The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not for nothing but being ok with a sub based game that also has a cash shop makes me leery too. Just bc we as gamers should not let them move the needle to far into the greedy margin. That cash shop shit should be made by crafters or dropped in the game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Are you implying that I'm some kind of industry insider?

I'm in charge of operations at a group of 3 restaurants in Southern Ontario... I also bartend on the side...

I can send you a gift certificate if you like. We have some pretty awesome local microbrews on tap...
I didn't imply that at all. I was asking if you knew of anyone that would defend this to save their job because this type of system depends on it. Meaning, they would have an alternate agenda.

Gamers themselves, a strong majority are against it. But then they are a fickle bunch and they still spend money.

Canada eh? Us Minnesooootans you know you betchya are just due south, and the Mackenzie brothers are still our heroes.


EQOA Refugee
Defending cash shops in sub games is idiotic. They still don't give us our money's worth for the $15 sub fee. If they can find the time to make cash shop items too, why can't they pump out more content?

All these gamers that support these micro transactions are idiots. It's one thing if the game is free, but when you pay for a game and every expansion, you ARE entitled to a complete game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, I really don't get what these guys are thinking. For the sake of MMOs you need to crush any talk like that. The I don't care approach is going to come back and bite you.


Trump's Staff
Defending cash shops in sub games is idiotic. They still don't give us our money's worth for the $15 sub fee. If they can find the time to make cash shop items too, why can't they pump out more content?

All these gamers that support these micro transactions are idiots. It's one thing if the game is free, but when you pay for a game and every expansion, you ARE entitled to a complete game.
You are entitled to nothing. Vote with your wallet.


Trump's Staff
Yea, I really don't get what these guys are thinking. For the sake of MMOs you need to crush any talk like that. The I don't care approach is going to come back and bite you.
nah, it wont, cuz I wont buy it. If I got mad at every stupid person who did stupid shit in front of me it'd be a one way ticket to qwertyland.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
nah, it wont, cuz I wont buy it. If I got mad at every stupid person who did stupid shit in front of me it'd be a one way ticket to qwertyland.
So you're arguing points for something you won't buy? You have to remember we are not the target audience for games anymore but we are by far the watchdogs. The casuals will buy this shit and think nothing of it and the industry will keep mannipulating them. It's not a good thing for anyone but them. Lets not let mmos go full retard or you won't be playing anything bc they will be sub with ptw cash shop.


Trump's Staff
So you're arguing points for something you won't buy? You have to remember we are not the target audience for games anymore but we are by far the watchdogs. The casuals will buy this shit and think nothing of it and the industry will keep mannipulating them. It's not a good thing for anyone but them. Lets not let mmos go full retard or you won't be playing anything bc they will be sub with ptw cash shop.
Too old for crusades man, sorry. People are gonna do what they are gonna do.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's my point tho.its like you're just bowing down, given up..:-(. That's fine if you have but to defend the practice? That's a whole different thing.


Trump's Staff
I'm not defending it, so much as accepting the visceral reality of the situation. We exist in a world whee psychological marketing is extremely evolved. Acting like we're all so shocked and outraged by it just seems silly at this point.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol don't get it twisted. I'm not outraged... I'm saying have standards. If we all just turn a blind eye and accept w/e comes down the pipe it will turn into a shit show. Players do have say. Look at Eve for proof.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Just asked a few of my friends in the Beta about how much land will be available at launch I can't elaborate too much because I promised but they said "IT'S HUGE" and except for every zone,dungeon,building it's completely uninstanced. Wonder where they got this tech from. Can't wait! More updates coming soon!
Not to hate but -

I read this in my 2005 voice and replaced "The Elder Scrolls: Online" with "Vanguard" and it was exactly the same result.

Angry Amadeus_sl

Also, for me Skyrim and all of TES series is first and foremost solo play. I am the hero. Me - the one. The only one. I don't expect to come across any other PCs in any of these games and that's exactly how I want it. People generally suck balls.

Unless it's on a server like Gilgamesh, loaded with post-op trans and Reddit fuckstains, where we will be feasting early in the morn tomorrow.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Defending cash shops in sub games is idiotic. They still don't give us our money's worth for the $15 sub fee. If they can find the time to make cash shop items too, why can't they pump out more content?

All these gamers that support these micro transactions are idiots. It's one thing if the game is free, but when you pay for a game and every expansion, you ARE entitled to a complete game.
Frankly, I really don't care what kind of cash shop F2P or Sub games have. The reason being is that the market will weed them out. If I think a game is P2W , Runes of Magic is a good example, then I stop playing it. So do most players. Some idiots will stick around and pay the short sighted devs a big percentage of their hard earned cash, but the majority of gamers, by a large margin, are not willing to put up with it. Most games that don't cater to mass market forces become sad also rans. Sure, they make money, but they are not the kind of ATM machines that real businesses become.

World of Tanks is a great example of devs realizing what the market and people truly care about. They have changed over time to accommodate the majority of game players and their attitudes. And they win because of it. They are doing so well that they have even been able to get Microsoft to reconsider their outmoded thinking. Given a chance, the market will decide the best outcomes for most people.

That isn't to say that there isn't a place for niche games. But a niche game that is P2W will have a very short lifespan. And a sub game that has s cash shop is one of those things that the majority just doesn't care about, as long as the items for sale don't effect player power.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm since the game will also be released on both PS4 and XboxOne, how will they manage the consoles' online services fees ? Like you'll your $15 to Zenimax / Bethesda, then you also have to pay for the Xbox / PS online service ?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hmm since the game will also be released on both PS4 and XboxOne, how will they manage the consoles' online services fees ? Like you'll your $15 to Zenimax / Bethesda, then you also have to pay for the Xbox / PS online service ?
I wonder if with xbox you will have to pay for gold membership and THEN your sub fee. This killed my usage of my 360 and shifted all my focus to the PS3 all because of the difference in costs for using Netflix.


I'm not defending it, so much as accepting the visceral reality of the situation. We exist in a world whee psychological marketing is extremely evolved. Acting like we're all so shocked and outraged by it just seems silly at this point.
We are on a forum specifically to debate features of games and yet you sit there and say "Meh that's just the way shit is". You contradict yourself by even being on this forum. Clearly you do care about games and do enjoy debating them. Do I lose any sleep over a cash shop and a sub fee? Ofcourse not. Am I on a forum that's sole purpose is to discuss and debate games and their features? I sure am.

We get it, your old and wise enough now just to accept things. You don't have the energy to fight the good fight any more, as it's pointless. Why do you even bother debating on this forum over any topic? Because everything you say won't effect a thing.. Are you here to let us know it's not worth trying to fight for consumer rights by convincing our fellow gamers that a sub fee and a cash shop is wrong?

I just don't buy it. On one hand you say you vote with your wallet and then proceed to shoot us down when we try to tell others to do the same..


Pretty decent interview from Gamescom here:

Firor talks about why they chose P2P and lots of other stuff. He does specifically mention that they don't want you paying for things "in game" as, to him, it's immersion breaking. So this kind of contradicts the P2P + cash shop. Unless the cash shop takes place outside the game.