The Elder Scrolls Online


On server performance / bandwidth, the best I've ever seen is Planetside 1. They probably didn't get as big as an eve fight, but that was some amazing server code. 2 is more bandwidth intensive, and big battles outrun my connection causing a big packet pile up. (to be fair, my connection is shiite)

Client side, ships could be easily atlased and drawn in a big clump. Characters are harder to do because you have around 50 - 80 bones that change every frame per character. X * 16 * 4 bytes that has to stream across the bus. Sometimes characters can be several draw calls themselves as well depending on armor and customizations.
You joined the insanity and I'll grammar nazi your arse right away: "its" is the possessive, it's means it is (rarely used as "it has").
Jokes aside, what baffles me is that good old Utnayan always finds somebody to fight with... given *his* level of insanity, even if I was against him, I'd know better than to argue :p
Haha, thank you for the warm welcome and for correcting me right off the bat.


That was quite a time commitment to watch, but pretty entertaining. Nice of Konkle to sit and talk to those geeks for 2+ hours. I listened while I graded papers. Some dude on Reddit summarized most of the points:
[-]Spitmode 9 points 2 days ago

For those who just want to know what he talked about:
Ultimate abilities can be morphed, like every other skill in the game
They decided to go with the skillpoint and class system so they could have the best of both worlds (freely customizable characters vs. class system)
When you swap hotbars (weapons), your summoned pets and other strong buffs disappear unless you also have those spells slotted on the second hotbar
Werewolves and Vampires will have an own skill line, which will offer strong abilities
The Fighters Guild's skill line will offer good counters vs. Werewolves and Vampires and there will be natural drawbacks there aswell so he doesn't expect everyone to be a Werewolve or a Vampire, in fact most people most likely won't be either.
New skill lines are something which ZeniMax will add in content patches, not just in new expansions.
There will be new Ultimate abilities aswell in those new skill lines
There will be 12 man adventure zones in the game at launch, which are basically the raids in ESO
He played WoW competitively (hardcore raider back in the day) and enjoys ESO's adventure zones
Veteran Ranks can be advanced by both PvP and PvE
A reason why they haven't announced every detail yet (Raids, PvP, Werewolf / Vampire skill lines etc.) is partly also because they feel like the first time people experience something like this is exciting if you don't know everything about it beforehand
There will be an option to hide your helmet
Crafted items aren't reserved to their creators, they can be sold to anyone
There won't be any mentoring system (downscaling) at launch
Skill points can also be invested into crafting professions
Konkle talked for a long time about the crafting system, and it sounds like it's going to be pretty cool. Like there are incentives to craft: If you are good at enchanting, your enchanted weapons will work better, if you are an alchemist, you'll get more out of your potions, etc. There was more, but my brain grows foggy.

Basically, listening to that reminded me that there are things to be interested about in this game still. It's easy to get wrapped up in the negativity surrounding linear questing (from what we've seen at low level) and less than stellar combat performance. Nick made the point that if he could clear up one misconception, his #1 would be that people assume that things that aren't working well are that way because of design decisions. He said he'd want people to know that they are aware of problems and are actively working on them, that they are in fact bugs.

Overall, I'm going to just hang on for the ride and see how the final thing turns out. I like a lot about the game, and I'm pleased that Nick confirmed, yet again in this interview, that the UI will be fully modable and that people like me who want to see more on screen will be able to achieve that. His demeanor and openness added to a certain game director's letter to the beta testers have gone a long way to ease my angst regarding their lack of communication.


Golden Squire
Saying the combat is just "less than stellar" is like saying the Holocaust was "just a couple of people got bruised".

(The best thing for this TESO thread is to Godwin it early and often).


Saying the combat is just "less than stellar" is like saying the Holocaust was "just a couple of people got bruised".

(The best thing for this TESO thread is to Godwin it early and often).
Godwin it? Like from True Blood? My favorite character. What's that mean, though? Also, I thought combat was fine if not for the slight response delays and miss timings. Things I hope they can improve.


Trump's Staff
The ranged combat on ESO is an abortion from what I experienced. Still prefer it to the rest of the 2014 offerings so far, though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't like to trash other developer's work.. All I'll say is, it didn't grab me. I won't be playing it.
Welcome to modern mmos, where every game is a boring idiotic copy of every boring idiotic copy, ad nauseum.

At this point the only solution is to fire every gaming dev (you included) and breed them from scratch having never played EQ, WoW or any of their endless clones.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Welcome to modern mmos, where every game is a boring idiotic copy of every boring idiotic copy, ad nauseum.

At this point the only solution is to fire every gaming dev (you included) and breed them from scratch having never played EQ, WoW or any of their endless clones.
Even in the MMO threads you come off like a Teahadist who just wants to tear everything down