The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Assassins Creed IV On PS4 Is Worth The Extra Wait

Guess there's alittlebit more than Resolution.

Lots of graphics.Black Flag is a gorgeous game on PS3 and a gorgeous-er one on PS4. The enhanced lighting effects, high-res textures and near-constant weather effects combine to add a level of visual polish that isn't present in the PS3 version. Environmental effects, in particular, look much nicer-the fog in the moonlight, the god-rays of the sun, the daylight shining off of the water, that kind of thing.

Animations tie together better.You know how in Assassin's Creed games, it sometimes feels like the fighting animations don't quite connect? Your character will stab a dude or slice another dude, but his sword will sort of float through the air near the guy, and it won't quite look right? That's still an issue in the PS3 version of Black Flag, but on PS4, it's much less noticeable. It's partly because the PS3 version appears to skip frames to keep combat moving at the right speed, but whatever the reason, combat and platforming look and move much more freely and convincingly on PS4.

Dat foliage.The trees, bushes and leaves all move in the next-gen version of Black Flag. It is. nice, but not really a big deal. Storms blow leaves around more realistically, when you're moving around, you won't really notice it. I did like how bushes and grass would push around when Edward was sneaking through them. It reminded me of that part in Jurassic Park 2 when the raptors are sneaking through the tall grass, and. oh, you know what, it's just cool looking.
But yeah, nothing huge.


Life's a Dream
They are in the process of making a new Space based action/adventure game. Think "The Dig" mates with The Last of Us. Expect it in 2016.
Let me just shoot that down with a "you're wrong".


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>


Your outrage washilariouslymisplaced, because *no one* follows Activision as an "Industry Leader" when it comes to Game Engines and tech. They are not in the engine business.

Also clearly they're not actually bloating up their RAM usage, the system specs are just arbitrary bullshit. Why? Who knows. Maybe as a marketing thing to match Watch Dogs.

Also SteamOS will have little, if any impact on the Xbox and everyone else for that matter.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Your outrage washilariouslymisplaced, because *no one* follows Activision as an "Industry Leader" when it comes to Game Engines and tech. They are not in the engine business.

Also clearly they're not actually bloating up their RAM usage, the system specs are just arbitrary bullshit. Why? Who knows. Maybe as a marketing thing to match Watch Dogs.

Also SteamOS will have little, if any impact on the Xbox and everyone else for that matter.
Bullshit. It isn't misplaced because for the next 2 years you are going to see direct Xbone ports to PC with this artificial ram cap. Can't wait to see what happens to Titanfall.

And I wasn't talking SteamOS, I was talking Steam Box in the living room, and it most definitely will take out Microsoft at the knees in 2014. We can always revisit this thread when I am right or you can just admit defeat now. Youngling.

(SteamOS will be INFINITELY EASIER to design around.... Why do you think it is making it's way into mainstream? It's an OS DESIGNED around building a game. No bullshit, no bloated /useless software, you name it)

I guarantee you, Steam Box and Steam OS revolutionizes this genre and knocks out 1 of the 3 in the console business. And I guarantee you it isn't going to be Sony or Nintendo. Microsoft has red taped processed itself out of touch with its consumers. They are COMPLETELY paralyzed by process. They don't stand a fucking chance.


Direct Xbone ports to PC? You're funny. No one is going to use the Xbone as a base for PC development or as an excuse to inflate RAM. The Xbone has major issues with RAM and it doesn't have to do with using a lot of it. If you want to use a Platform as an excuse for bloating up RAM use the PS4, because they can basically just throw everything and the kitchen sink at the PS4's RAM and that will bloat up numbers. Killzone SF uses fucking 800mb just for Render Targets.

Btw, Titanfall is Source Engine and dick all to do with any engine shit that CoD has used.

Steam Box is not going to have any mass invasion into the living room market.


Dude, SteamOS hasn't made its way into "mainstream" at all, it doesn't even fuckingexiston the market yet.

If Microsoft exits the console market it will be because of their own failures and internal problems (like major investors wanting to get rid of it) and Valve will have played dick all part in it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Direct Xbone ports to PC? You're funny. No one is going to use the Xbone as a base for PC development or as an excuse to inflate RAM.
Just what type of operating system do you think the Xbone is running there son? And you are wrong, Activision just did it.

Btw, Titanfall is Source Engine and dick all to do with anything engine shit that CoD has used.
Titanfall is about as much Source as Skyrim is to Gamebryo.

You don't seem to know a lot about how the development on Xbone/PC/PS4 seems to be working out. All the Xbone is right now is a glorified Windows Kernal. Publishers will continue to push cross platform development between Xbone and PC without any improvements in the initial 1-2 years of the system launch becauseit can easily do so.

Sean, you are the most dire man on the internet that needs to go read this book.

Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life: Spencer Johnson, Kenneth Blanchard: 9780399144462: Books

Change is coming. A big gigantic roll of cheese that is, at this moment in time, leaving the corner you have gone to feed on for the last 5 years and moving. Read this book. Don't be the mouse that keeps going back to that little corner hoping the cheese will return. It won't return. You need to go look for that new corner.

I cannot wait to revisit this thread this time next year.


Its going to be a marketing nightmare if it wants to get into living rooms like Sony / Nintendo / MS. If you have to upgrade the hardware inside to play games over the years as well it wont happen.


Just what type of operating system do you think the Xbone is running there son? And you are wrong, Activision just did it.

Titanfall is about as much Source as Skyrim is to Gamebryo.

You don't seem to know a lot about how the development on Xbone/PC/PS4 seems to be working out. All the Xbone is right now is a glorified Windows Kernal. Publishers will continue to push cross platform development between Xbone and PC without any improvements in the initial 1-2 years of the system launch becauseit can easily do so.

Sean, you are the most dire man on the internet that needs to go read this book.

Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life: Spencer Johnson, Kenneth Blanchard: 9780399144462: Books
I'll bet you that Activision's RAM requirements for CoD Ghosts (which are majorly inflated and not anywhere near what the game actually uses) has more to do with marketing and matching Ubisoft than any of the bullshit that you just pulled out of your ass. You are also hilariously misinformed if you think people will sit on engines for 1-2 years with no improvements, because that has never happened. People are always constantly iterating and improving them. This entire last generation has been blatantly obvious proof of that.

Note that game engines are built on a PC environment first andthenmodified to run on consoles. They are built with the consoles limitations in mind for basic game design, but they are made within a PC environment to begin with. Do you think DICE built Frostbite on the X360 kits and then ported it to the PC? No. It was the other way around. Same with Unreal (the most commonly used engine in existence), Cry Engine, etc.