The Counselor


Molten Core Raider
no clue what the plot is....rly dont care w that cast
This is a 3 sentence summary:
The terrain of the script is reminiscent of the rough and tumble world depicted in "No Country For Old Men". The protagonist in "The Counselor" is a respected lawyer who thinks he can dip a toe in to the drug business without getting sucked down. It is a bad decision and he tries his best to survive it and get out of a desperate situation.


Life's a Dream
It happens before Prometheus, but after Gladiator. After Robin Hood too, which fits between Councelor and Gladiator.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not sure what this movie is about.. Looks interesting though. Is it along the same lines as Pulp Fiction?


FPS noob
Saul's Brother: The Movie (with better looking people)

is Cameron Diaz possibly lez'ing out something I want to see or not... hmmm


For fucksake do NOT go see this pile of shit. I only made this thread as a warning to save your fucking money. I made the mistake of seeing this last night around 9pm and I was falling asleep non-stop. The dialogue is interesting but the fucking movie DRAGS and you have no clue what the fuck is going on and why for 90% of the movie. The good reviews (I read after I watched to see if I was wrong or something) even agree the movie is a confusing mess saved only by the dialogue.

Also, someone please put Cameron Diaz down like the dog she is. How anyone ever thought she was a good actress I'll never understand. Javier Bardem was a pimp as always though.


Tranny Chaser
I can't really disagree. It's got some very, very good scenes with some excellent dialogue and some great acting but it's also got scenes that are justterrible.Long ones.Long.If it was about thirty minutes shorter it could have been a whole bunch of dark fun but the pacing is awful and the distance between the great scenes is too far. The film becomes grossly indulgent and has too high opinion of itself.

That fucking lecture at the end. My. God.


I can't really disagree. It's got some very, very good scenes with some excellent dialogue and some great acting but it's also got scenes that are justterrible.Long ones.Long.If it was about thirty minutes shorter it could have been a whole bunch of dark fun but the pacing is awful and the distance between the great scenes is too far. The film becomes grossly indulgent and has too high opinion of itself.

That fucking lecture at the end. My. God.
So many worthless scenes. Whoever edited this fucking movie should be banned from ever making movies again. I stopped keeping track of all the scenes where at the end of them I was like "WHAT PURPOSE DID THAT HAVE"? First one I can think of is the fucking motorcycle guy showing up to his home/air cargo place. WHAT DID THAT SHOW?