The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Jaguar was the worst. My brother had one and I still make fun of him to this day.



So my next point to bring Sean down a notch. Without a good amount of exclusive titles, or, a severe increase of graphical/animation/audio fidelity, and a time window minimum of two years before seeing benefits to the new system (Here is where Sean is going to toss out a listing of 56,000 games of which 5 may actually be worth a shit)the common denominator should be hold off this generation from a purchase until the library justifies it.

Without a doubt, no one can argue this is one of the most pitiful console launches known to mankind.
An interesting game or two coming out in launch window is plenty of justification for most early adopters. I'm not sure why you're trying to justify not getting a console at launch. People who buy at launch generally are people who want to be "in the thick of it", who want to have the new and shiny thing. Plus, if you have a job, 400 dollars really isn't that big of a commitment to a lot of people. If you're not one of those people, then yes, you're going to wait until the games justify it for you.

And I think the ps4 launch especially is looking pretty amazing for me as a fairly casual gamer. I'm getting a few decent looking games with ps+ that I haven't played yet, in the first couple of months; a couple of free to play games that I haven't played yet either; and knack, shadowfall, Need For Speed and AC should tide me over until March. I personally think we haven't had it this good yet. This is something that is entirely subjective, of course, but something I feel a lot of people would agree with me on.


And I think the ps4 launch especially is looking pretty amazing for me as a fairly casual gamer. I'm getting a few decent looking games with ps+ that I haven't played yet, in the first couple of months; a couple of free to play games that I haven't played yet either; and knack, shadowfall, Need For Speed and AC should tide me over until March. I personally think we haven't had it this good yet. This is something that is entirely subjective, of course, but something I feel a lot of people would agree with me on.
Yeah, this is easily the best launch ever for me personally.


Trakanon Raider
Well, there are a lot of games available for both consoles.

The problem being that most of those games are cross-generation, and are also available on PS3/360, with little solid information on how much better performing/playing the next-gen versions are.

If you are talking next-gen only games on disc, you're really only talking, what, Knack/Killzone on PS4, and Forza/Dead Rising/Ryse on XB1? That's not exactly all genres covered, especially if you only buy one system.


RE: Steam Machines

Two great posts from Neogaf.

There are a lot of misconceptions around this thing still. People, you need to stop thinking of this as a console in the traditional sense. It's using the same model as Amazon Kindle model.

You can buy a dedicated Kindle e-reader/tablet and buy books on it. Or you can buy books and have them delivered to your iPhone/Android/PC/Mac/Linux(I think?)/Tablet. Amazon is selling the ecosystem, not the hardware. They want to make sure that the ecosystem is able to expand into as many areas and devices as humanly possible. This is the exact same philosophy behind the expansion of Netflix. There's no such thing as a Netflix box - you can pretty much turn anything with a CPU into a Netflix box from your phone to your PC to your game console to your next smart TV.

Traditionally, PC games have been limited to the desktop. Forays into the living room have proven to be marginal successes at best because no company in the PC space has been able to attain the role of the leader. This includes Microsoft who made some forays into living room computing in the late 90's with WebTV (remember that?). The entire premise of the Steam "console" is not to sell hardware but to set a standard hardware spec that companies can rally around and make the living room PC mainstream. This way, the Steam ecosystem expands.

Valve doesn't really give a shit how it happens - Asus could end up making the hottest new Steam Engine approved spec living room PC and it wouldn't matter as long as someone who didn't previously look into PC gaming now has a viable platform to play PC games in their living room. Valve wins either way. You guys are completely missing the point about the lack of optical drive or the controller as well. PC gaming makes those things optional. If you don't like the controller, hook up your Xbox360, XboxOne, PS4 etc. controller up to it and you can start playing whatever it is you want on your Steam box.
NeoGAF - View Single Post - The Verge - Hands on the Steam Machine

You guys need to stop thinking about Steam in the same way you think about Xbox/PS4/Nintendo consoles.

Every other form of media except video games is moving towards being platform agnostic. I can watch Netflix on everything from a phone to an Xbox. I can buy music on iTunes that can be played on iPODs to my custom Linux laptop. You can read Amazon Kindle books on every imaginable platform from a Kindle to a Windows Phone to an Apple Tablet. Services that limit access of their content to specific devices have largely failed. Look at Microsoft's Zune Music Store or whatever it was called.

Video games for the most part on the only thing still restricted to specific pieces of hardware. Valve doesn't care what you play their games on, just that you buy it from their specific ecosystem. That's why they give customers incentives like the Workshop, Steam Trading Cards (which you can sell for money that can only be spent on Steam), the ability to trade games via gifting etc. They're monetizing their ecosystem in ways that a far beyond what the consoles are doing currently.
NeoGAF - View Single Post - - Valve

This guy has it right.


Well, there are a lot of games available for both consoles.

The problem being that most of those games are cross-generation, and are also available on PS3/360, with little solid information on how much better performing/playing the next-gen versions are.

If you are talking next-gen only games on disc, you're really only talking, what, Knack/Killzone on PS4, and Forza/Dead Rising/Ryse on XB1? That's not exactly all genres covered, especially if you only buy one system.
That's an extremely narrow way to look at it. Digital games matter and discounting all of the great Indie titles is pure bullshit and a disservice to the entirety of the games industry.

The cross-generation games are just as important too and it's silly to not include those. Being able to play those on the PS4 instead of the PS3/X360 is a MAJOR draw for me.


Well, there are a lot of games available for both consoles.

The problem being that most of those games are cross-generation, and are also available on PS3/360,with little solid information on how much better performing/playing the next-gen versions are.

If you are talking next-gen only games on disc, you're really only talking, what, Knack/Killzone on PS4, and Forza/Dead Rising/Ryse on XB1? That's not exactly all genres covered, especially if you only buy one system.
I'm pretty sure there's pretty solid information out there. But I would think that, for the ps4 at least, the simple fact that it's 1080p(or 900p in BF4's case) and 60 fps should draw you to buy them on next gen instead of current gen.

As for the exclusives, there's NFS on ps4 now as well, and I feel as if 3 titles out on launch day is pretty reasonable, if you take into account the large amount of cross gen and indies, plus a few f2p tittles. I'm not sure what more you could possibly expect.


The other thing is, where the fuck are you guys going to get the time to play MORE games than this? I have more time than *anyone* else on this board to do so and this is a lot even for me.


Ssraeszha Raider
Nintendo has mountains of money. They could make WiiU failures for another 20 years and still have money. They can't compete because they have really terrible leadership. Iwata needs to GTFO. Thankfully his biggest supporter recently died so maybe there's hope for Nintendo to kick him the fuck out soon.
WiiU wasn't sold at a loss and the company can't eat the losses like a Microsoft or Sony can. Both of them are over 10x the size of Nintendo.


WiiU wasn't sold at a loss and the company can't eat the losses like a Microsoft or Sony can. Both of them are over 10x the size of Nintendo.
The Wii U is being sold at a loss, actually. The controller costs a shit load to make, apparently.

Nintendo still selling Wii U at a loss | GamesIndustry International

Also, not sure if it was mentioned here, but the Wii U actually sold -20,000 units in Europe in the last quarter. Yup, negative sales, meaning retailers sent units back to Nintendo because they weren't selling. I don't think that's ever happened to a console before.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, Utnayan is dead wrong on this.
Dates are off.

CoD3 is Nov 6 2006. COD 4 is a year later and obviously better since COD3 was originally designed for the fucking PS2 and upscaled. The next game was Call of Duty 4. One Year in-between. Obviously COD4 will be looking better than a game that was developed for PS2 and upscaled. Notice the two year time frame until you see a minimum and better upgrade which actually makes use of the system better. Still, that was 2 and a half years in between with a lot of shitty upscaled games because of, gee, guess.... Lowest Common Denominator development.

Point being, we will not see shit that is better than what we see today on a console for a minimum of two years, because upscaling and less object pop.

2015 we will start seeing some games that may finally start taking advantage of the system.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The other thing is, where the fuck are you guys going to get the time to play MORE games than this? I have more time than *anyone* else on this board to do so and this is a lot even for me.
I consider it a shitty launch (and let's lump everything announced for 2014 in there too) because of several factors:

First and foremost, there's the PC overlap. Games like Watch Dogs, Thief, Dark Souls 2, and whatever else is coming out in the next year that I can't remember off the top of my head aren't even a consideration for buying a PS4, since I will play them all on PC anyway. And then there's the fact that there's really only a handful of console exclusives announced so far that look remotely interesting--basically Knack, Rime, and Deep Down (depending on how retarded Capcom's F2P scheme is). Indies are definitely a draw, but Rime alone isn't enough when others like Transistor are on PC too.

Not sure what it'll take for me to get a PS4. PS3 finally won me over in 2010 with the combination of Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, FF XIII, Resonance of Fate, and Bayonetta. DS is now moot because of Dark Souls being on PC and not on PS4 (and I don't even like Dark much compared to Demon's), Lightning Returns is PS3-only and FF XV looks fucking awful, Quantic Dream just released a game and they have very long dev cycles, and SEGA shits all over everything it touches so that rules out anything like the remaining three.

So I guess I'll buy one whenever Naughty Dog puts out a new game, but if it's Uncharted 4 I won't be rushing out to buy it day one. Like you said above, Uncharted 3 wrapped things up nicely. Other than that, it would take Atlus or tri-Ace announcing a new PS4 game to get my attention, but Atlus is pretty much broke so I don't see SMT breaking out of its portable-only shitfest anytime soon.


Life's a Dream
...developed for PS2 and upscaled.

Oh, so it was really easy to make PS3 games. Takes seconds to port them from console to console.
What were all of those developers thinking bitching the way they did early on?

Ut, just accept that you're a 100% failure in this thread and you have absolutely no credibility when it comes to this topic. "I play games!" Yeah, go shit in a hat.