The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


the numbers being higher on PS4 side is an absolute
Ah, see, now that is a more reasonable claim. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it's certainly plausible.

Personally, I don't care which console people buy or which controller people prefer. It's just fun to step in every now and then and bring the PS4 fanboys back to reality.

Carry on, good sir!


I never actually tallied - nor did I mean to claim to - I usually phrase things like that as "something like 9:1" but apparently I omitted the indefinite - but the numbers being higher on PS4 side is an absolute - overall people love the PS4 controller and are mixed on the XB1 controller - some do love it, but it's mixed no one has yet to say the PS4 controller is crap and more than a few have really been critical on the XB1 controller, some even saying it was a DOWNGRADE to the 360's.

(And note, I've been fortunate enough to handle a PS4 controller now - and I definitely feel it's a killer controller, although I'm a small handed guy so my experience isn't likely a "typical American one" - but also I have no XB1 controller experience yet to compare it to - but PS4 vs. 360 I'd use PS4 any day of the week, whereas PS3 vs. 360 would only be a handful of situations I'd prefer the PS3 controller, mostly D-Pad related)
LOL what!? First of all you said exactly "9-1 people that used to love the 360 controller prefer the PS4 now" if this isn't bad enough you said "literally" straight after that sentence. There's no grey area about it. Now you reply with things like "apparently" I left a few words out. Lol no not "apparently" you DID omit vital words in a sentence that would have completely changed the whole impact of the sentence and it's meaning.

It's no secret that PS 4 is killing Xbone at the moment but don't be all surprised when people call bullshit on a completely outrageous statistic that you clearly made up.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I said "literally there's no good argument" that literally was a separate phrase... I guess if someone read ellipses as a comma instead of the end of a thought they could take it that way, but that "literally" was in reference to what was after it, not before...

Making up your mind about either system without hands on besides game preference at this point is silly besides various factors that all lean PS4, some heavily (price and power) and some variably.

And it's no secret I, and others, sometimes do use over the top phrasing at times - but that was not my intent... I "made up the number" more from the standpoint that I was flabbergasted that someone HADN'T SEEN glowing reviews of the PS4 controller, it takes effort to find pro-XB1 controller reviews, PS4 ones were comparatively easy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
9-1 is bullshit, but are we all agreed that 3-1 is the best figure we have?
For controller preference? Seems about right - pretty sure console purchase preference is much tighter than that though (assuming no quantity shortage on XB1 side as is rumored but that's not desire just supply limited) - purchase preference looks a 60/40ish split versus the early lopsided numbers to me. (maybe slightly better for PS4 than that though - after the criticism I'd rather hedge on the side of caution =p)


I would say a survey of the actual reviews that have been written would show a much tighter figure than that poll and would be much more accurate. I'm not convinced PS4 is winning that race, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Here is why that poll is absolutely worthless:

1. The figure comes from, not the most accurate polling.
2. The people answering the poll have probably never touched either controller.
3. (To reemphasize 1 & 2) I'm 10 of the votes in that poll, and I haven't even seen either controller in real life.

I guess if by "best figure we have" you mean the best poll, I could go for that. But just because it's the only poll we have.

Edit: Found you a more accurate figure"100% of Gamers Prefer XB1 Controller". (<--sarcasm)


It's weird because I always thought that last generation the Xbox controller was consider the better controller. Now all of a sudden such a drastic change in people liking the PS 4 controller when essentially it's the same design just a bit bigger. I'm not denying that more people may prefer the PS controller this generation but I think due to Microsoft's unbelievably bad start which turned most gamers towards buying a PS 4. People began to justify what they plan to purchase hence the drastic swing in controller preference most people buying a PS4 now say they like the PS 4 controller more anyway to justify their decision.

I'm not saying that as a fact more posing the question. How can there be such a drastic shift EITHER way when both controllers are essentially the same design...Just throwing it out there.


It's weird because I always thought that last generation the Xbox controller was consider the better controller. Now all of a sudden such a drastic change in people liking the PS 4 controller when essentially it's the same design just a bit bigger. I'm not denying that more people may prefer the PS controller this generation but I think due to Microsoft's unbelievably bad start which turned most gamers towards buying a PS 4. People began to justify what they plan to purchase hence the drastic swing in controller preference most people buying a PS4 now say they like the PS 4 controller more anyway to justify their decision.

I'm not saying that as a fact more posing the question. How can there be such a drastic shift EITHER way when both controllers are essentially the same design...Just throwing it out there.
Well, I know EVERY review I have read has said that the DS4 is a huge improvement. As was pointed out earlier, I think a lot of it comes from the increase in size. I agree though that people who have never touched either controller are just going to say they prefer the controller that belongs to the system they plan on getting.


Trakanon Raider
Better grip, better analog sticks, better triggers were also reasons why it was so well liked other then the size increase.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I've personally always found the playstation controller to be my preferred choice, but I use the xbox controller all the time on PC games that have been ported from consoles, so it really hasn't been a big deal to me either way.

Try playing Street Fighter on the xbox controller though, and you start to see how much it can suck at times.


Nitpicking over this nonsense is silly. The consensus from most of the articles that I have read is that the DS4 isprobablygoing to be preferred controller of the bunch. Caring about if someone said 9:1 or whatever is silly, saying stuff like "9/10 people prefer x" is general phrasing that is used to illustrate a point and going "lol prove that it's exactly 9:1" is childish as hell.

I'm really looking forward to seeing if the overwhelming praise for the PS4's controller is true, especially the bits about the Analog Sticks being by the best out there since that is extremely important. The sticks on both the PS3 and X360 controllers areterribleand far worse than they could andshouldbe. Both have sticks that are loose and inaccurate with horrible dead zones. Sony says they consulted many third party developers when developing the controllers and especially talked to FPS developers about improving things. So hopefully that all bears fruit.

The improved shaping and ergonomics of the handles will hopefully alleviate some people's misgivings about the stick placement as well, because the relationship with the handle grips and stick placement is more important to the feel than where exactly the sticks are. I personallyhatethe PS3 controller's feel compared to the X360 controller, but that is far more due to thefeel of the gripof it than the actual analog stick placement.

Plus triggers+d-pad stuff, etc.


Nitpicking over this nonsense is silly. The consensus from most of the articles that I have read is that the DS4 isprobablygoing to be preferred controller of the bunch. Caring about if someone said 9:1 or whatever is silly, saying stuff like "9/10 people prefer x" is general phrasing that is used to illustrate a point and going "lol prove that it's exactly 9:1" is childish as hell.
Lol, no. "A lot more people prefer," "far more people prefer," "everyone I know prefers," etc. are general phrases to illustrate a point. Giving a specific number is not "general phrasing," especially when given as a ratio. You can call it childish as hell now that everyone else has agreed it's completely incorrect, but that doesn't change that it was a gross overstatement. That seems to be a trend in this thread coming from PS4 fanboys...

Let's have a conversation about how PS4 is going to have a 50% FPS increase over the XB1 again. That was fun.


It's weird because I always thought that last generation the Xbox controller was consider the better controller. Now all of a sudden such a drastic change in people liking the PS 4 controller when essentially it's the same design just a bit bigger. I'm not denying that more people may prefer the PS controller this generation but I think due to Microsoft's unbelievably bad start which turned most gamers towards buying a PS 4. People began to justify what they plan to purchase hence the drastic swing in controller preference most people buying a PS4 now say they like the PS 4 controller more anyway to justify their decision.

I'm not saying that as a fact more posing the question. How can there be such a drastic shift EITHER way when both controllers are essentially the same design...Just throwing it out there.
They're really not the same design at all though. The PS4 controller is bigger and wider with the handle grips that are shapedsignificantlydifferent and are of different material. The analog sticks are farther apart and (supposedly) much tighter with next to no deadzone which will make them more accurate. The sticks have completely different thumb grips as well, superior concave ones. The triggers are drastically different in shape and design. The d-pad is supposedly slight improved and closer to the Vita's. The buttons are mostly the same, though they are no longer analog. It also now has a touchpad.

That is not "the same" in any sense other than them both being video game controllers. The "little" details matterimmenselywhen it comes to whether one enjoys a controller or not.

The Xbone's controller is significantly different as well. The shape is a little bit different, which will change how it feels in your hand (for the better from reports). The grip on the sticks is a bit different and they supposedly have their deadzone reduced as well for better accuracy. The d-pad is, reportedly, no longer disc based (which wasretarded as fuck) and improved. The center of gravity on it has also changed significantly due to the new battery pack placement, which changes the feel of the controller significantly as well. The trigger shape and size is different and they are right up against the bumpers now. The resistance on the triggers is different as well due to the rumble motors in them. Most of the complaints come from the triggers not feeling right at all anymore and beingtoo closeto the bumpers.

They may "cosmetically" look mostly the same, but neither of them should be considered the same controllers as their predecessors. Both have undergone significant changes for the better (mostly).


Lol, no. "A lot more people prefer," "far more people prefer," "everyone I know prefers," etc. are general phrases to illustrate a point. Giving a specific number is not "general phrasing," especially when given as a ratio. You can call it childish as hell now that everyone else has agreed it's completely incorrect, but that doesn't change that it was a gross overstatement. That seems to be a trend in this thread coming from PS4 fanboys...

Let's have a conversation about how PS4 is going to have a 50% FPS increase over the XB1 again. That was fun.
If this were something academic like a school paper I would agree with you 100%, but this is the internet where people (self included) have a terrible sense of writing and you have to parse their posts with that in mind.

The Master

Bronze Squire
It's weird because I always thought that last generation the Xbox controller was consider the better controller. Now all of a sudden such a drastic change in people liking the PS 4 controller when essentially it's the same design just a bit bigger. I'm not denying that more people may prefer the PS controller this generation but I think due to Microsoft's unbelievably bad start which turned most gamers towards buying a PS 4. People began to justify what they plan to purchase hence the drastic swing in controller preference most people buying a PS4 now say they like the PS 4 controller more anyway to justify their decision.

I'm not saying that as a fact more posing the question. How can there be such a drastic shift EITHER way when both controllers are essentially the same design...Just throwing it out there.
Last generation, this was true. But their are over forty changes to the Xone controller vs the 360s. And the PS4 controller is a complete redesign in a lot of ways, even if it looks similar. Wait till you get them in your hands. The difference is marked.


If this were something academic like a school paper I would agree with you 100%, but this is the internet where people (self included) have a terrible sense of writing and you have to parse their posts with that in mind.
This is a gaming forum people are going to pull other people up on incorrect facts all the time. You can't state a fact that is outrageously wrong and expect people to just ignore it. Not saying you did I'm talking about the 9:1 guy.