The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


That's why not even Nintendo can really compete. They got lucky with the Wii gimmick remote, but just don't have the money to take on a Sony or Microsoft.
Nintendo has mountains of money. They could make WiiU failures for another 20 years and still have money. They can't compete because they have really terrible leadership. Iwata needs to GTFO. Thankfully his biggest supporter recently died so maybe there's hope for Nintendo to kick him the fuck out soon.


Funnily enough, I think the game looks worse in the higher bitrate footage than the Youtube footage. The low bitrate Youtube encodes seem to do a good job of hiding some of Killzone:SF's flaws, making it look better than it does in reality. Wouldn't have expected that.
I could not disagree more.

Looks amazing running the video on my 60" ST60.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'll bet you that Activision's RAM requirements for CoD Ghosts (which are majorly inflated and not anywhere near what the game actually uses) has more to do with marketing and matching Ubisoft than any of the bullshit that you just pulled out of your ass.
Oh ok there 800 Megs on a Target Render.
Did that statement come with some crumpled Charmin?

You are also hilariously misinformed if you think people will sit on engines for 1-2 years with no improvements, because that has never happened. People are always constantly iterating and improving them. This entire last generation has been blatantly obvious proof of that.
Oh yes, as we have seen, such improvements over the last 2-3 years. Jack shit for improvements between 2004 and 2008. Horrible PC ports, least common denominator development, what planet have you been living on the last 5 years? Jesus.

Note that game engines are built on a PC environment first andthenmodified to run on consoles. They are built with the consoles limitations in mind for basic game design, but they are made within a PC environment to begin with. Do you think DICE built Frostbite on the X360 kits and then ported it to the PC? No. It was the other way around. Same with Unreal (the most commonly used engine in existence), Cry Engine, etc.
This has absolutely nothing to do with least common denominator development, and all about modifications after the fact. Streaming data through narrow RAM bus architecture from two sources instead of one when on the PC you can stream that from one source. That's about the highlight of your PC optimization and a majority of the shit shoveled for these consoles these days is exactly that than ported to PC where for the first 2 years of next gen you will not notice any improvement in a games' visuals because of LCD Development cycles.

You are so far out of your league on this one, you need to just take a seat and play with your PS4 controller for a while...


I've been living on Planet earth the past 5 years. Engines have continually improved year after year. There is a night and day difference between games from the start of this last generation and the end of it.

You're justfull of shitdude.

We get it, you're the "angry PC gamer guy" who thinks he's always being fucked over by the evil game companies.


Toe Sucker
any other cool dudes rocking a PS4 controller for a console they can't use for 2 weeks?

I know i'm not the only one! #youcanuseitonthePCortheps3butyouneedtouseadiffere ntminiusbcablethattheydontsupply


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I've been living on Planet earth the past 5 years. Engines have continually improved year after year. There is a night and day difference between games from the start of this last generation and the end of it.

You're justfull of shitdude.

We get it, you're the "angry PC gamer guy" who thinks he's always being fucked over by the evil game companies.
Ah, no. I own a Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS, PC Gaming Rig, and an Atari Fucking Jaguar.

You aren't reading clearly... Move up closer to the screen.

Now get closer... Come on up close - Schooch up there.

Put on your bifocals.

Schooch some more.


There isn't a night and day difference within the 2 year development cycle on a next gen launch when publishers develop in tandem for these games and side shit a ported copy cat based on the same operation system kernal - in this case Call of Duty for Xbone and PC. You will see more of this as a result. And we are now seeing LCD development take hold to the point where we no longer see PC development using it's power, yet console development (Even next gen) hamstringing 3 year old technology to play catch up in an upscaled environment while doing nothing but the least effort possible for the first 2 years of a system launch. Hence, pointless to fucking buy one.

Ok you can back away from the screen now to play with your PS4 Controller.


Silver Squire
Amazon shipped me some games today which will be painful to look at until I get my PS4. Maybe they'll ship them early.


You're so hilariously wrong. People do not sit on their asses, they constantly improve their engines and tools. They are not going to justsit there for 2 years twiddling their thumbsand you are genuinely an *idiot* if you believe that to be true.

The man is not out to fuck you and game developers are not lazy and evil. The good ones that matter aren't anyways. You put way the fuck too much stock in what the Call of Duty developers do. Continue to rage on and act all indignant and mad. I will continue to buy and play awesome video games that I enjoy month after month.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You're so hilariously wrong. People do not sit on their asses, they constantly improve their engines and tools. They are not going to justsit there for 2 years twiddling their thumbsand you are genuinely an *idiot* if you believe that to be true.

The man is not out to fuck you and game developers are not lazy and evil. The good ones that matter aren't anyways. You put way the fuck too much stock in what the Call of Duty developers do. Continue to rage on and act all indignant and mad. I will continue to buy and play awesome video games that I enjoy month after month.
I want you to read what you wrote. I want you to read what I wrote. There is a time stamp in there. Something about 2 years. This could be like a Where's Waldo...

Are you able to comprehend basic English at this point or are you really out of it?

I would have thought the giant font would have helped in case you were seeing double for whatever reason.


I know what you wrote and it's a bunch of nonsense and drivel. You have your head up your ass.

Honestly, I thought a lot better of you. It's pretty sad dude.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Amazon shipped me some games today which will be painful to look at until I get my PS4. Maybe they'll ship them early.
Killzone order still says "Pre-ordered". The only thing I received early so far is the gamepad.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I know what you wrote and it's a bunch of nonsense and drivel. You have your head up your ass.

Honestly, I thought a lot better of you. It's pretty sad dude.
What I wrote is the way it is in the industry at present. You have no basis to think otherwise than having your heads in the clouds far away from the real world of development, hoping you get a decent game to play while this generation will advance hardly * anything at all *. You comparing a PS4 exclusive to a multiplatform launch while putting your hands up to your ears and screaming "La" isn't going to make that realization go away.

Look dude I know you love video games and if anyone pisses in your cherrios of excitement, for some reason you are going to go off the charts. But you are dead wrong with regards to development cycles for this generation, and you are going to see how wrong you are soon enough when SteamOS and Steam Box becomes your platform choice next year. :trainwreck:


Look dude I know you love video games and if anyone pisses in your cherrios of excitement, for some reason you are going to go off the charts. But you are dead wrong with regards to development cycles for this generation, and you are going to see how wrong you are soon enough when SteamOS and Steam Box becomes your platform choice next year. :trainwreck:
Eh, I dunno. I think Steam Machines will, eventually, win out over consoles, but I don't see it happening for a few years, at the very least. Valve is playing a long game here - I don't see them making much headway until Year 2 or Year 3 at the earliest.

I don't think the PS4/Xbox One will sell as well as most people expect them to, though. There is a lot of enthusiasm for the systems on gaming forums, but no-one else seems to care. People seem to be too busy salivating over the latest iPhone/iPad/Samsung Galaxy Whatever/etc. to care about the new consoles. I get the feeling that people will choose a new smartphone/tablet over a console when faced with the choice, which is going to massively hamper sales.

Of course, I could be wrong on that one. It's gonna be fun to see what sales are like this time next year, though!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Eh, I dunno. I think Steam Machines will, eventually, win out over consoles, but I don't see it happening for a few years, at the very least. Valve is playing a long game here - I don't see them making much headway until Year 2 or Year 3 at the earliest.

I don't think the PS4/Xbox One will sell as well as most people expect them to, though. There is a lot of enthusiasm for the systems on gaming forums, but no-one else seems to care. People seem to be too busy salivating over the latest iPhone/iPad/Samsung Galaxy Whatever/etc. to care about the new consoles. I get the feeling that people will choose a new smartphone/tablet over a console when faced with the choice, which is going to massively hamper sales.

Of course, I could be wrong on that one. It's gonna be fun to see what sales are like this time next year, though!
Nope I think you are dead right. Market is changing, and delivery mechanisms are changing. The industry is paralyzing itself with process, and companies are becoming bloated and unable to move quickly to market reactions. Valve is ten steps ahead of the game.

I hope Sean's PS4 controller will be compatible!