The Dark Knight Rises

Aychamo BanBan

Did anyone think that Batman's costume looked like it was made out of foam in some of the fight scenes? It may have just been me, but the way it flexed in some of the fight scenes made it just look so damn fake. And it seemed like "Bruce Wayne" gained and lost so much weight at different parts of the movie. At one point I thought he looked like "the mechanic."


Blackwing Lair Raider
Was anyone else disappointed in Bane's voice? Batman talks like he has throat cancer, but Bane is kinda whiny when I was expecting (hoping for?) James Earl Jones.

I enjoyed the movie even still, and here is hoping more are made, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Robin.
I hope they don't make another movie with Robin, unless Chris Nolan changes his mind and decides to do it. The Bonus features on the Blu-Ray have all the directors
of the Batman movies talking about how and why they creatively came at their movies (Specifically regarding the bat mobile). Shit was comical and you can see how some of it became so bad and ridiculous.
The ending always gets me right in the feels
I'm with you. Here's my thought on it, but it's a spoiler so....

It's fucking epic. First time watching you know it's supposed to close out the series, and they could kill him off. You see him flying with the bomb over the ocean and it seems impossible that he could possibly get out of certain death. With like 5 seconds left he looks resigned to his fate but satisfied with being able to save his city. How did he get away? The Auto pilot? Was what we watched possibly him before? Did a pod escape? Who the fuck knows, but he's the god damn batman and if anyone could get out of it, he could. Loved that moment with him and Alfred at the end... and I don't fucking care about the fact that he should be recognized around the freakin world.

Someone said to me that, the end where you see him again is just Alfred's fantasy, but I'd like to actually think that he survived and that he found peace.


I'm with you. Here's my thought on it, but it's a spoiler so....

It's fucking epic. First time watching you know it's supposed to close out the series, and they could kill him off. You see him flying with the bomb over the ocean and it seems impossible that he could possibly get out of certain death. With like 5 seconds left he looks resigned to his fate but satisfied with being able to save his city. How did he get away? The Auto pilot? Was what we watched possibly him before? Did a pod escape? Who the fuck knows, but he's the god damn batman and if anyone could get out of it, he could. Loved that moment with him and Alfred at the end... and I don't fucking care about the fact that he should be recognized around the freakin world.

Someone said to me that, the end where you see him again is just Alfred's fantasy, but I'd like to actually think that he survived and that he found peace.
In regards to him being recognized around the world: Thats fine. In theory it's Batman who died, and Bruce Wayne being alive and well on vacation is nothing out of the norm. Infact it would help seperate the two identities because everyone on the planet now assumes Batman died that day. And everyone who knew his identity is either dead or on his side.


I'm with you. Here's my thought on it, but it's a spoiler so....

It's fucking epic. First time watching you know it's supposed to close out the series, and they could kill him off. You see him flying with the bomb over the ocean and it seems impossible that he could possibly get out of certain death. With like 5 seconds left he looks resigned to his fate but satisfied with being able to save his city. How did he get away? The Auto pilot? Was what we watched possibly him before? Did a pod escape? Who the fuck knows, but he's the god damn batman and if anyone could get out of it, he could. Loved that moment with him and Alfred at the end... and I don't fucking care about the fact that he should be recognized around the freakin world.

Someone said to me that, the end where you see him again is just Alfred's fantasy, but I'd like to actually think that he survived and that he found peace.
According to the movie, bruce wayne added in autopilot at the last minute, so you can pretty much assume that he used it to escape the batwing without anyone noticing. The idea of bruce wayne is to kill off batman for good. He is too old to continue being batman.

Aychamo BanBan

According to the movie, bruce wayne added in autopilot at the last minute, so you can pretty much assume that he used it to escape the batwing without anyone noticing. The idea of bruce wayne is to kill off batman for good. He is too old to continue being batman.
Except they buried Bruce Wayne and his will gave away his shit etc


Except they buried Bruce Wayne and his will gave away his shit etc
I dont think they ever showed his grave did they ? just his parents. I thought the idea of giving away his stuff was because he signed it over to that girl (cant remember her name) who ended up dying. *shrug* I dont really remember the ending. I lost interest after they put the bomb on the batwing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dont think they ever showed his grave did they ? just his parents. I thought the idea of giving away his stuff was because he signed it over to that girl (cant remember her name) who ended up dying. *shrug* I dont really remember the ending. I lost interest after they put the bomb on the batwing.
Yeah, it's Bruce Wayne's will, and it's his tombstone they're standing at before the camera shifts to Alfred talking to his parents graves.
They go into the fact that he fixed the autopilot for a reason, to enforce the belief that he lived. I want to believe he lived, but this is the mindfucker Chris Nolan. It has to be know that Bruce Wayne is dead by the public. And a billionaire in an open cafe is unlikely to go unnoticed. It really seemed to me that he had accepted death at the end in the batwing. Maybe he's dead, or maybe it'll turn out that Bruce Wayne come out publicly later that he survived the siege of Gotham, but it's really up for interpretation and that's what I think Nolan wanted. I hope one day he talks about it, but I doubt it. Mindfucker.

Beef Supreme_sl

Dark Knight Rises was a sham.

Batman doesn't retire. Batman certainly doesn't retire off to jet-set around with world with Selena Kyle while leaving Gotham in the worthy hands of Robin Blake.

Nolan stated he didn't like the Robin angle for his "new, gritty" Batman, AND goes to great lengths to give all the characters in his movie their "real" comic names, so why does he both ADD in Robin when he said he wouldn't and then invent him as a new character? Da fuq?

Why even have Bane in the movie, show his physical prowess and NOT use it as a device to heal Bruce Wayne's back? I'm not talking about something overt like Venom or anything, but ANYTHING to tie Bane's power to fixing Batman's back. Sloppy and wasteful.

Catwoman deus-ex'ing Bane at the end was a waste of Bane's character. He was best part of the movie, and to have him reversed-jack-in-the-boxed by a barely-there Catwoman is cheap.

The fucking scene with Wayne at the hospital being "mortalized" is obscene with how Nolan handles Batman's physical abilities through out the movie. The no ligaments in the knee thing is retarded as no one can overcome that kind of injury. No electric leg brace, no wall-breaking, no walking, no nothing. The scene should have never been in the movie.

The hovering Bat-thing is dumb.

Again, Batman doesn't retire. He is just as psychotic as Joker, Two-Face, etc; it's just that he uses it for good. Batman doesn't retire. He may go underground a-la DKR, or train an heir when he gets too old, a-la Batman Beyond, but he doesn't hang it up and become Bruce Wayne again.

Bruce Wayne is the mask Batman wears to facilitate what Batman needs.

Batman doesn't do what Batman does for Batman. Batman does what Batman does because Batman is Batman.


Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
I wanted a CGI bigass Bane that was fueled by chemicals, not a muscular human-looking dude who could just beat batman up. I guess the cartoonish villains wouldnt work in a Nolan batman flick, so maybe Bane wasn't the ideal choice from batman's list of enemies. Enjoyed the movie, but not as much as the first two.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Finally watched it last night, was not impressed overall. I thought the first 2 where much better. I thought the story was pretty un-interesting, Bane was a pain in the arse to understand at certain points and it just felt like a let down to the end of the series.


Golden Squire
About Bruce Wayne being recognized around the world, he managed to disappear just fine in Batman Begins without being recognized. Therefore it's not implausible for him to do it again especially after living as a recuse for a number of years.


<Prior Amod>
JGL might make a good nightwing, he has access to the cave, maybe he'll modify the batman suit to be a bit nightwing'ish in stead of red/green robin. doesn't seem like it'll happen tho.