The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No shit.

Think about it.

Battlefield - 64 players; Killzone - 24 players
Battlefield - tons of destruction and 'levelution'; Killzone - limited destuiction
Battlefield - huge maps that sprawl for miles; Killzone - small corridor maps
Battlefield - tons of vehicles; Killzone - nope.
Battlefield - 60fps; Killzone - 30fps
I think it's less all that and more that it's been developed for PS3/Xbox 360/PC/PS4/XBOXone, while Killzone has been developed from the ground up with only PS4 in mind. That said, without sounding like the broken records on this thread, I can't see why anyone would buy these cross platform games on a console, if they have an even remotely decent PC.


I think resolution, shading, AA, and texture comparisons are secondary to frame rates. I really don't care which one looks a little sharper. If it ain't running at 60+ fps, it is like trying to watch 480i TV for me at this point. It's ugly and very noticeable. Some people say the eye can't see above {insert made up bullshit value here} frames per second. I can tell the difference in 30, 45, and 60+ very easily. I've read of some boasts from PS4 people that many titles will support 60 FPS, but I have heard mixed reviews about it actually performing at those framerates while still maintaining a higher resolution. The last console game I played was Last of Us and it gives me a headache after a while dealing with turrible FPS. Waiting for more definitive info on if this hardware gen can effectively pull off 60 FPS+ @1080p.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I'm hearing mixed stuff about the FPS. Overall it seems like PS4 edges out Xbone.

I still feel like devs are going to target 30-45fps in games just to improve visual quality elsewhere. If you want a smooth 60fps you'll need a PC.


I feel like expectations were too high for the first batch of games running on the new consoles. People knew the systems were new for the developers and they didn't have adequate time to work on them + they were probably bugger, we also knew that they were mid-grade power, but still I think we hoped for image quality comparable to PC. When it comes out that they have some flaws and some FPS drop people get disappointed but it should've been expected.

I think the performance on both machines is pretty good and I don't think anyone with either console should be too worried or disappointed about it.
Well, this is roughly exactly what I expected from launch titles, personally. But yeah, people did not have shit for time to work on the next-gen ports and they're brand new systems. Stuff will get better fairly quickly though, especially on the PS4. The Xbone has a lot of devkit and OS issues, but those will be resolved at some point and the Xbone isn't as ridiculous to work with as the PS3.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Well, this is roughly exactly what I expected from launch titles, personally. But yeah, people did not have shit for time to work on the next-gen ports and they're brand new systems. Stuff will get better fairly quickly though, especially on the PS4. The Xbone has a lot of devkit and OS issues, but those will be resolved at some point and the Xbone isn't as ridiculous to work with as the PS3.
Yeah we'll see, but I'm inclined to agree with you.


The PS4 image definitely looks crisper, but also more aliased because it's not upscaled. In motion I think that the PS4 version would look better, but in a side by side still I can see why some would think the Xbone one looks better. But if you pay close attention to the detail of the textures and especially the geometry of the crane, the PS4 version looks a ton better IMO. Not to mention the UI elements.
Yeah, in motion it's way different. It'll be a lot more obvious too running on TVs and not all this really low bitrate web-videos. I wish someone had some real direct-feeds of high quality video capture to post, the differences would be a lot more obvious then.


Any xbone vs ps4 comparisons using Black Flag out there?
Xbox one footage is under NDA 'til closer to launch. I believe the NDA ends on the 12th of November, or sometime around there. I can't remember the exact date off the top of my head.


Vyemm Raider
Keeping their NDA in effect longer than PS4 just makes it seems like they arent confident in the system and how its handling the games.


Xbox one footage is under NDA 'til closer to launch. I believe the NDA ends on the 12th of November, or sometime around there. I can't remember the exact date off the top of my head.
Yep, November 12th, 9 am. Totally fucking arbitrary shit.


Which version looks better isn't actually all that relevant, the PS4 is showing over 50% more pixels, using better effects and maintains a better frame rate. The difference is massive.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Which version looks better isn't actually all that relevant, the PS4 is showing over 50% more pixels, using better effects and maintains a better frame rate. The difference is massive.
It's hard to tell from the uneven recordings we have of BF4, but so far the evidence is pointed to the difference not being massive.


Molten Core Raider
Blackflag looks awesome as a huge Sid Meier's Pirates! fan.
Yep, the most enjoyable part of AC4 was easily the ship-related stuff. Sat there playing it wishing they did an entire game of it, and also wishing that there was a new Sid Meier's Pirates. Glad they listened to me


It's hard to tell from the uneven recordings we have of BF4, but so far the evidence is pointed to the difference not being massive.
I meant more for future games. Hopefully it's just teething problems, but the amount of extra detail and processing the PS4 is doing is massive. If you tried to run the Xbox One version with the same settings it would be a slide show, based on the relative performance.

For what I think they both look great and I doubt anyone picking up the Xbox version is going to be disappointed, I just worry for further x-platform games.