The Elder Scrolls Online


Ssraeszha Raider
90% of the upcoming MMORPGs will be shit. You heard it here first, folks.
This basically. If he hypes the shit out of a game that turns out to be amazing, then I'll be impressed. He like the opposite of those crazy old men that predict the end of the world on certain days.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
These guys all try to suggest they have "insider info" but its really just devs posting in other places (somethingawful, reddit, pennyarcade, etc) being retransmitted.
This is 100% bullshit. Except the part where if I cross post something from there, I also note that I am doing so and where it is coming from (And the one time it wasn't an opinion of another poster, and an actual dev, I noted that as well in the post - which was in some Dead Space 3 / EA thread here and regarded microtransactions/how none of the main team wanted them in.) I didn't know the guy. I just saw it on the other forum, knew he was a developer on that game based on previous posts, and cross referenced here so everyone could see it. Oh, and last I checked, some of those sites you listed have their heads so far up the mainstream viral grassroots developers advertisement budgets, they see dollar signs while running face first into a hemorrhoid.

Other than that, it doesn't really matter. You can just look at me as some guy expressing opinion based on what I had heard then. I could really give a rip.

And yeah. 90% of MMORPG's are shit. And I go a bit deeper than that as into why certain games are shit. And when I found out why, I'll post it. Such as Firefall when I found out Mark Kern treats the majority of his employees like shit, scraps whole systems that are fully functional and developed on power trips (Literally, no design reason what so ever than just to be an asshole) and now has a complete lack of content in the game. Treating employees horrible to the point of berating them in front of an entire office. Why is the game going to be shit? Because it will have a team behind it that will not be creative anymore. They won't care for the success of Kern or his company. And their creative process certainly won't be firing off like it should. They are berated and uninspired employees now as a result of shit treatment. It's why the premise of what could have been, will once again fail.

TESO: Online goes without saying obviously.

McQuaid was going through some really shitty times, was lying about what was in the product, anyone in the company working on it saw it, and I called out the bullshit long before it was made public. Again, this isn't about bragging, it's about posting why a game is going to suck, and admittedly, going overboard in past posts when I know people are full of shit.

Same with 38 studios when I knew, and others, that Rhode Island would be backing that loan from the tyax payers when Kurt said that would never happen. When Danuser came in here full of shit as always about the status of RA Salvatore's involvement and how great of a guy Schilling was when his employees found out their 1st mortgages/houses were not sold and saw their credit rating plummet, or were piping out their first born to realize there wasn't any medical insurance.

It's shit like that I like to post and make known. Not that "This game will suck" and flip a coin. But it's the above that is the reason why these games fucking suck, and for some reason, while the other genres in the industry are certainly not immune, this genre in particular continues to hire these unethical fucks and the games here, still for the majority, suffer to the point now where people think a new MMORPG is a great thing with a fresh coat of paint and nothing new under the hood.

It's ridiculous.


I started really lurking FoH around the time the Vanguard beta was just starting , then I got into it in phase 3 I believe (it's "revamp" from the original combat ) which was right as MS dropped them that spring/summer before launch. I remember UT's posts then and was hoping he was wrong but it took a week into beta to be horrified at the state of the game and more horrified at the beta forums. I have been in many beta's over the years , early phases often , and have yet to come across such a religious fervor as I saw on the closed beta VG forums.

From McQuaid's posts there to his followers shouting down anyone who dared question anything , it was a train wreck that continued to build and build and continue to get worse just when you thought it couldn't get worse.

Whether over the top or not , UT's posts about the Vanguard inc trainwreck were beyond spot on about that. It wasn't about being a bad game (great concept but horrific implementation) , but about how it was truly a 101 business class in how not to run a company.

And it continued to get worse leading all the way up to the parking lot firing debacle while McQuaid posted crying from home.

It just seems there are bad games and "meh" mmo's at times , then there are truly debacles that people should see coming but refuse to. I was guilty of it myself with wanting so much to believe that Bioware couldn't truly be launching a pseudo single player mmo hanging their hat on voice acting even though all signs pointed to it if you followed it before launch with open eyes. Malgus sits in the garage to get kicked around by my kids still.

Out of all the upcoming "big" mmo's , it just seems ESO has the whiff of being another epic fail , hoping not , but just the impression I get from beta leaks and so on.

I told everyone that this shitty game would be pushed back to Summer 2014 or later for the next gen consoles version as well as pc.

Coming summer 2014 it says now. Lulz not sure how long it has said that.

I want to say that, I totally love elder scrolls games but this will be abortion of the elder scrolls games.
How does that old saying go, Jack of all trades and master of none.
In the overhyping of the game to, the game engine, to trying to keep console players happy with the single player elder scrolls game happy while still claiming this is fucking MMO.
Its just a train wreck waiting to happen!!



I thought WoW was shit, but it's still better than the Elder Scrolls games because they are super shit.

What the hell are you babbling about? The series changes with each iteration. Morrowind was pretty cool and had lots of depth. Oblivion was dumb shit for kids like you, with lots of stuff removed. Skyrim, graphics are stunning

Ohhh my bad when you said that the'Elder Scrolls gameswere super shit' you really meant Morrowind was pretty cool with heaps of depth, Oblivion was shit and Skryim was pretty good.

I humbly apologize for misinterpreting your words. Definitely my fault I should have known..

P.S You wouldn't happen to be a female by any chance?


What are your thoughts on wildstar UT? Have much inside info on the team there? i'd ask in the Wildstar thread but you don't seem to go there much.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What are your thoughts on wildstar UT? Have much inside info on the team there? i'd ask in the Wildstar thread but you don't seem to go there much.
The game is nothing more than Sci-Fi WoW with a really nice structure builder and everything will be mostly the same from a progression view. It plays and looks more like Beyond Good and Evil meets MMORPG. Which, I loved Beyond Good and Evil so no complaints here. The main problem is going to be NCSoft. They are going to fuck their Hybrid model right up it's ass and Carbine will have zero control over it. So regardless of how you feel about the game now, when the next "Business Model" reveal comes out, throw it to the wind because NcSoft is going to make Guild Wars 2's shit gold buying system look like a small hiccup 2 months after launch.

TL;DR - Great development team, some good concepts, same game with a fresh coat of paint (Even with the recently announcement free form shooting) but none of that will matter. NcSoft is a horrible fucking publisher/parent company. And those poor people at Carbine will find out after launch when the entire studio gets scaled back to shit and their live/expansion teams get sliced to about 40% of what they were. Leaving a lot of planned content updates up in the air while NcSoft forces online store items as "content" trying to capture the ultimate 2-4 month window of maximizing online sales with a market base that will be declining 6 months post launch, not knowing that NcSoft is causing the decline in the first place.
The game is nothing more than Sci-Fi WoW with a really nice structure builder and everything will be mostly the same from a progression view. It plays and looks more like Beyond Good and Evil meets MMORPG. Which, I loved Beyond Good and Evil so no complaints here. The main problem is going to be NCSoft. They are going to fuck their Hybrid model right up it's ass and Carbine will have zero control over it. So regardless of how you feel about the game now, when the next "Business Model" reveal comes out, throw it to the wind because NcSoft is going to make Guild Wars 2's shit gold buying system look like a small hiccup 2 months after launch.

TL;DR - Great development team, some good concepts, same game with a fresh coat of paint (Even with the recently announcement free form shooting) but none of that will matter. NcSoft is a horrible fucking publisher/parent company. And those poor people at Carbine will find out after launch when the entire studio gets scaled back to shit and their live/expansion teams get sliced to about 40% of what they were. Leaving a lot of planned content updates up in the air while NcSoft forces online store items as "content" trying to capture the ultimate 2-4 month window of maximizing online sales with a market base that will be declining 6 months post launch, not knowing that NcSoft is causing the decline in the first place.
Spot on assessment of the game mate.

Ncsoft I totally agree is going to fuck the studio no matter how good or bad the game is with the hybrid model Carbine studios will have zero control over.

Carbine will find out after launch when the entire studio gets scaled back to shit and their live/expansion teams get sliced to about 40% of what they were.

That statement is the only thing I disagree with mate 40% its Ncsoft it be more like 60 percent mate.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
*cough* Carbine is going to have a lot more control than you think. In fact all the NA... well Arena and Carbine both have pretty much full control over everything that is their brand now anything you hear differently is spin on their part for their incompetence. So bad decisions are really theirs to make. If and when Blade and Pole ever see the light of day fucked up decisions of Koreans thinking they know Americans will be made again ala Aion and Lineage 2.


Silver Squire
I've never been so turned off to questing as in wild star. Makes tera quests seem innovative and fresh.
Ohhh my bad when you said that the'Elder Scrolls gameswere super shit' you really meant Morrowind was pretty cool with heaps of depth, Oblivion was shit and Skryim was pretty good.
Nah morrowind was just good in relation to the other shitty elder scrolls games. It was still a shitty game in general. It was like a single player mmo. And Skyrim is not pretty good. It has nice graphics if you mod it, and it made some improvements to the series, some that I really appreciate. Again, great in relation to Oblivilolz, but not great compared to other games.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
*cough* Carbine is going to have a lot more control than you think. In fact all the NA... well Arena and Carbine both have pretty much full control over everything that is their brand now anything you hear differently is spin on their part for their incompetence. So bad decisions are really theirs to make. If and when Blade and Pole ever see the light of day fucked up decisions of Koreans thinking they know Americans will be made again ala Aion and Lineage 2.
The game is nothing more than Sci-Fi WoW with a really nice structure builder and everything will be mostly the same from a progression view. It plays and looks more like Beyond Good and Evil meets MMORPG. Which, I loved Beyond Good and Evil so no complaints here. The main problem is going to be NCSoft. They are going to fuck their Hybrid model right up it's ass and Carbine will have zero control over it. So regardless of how you feel about the game now, when the next "Business Model" reveal comes out, throw it to the wind because NcSoft is going to make Guild Wars 2's shit gold buying system look like a small hiccup 2 months after launch.

TL;DR - Great development team, some good concepts, same game with a fresh coat of paint (Even with the recently announcement free form shooting) but none of that will matter. NcSoft is a horrible fucking publisher/parent company. And those poor people at Carbine will find out after launch when the entire studio gets scaled back to shit and their live/expansion teams get sliced to about 40% of what they were. Leaving a lot of planned content updates up in the air while NcSoft forces online store items as "content" trying to capture the ultimate 2-4 month window of maximizing online sales with a market base that will be declining 6 months post launch, not knowing that NcSoft is causing the decline in the first place.
Maybe you have some insider info about the contracts Carbine and Arenanet have with NCsoft, but the TLDR from UT right here can be applied to GW2 almost to the letter. And they also seemed in control of their plans before release. Now maybe the Arenanet team just went full retard after releasing their game but imo something doesnt add up and NCsoft might the reason.

P.S. Ut, TLDR thats a line longer then the original paragraph?


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
My brother loved WoW.. Got wildstar beta months ago and hasn't touched it...
I got in a few weeks back, and I can't stop logging in. So opinions will vary.


I find it interesting you are saying NCSoft is a punishment as a parent company, when they seem to be the only publisher in town doing anything. Who's better and what other options are there?

Blizzard mothballed Titan, and EA is probably never touching another MMO after Earth & Beyond and now SWTOR. SOE is, well, SOE.

NCSoft does want their investment recouped. That said they seem to have given the GW2 team a ton of latitude.