The Elder Scrolls Online


Trump's Staff
Antarius generally has the right of it. The reason no one is making good "MMORPGs" anymore is because most the elements that made them awesome and special, and a genre of their own, have been integrated into other genres of games.

They brought many things to the forefront of gaming; persistence, digital distribution, online community, in-game progression, online co-op play, competitive play that required roles and teamwork, and so on. Since then those aspects have been integrated into other genres and now MMORPGs don't really have anything distinct about them except sub-par moment to moment game-play.

It is a bit like why Adventure games died. They died because as games got better the thing that made adventure games special, story, was integrated into all kinds of other genres, which also had the advantage of having actual game-play. Adventure games were left with having nothing unique and not being a game either.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My premise still stands though. Griefing = Good, Casuals suck.
The awesome thing about moderns games is: I can avoid people like you

Casual bluebie carebear PvE'er here, with a hint of soloing-lover and raid-hater... sorry man.

EDIT: I like(d) grouping, it's just that today nobody really groups, they just party up with bots (players) to perform menial tasks. So I can as well use my pet.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I'm just curious, in your opinion what is the latest game where griefing was good ?
EQ's pvp, particularly Sullon Zek was awesome. It made you actually make friends and not be a dirt-bag [relative to the whole 'enemy' thing] and pay attention to where you were going and who was already there, and foster a community that would rally to defend areas against attacks or come to flush out some higher levels picking on lower level players. The no rules and threat of serious griefing made it so people actually stuck together to protect themselves and each other against such threats. And it actually gave you the tools to do something about someone who was an actual griefing asshole, or hell just an asshole in general.

I think the biggest and worse change for pvp was trying to contain it so fully in a box with battlegrounds and arenas and every anti-griefing rule and mechanic possible. It made pvp feel fake and pointless and without any real danger.

See also: what they've done to pve. Taken away trains and kill stealing and competing for content and everything with even a potential for negativity, and you're left with game after game that feels fake and pointless and without any real danger.

Griefing is never really good, in and of itself, but the potential for it means the game isn't a system so closed and restrictive that the game has your balls by a vice and is practically playing your character instead of you playing the game. Give mmorpgs back the open, nonrestrictive worlds, and sure you'll have the occasional griefing asshole, but you'll also have a much deeper and rewarding experience in every other faucet of the game, whether pvp, pve or solo.


Trump's Staff
Ummm... You play through a "campaign" which is a series of "adventures" while you play a "role", generally speaking you can play through this campaign with other players. There is a storyline and various quests you have to complete to advance the story.

The game has several different "classes" with unique traits unique to that class as well as perks available to all classes. IE: some classes specialize in upclose combat, others from long range. Some focus on defense, others stealth or offense.

There is a leveling system with various reward bonuses based upon performance, such as killing large numbers enemies in a short period of time.

Throughout the campaign there will be scattered bosses, usually much bigger and requiring many hits.

Please explain to me ONE thing that excludes Call of Duty from being a "role playing game"

I'd consider CoD more of an RPG than say... Orcs must die

Seriously... there is a lot of genre bending at this point... Our "MMOs" feature smaller-scale combat and more "actiony" than some of our "FPS"
Do you name your character? Is there gear progression? Explorable world? Quests are not what are present in COD - it has plot points you MUST complete to advance the game to its conclusion. Your 'performance based rewards' are not persistent nor controllable, and thus, are simply arcade style power ups for combos.

It's not an RPG. I will however say it has several RPG elements like classes/xp... But heck, not even all RPGs have those any more.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The awesome thing about moderns games is: I can avoid people like you

Casual bluebie carebear PvE'er here, with a hint of soloing-lover and raid-hater... sorry man.

EDIT: I like(d) grouping, it's just that today nobody really groups, they just party up with bots (players) to perform menial tasks. So I can as well use my pet.
The real issue is the definition of casual and hardcore. I'm actually more like you than my initial statement indicates (and of course I knew it would be taken that way).

I actually hate the kind of griefing that most mmo's (including WoW) promote. Gear/Level > Skill. It's the worst kind of gameplay promoted by talentless devs and only enjoyed by social outcasts incapable of surviving in the real world.

For me the best griefing is only available with skill. And games that promote that kind of gameplay are very, very popular. Look at LoL and World of Tanks. At their core they are griefer games, but they are also MMO's (and EXTREMELY popular). So while I find them fun to play, they are missing a critical element that I also enjoy. Long term character progression and PvE play.

PlanetSide One was a forerunner of the same mistakes. Loved the game.. for all of 4 or 5 months. Then realized long term character progression was nil.

I don't fault LoL or WoT for not having robust PvE systems. And for the same reason I see why EQ/WoW (and their clones) suck for those of us who also like real PvP. Nobody yet has bridged the gap between to two styles of play successfully.

A few have tried, and one day I'm sure someone will succeed. I look forward to it. But in the mean time I would rather go outside and trim the fruit trees in my yard than log into the current crop of mmos.


Saw some new areas in that video and it's looking good. Looking forward to release. Not expecting the next great thing, but hoping for a solid game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Character models and animations look terrible but I really liked the environments.
Models I'm not surprised, they always looked bad in TES, on the other hand the animations made my eyes bleed, I hope they have something better in store because as it is, I really don't like them.
The environment is beatiful and again, I'm not surprised, always was in the TES serie.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Character models and animations look terrible but I really liked the environments.
I love how they make a video that is supposed to be centered around ranged combat, and of the very little they actually show, 80% of it was melee hack and slash with fucking horrible animations, character models, and more face talk from random people we give a fuck all about.

Someone needs to fire their marketing team because they are HORRID. Unless that marketing team is hamstrung. Probably a case of both.


Molten Core Raider
Why hasn't anyone copied Darkness Falls for their PvP/RvR zone yet? Perfect blend of PvP and PvE with clear rewards for winning.

It reminded me of doing Plane of Fear on Rallos Zek early on - having to watch your back at all times while killing trash/bosses.


I love how they make a video that is supposed to be centered around ranged combat, and of the very little they actually show, 80% of it was melee hack and slash with fucking horrible animations, character models, and more face talk from random people we give a fuck all about.

Someone needs to fire their marketing team because they are HORRID. Unless that marketing team is hamstrung. Probably a case of both.
Uh that's not an official video. It's some fansite speculating with a cobbled together video of footage released over the last 1.5 yrs. Thought that was pretty obvious.

Just saying. ..


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Uh that's not an official video. It's some fansite speculating with a cobbled together video of footage released over the last 1.5 yrs. Thought that was pretty obvious.

Just saying. ..
You know what's worse then? I couldn't distinguish ZO's marketing material from a fan.