. So I cancelled my PS4 launch day pre-order. With that said the only exclusive I am looking forward too is Beyond Two Souls, and I can get that for my PS3.


Molten Core Raider
I have no doubt that I'll eventually buy a PS4, there will be some nice exclusives at some point, but I don't see any reason to buy one in 2013 if you have a gaming PC.


Molten Core Raider
Hey look, Microsoft might have actually made a GOOD decision:

"Former Steam(Valve) director Jason Holtman moves to Microsoft, to focus on PC gaming"

Might not initially mean much for the XBOne, but you have to think that if Microsoft ends up rolling out a great Steam-like service on PC, that there would end up being something real similar on XBOne


This is the absolute worst console launch game lineup that I can remember(and I'm old enough to remember them all back to NES).
I guess there is a big asterisk to add next to that statement: * the only metric being the quantity and quality of exclusive titles.

I don't know about you but I don't remember many console launch line up that feature 9 AAA titles with 5 that are not sport/driving (looking at this PS4 list). Killzone and Knack as the only launch exclusives is not so hot though, but that will probably be two solid games. Knack being the only game developed in Japan in that list also makes me think it could very well be expended by announcements made at the Tokyo Game Show in September. I mean there must be at least a Ridge Racer, right? Right?


Silver Knight of the Realm
My friend wants an Xbone because his kids like his kinect and he thinks the kinect2 will be a huge improvement. So there's that.
Same for my buddy with two young kids (of course, he'll get the PS4 too so it's irrelevant). If you're going to use the motion control regularly it makes sense... I have no interest in that shit though.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Getting a PS4 with Madden and Watch Dogs. Everything else I'm interested in I'll just get on PC. Friends and I play Madden, wife will enjoy watching me play Watch Dogs as a big Person of Interest fan - and she likes the NFS series so probably pick that up when it releases if Driveclub is a dud. From there I'll grab interesting/multiplatform titles as they go on sale at retail or digitally, otherwise probably start putting away or slowly justifying getting the Xbox One for the multimedia functions and probably Ryse. The only thing that's eaten into our frequent Netflix + Kinect usage on the 360 is Chromecast. W/ an Xbox One we wouldn't even need to change the input and probably use Smart Glass the same way we use the Netflix app.


Hey look, Microsoft might have actually made a GOOD decision:

"Former Steam(Valve) director Jason Holtman moves to Microsoft, to focus on PC gaming"

Might not initially mean much for the XBOne, but you have to think that if Microsoft ends up rolling out a great Steam-like service on PC, that there would end up being something real similar on XBOne
Two good decisions.

I always liked watching Blake 7 in the late hours on crappy local television channels. And that was long before I moved to the UK or started working for Microsoft (yeah, I know, I'm the bad guy).


Trakanon Raider
Of course there are no launch games worth picking up a system for. Arguably the last time that happened was Super Mario 64... back in '96.That's seventeen fucking years ago.

In retrospect:
Should anyone have bought a Wii U for NSMBU?
Should anyone have bought a PS3 for Resistance?
Should anyone have bought a 360 for Condemned?
Should anyone have bought a OG Xbox for Halo? (Some would say yes, but it is hard to imagine people with PCs at the time saying so.)
Should anyone have bought a Gamecube for Waverace?
Should anyone have bought a PS2 for Tekken Tag? (A visual bump from PS1 Tekken 3, admittedly.)
Should anyone have bought a Dreamcast for Sonic Adventure?

The one outlier is arguably Wii Sports, and that's tough to differentiate the game (most games are well implemented, but extremely small in scope) from the novelty of the controller.

Modern systems come together too late, and the tools aren't far enough along, to expect greatness off the bat.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Technically speaking as well - there's plenty of launch games worth picking up this time - just not launch exclusives - for people like Sean and I that prefer console to PC for most games due to control schemes/trophies/etc (The former are mine, not stating his preference, likely similar though) the huge list of launch AAA games is the best in history. They're just not exclusive - sure I could play them on my PC, but I personally prefer being able to lounge with a controller with a robust trophy system that feels valid and no need to keep a keyboard handy. Something my PC rarely affords.

Hell, simply because I do work on my PC as well it's not set up for lounging at all - my executive styled chair is comfy, but not as comfy as being stretched out on my couch by far. And sure I could spend another $1200 or so building a similar machine for the living room, but why bother when console does it for $400 or so with less legwork?

My PC is relegated to work, MMOing and Strategy games at this point - it does them all amazingly, but everything else I'd rather console personally. (If/when I would MP FPS again in the future it would likely be PC as well - not MP'ed FPS's in a long while though, barring some "bonus" stuff like LOTU's MP modes)


Log Wizard
Technically speaking as well - there's plenty of launch games worth picking up this time - just not launch exclusives - for people like Sean and I that prefer console to PC for most games due to control schemes/trophies/etc (The former are mine, not stating his preference, likely similar though) the huge list of launch AAA games is the best in history. They're just not exclusive - sure I could play them on my PC, but I personally prefer being able to lounge with a controller with a robust trophy system that feels valid and no need to keep a keyboard handy. Something my PC rarely affords.

Hell, simply because I do work on my PC as well it's not set up for lounging at all - my executive styled chair is comfy, but not as comfy as being stretched out on my couch by far. And sure I could spend another $1200 or so building a similar machine for the living room, but why bother when console does it for $400 or so with less legwork?

My PC is relegated to work, MMOing and Strategy games at this point - it does them all amazingly, but everything else I'd rather console personally. (If/when I would MP FPS again in the future it would likely be PC as well - not MP'ed FPS's in a long while though, barring some "bonus" stuff like LOTU's MP modes)
Yeah, that's kinda the deal with me. Why argue and weigh so heavily on the relatively smaller hardware advantage PS4 has over XB1 when all the games you would play that demand high performance are going to be on PC anyways. In terms of media usage they're close, but I think 360 will have more available.

So like I said earlier, it should come down to: Do I like PS4 only franchises? Do I like XB1 only franchises? Do I want a kinect?

Hardware is irrelevant as 95% of us all having PC's that are already superior to either console.