The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


You shouldnt have to do too much investigating early on unless you plan to drop some major cash and buy the Warframe and weapons from the store. It takes time to level up and be able to build your own stuff so you have plenty of time to learn what's what along the way. There was a vid posted a few pages back that covers mod Fusion which helped.

Warframe Wikiis a good resource for reading up on the weapons, warframes and mechanics.
I'll check that out when I run out of other shit to play maybe. Also, of the 3 starter frames I picked Loki, hopefully that wasn't a mistake.


Loki really isnt too much of a direct combat frame. His abilities lean more towards stealth/subterfuge styles of combat. He can make decoys, go invisible and do huge damage attacks while invisible. Hes very fast but fairly fragile in terms of health rating and shields. Here's a gameplay vid of his abilities (dont wanna shit the thread up with too many youtubes)

Loki gameplay video


Loki really isnt too much of a direct combat frame. His abilities lean more towards stealth/subterfuge styles of combat. He can make decoys, go invisible and do huge damage attacks while invisible. Hes very fast but fairly fragile in terms of health rating and shields. Here's a gameplay vid of his abilities (dont wanna shit the thread up with too many youtubes)

Loki gameplay video
Yeah, I'm mostly a fan of stealth and/or long range classes. They're usually the only types I play. With how Loki's invisibility works it looks like he's best as using a Shotgun or Melee with his get in/get out and distraction abilities. Usually I play Sniper type stuff, but that style of play works too.

Are any of them a good Sniper type class?


The one I use, Banshee, is actually a pretty good sniper. I have it equipped with a Paris for her primary weapon (it's a big ass bow) that can one shot most grunts Ive come across if fully charged. Her special abilities rely on knockbacks/knockdowns and exposing weak spots, which helps me put big damage where it counts and keeps the herds of Infested off me when they come charging.

Just check out the abilities tab of each Frame and you can get a better sense of what the playstyle would be like for each one. I want to build an Ember next. Looks like this games glass cannon but those are usually pretty fun.


Sean's a Ranger. And then a Hunter. of COURSE he likes range attacks.
Hahah, and don't forget Archer/Bard in FF14 Xarp!

I pretty much only play those types in MMOs and in most RPGs/Action games if given the choice, though I do play melee in rare exceptions like the Dragon Age series. Ironically, I'm quite a bit better with melee types in non-MMOs where you don't just select targets and press abilities. It's a lot harder for me to aim now a days.


<Gold Donor>
I haven't felt the slightest urge to use the cash shop yet, but god damn I was reading that after I bought the blueprint for Saryn how long the builds take to complete. Guess I have to wait a few days to get her done, heh. Picked Mag at the start and so far she's decent - relatively good crowd control, cool looking etc. Not sure how long I will play the game, but for a free game I think its great.


Ahh.. You sold me then unsold me on war frame when you mentioned cash shop or grind
It's a Free to Play game so that sorta thing is to be expected. Maybe grindy isnt the correct word, farmy? Not sure that's better. Certain materials and items are only obtainable from certain areas so you gotta do missions in that area to get what youre after. Where you go and what you do is determined by what you're trying to build.

Honestly Im not to that sorta thing yet really, my main Warframe is barely in the teens level wise so I cant really comment on just how grindy/farmy it might end up being once you get up in levels, but Ive not encountered a FTP game yet that wasnt grindy in some way.


Loses house in tornado, PS4 survives. Sony needs to do some kind of advertising with him.



Back when I played Warframe some months ago, I could destory about any boss with Rhino. That 20 seconds of invulnerability was pretty much a "fuck you" has I commence to fire rounds off at his face. Rhino is also a team saver since you can get anyone up from death without any worry of dying yourself. You kind of lack damage but that didn't matter since it was damn near impossible to kill you.

The farming can get out of hand. I remember killing a boss about 50 times to acquire all the pieces needed to finish building another warframe. I should load it up again and see if my warframe compares to what new stuff has been added.


Rhino is one of the experience locked warframes on the ps4 (maybe in the pc version too, I dunno), cant get him as your first frame whether you use real cash or not. Some sort of overall rank requirement before you can get him or even some of the really high damage weapons.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
My wife's friend's husband is working on Warframe. Does this make me an insider?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Agree and disagree. We aren't talking about companies getting 3-4 PS4's for their office so the reviewer can come in and do their job. We are talking about each one of them getting one to take home to play on their own personal time. There is a difference.

I agree in the fact they need this to do their jobs. I do not think that the systems should be given away on an individual level to take home with them for personal use. If they want to do that, they should have to buy one like everyone else and keep the reviewers in their offices playing review copies of games.

Either way, a lot of the organizations in charge of the review sites are paid off anyway, so it wouldn't do any good.