The Elder Scrolls Online


It really is a combination of every bad MMO feature/mechanic condensed into one product. If you were to intentionally make an awful MMO, it would be TESO
It's fun to watch, after a few positive posts, the anti-shills come out of the wood work. Utnayan is over at Something Awful spinning like his life depends on it. They mostly just laugh at him.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Uh? You just said it. The game WILL force you to group. At the end game.

So, is that going to work, or is that not going to work. It's one or the other.
The gamestartsforcing you to play in a group, if you want the best possible gear. You can still make meaningful progress "solo", especially with the advent of things like LFR.

it's a rant about the game telling you to play a single-player solo RPG, then charging you a sub for it because "it's a MMO".
The game doesn't tell you to do shit. The game gives you theoptionto play solo, or with a group. I've already explained why most people choose the solo option.


It's fun to watch, after a few positive posts, the anti-shills come out of the wood work. Utnayan is over at Something Awful spinning like his life depends on it. They mostly just laugh at him.
I wonder how many of those who constantly pine for the good ole days of EQ1 and trash all the WoW clones in reality just want a new MMO that allows raiding guilds to compete against one another for raid bosses and allows them to cockblock other guilds from ever doing raids?


It's fun to watch, after a few positive posts, the anti-shills come out of the wood work. Utnayan is over at Something Awful spinning like his life depends on it. They mostly just laugh at him.
Dude. Ut is a shill due to some personal beef. BAYR is pretty consistent dating back to his FOH days. He generally actually has points, even if they are just trolling...

Anyways, break down what's going on at SA. I haven't been there in forever, due to it being a shithole.


<Gold Donor>
Dude. Ut is a shill due to some personal beef. BAYR is pretty consistent dating back to his FOH days. He generally actually has points, even if they are just trolling...

Anyways, break down what's going on at SA. I haven't been there in forever, due to it being a shithole.
From what I gather they did a 180 over there after the last beta. Many are excited about this game. some are still not. Some are like meh.

I have a feeling that they will sell a shit ton of boxes. while the last beta was not the be all of mmorpgs, it did just enough to make people go hmmm, not good but not bad. Im upping my prediction to 2 million boxes sold, 800K will stick around after one month because of the PvP. and lets be real here, there is fuck all to play right now.

Im even considering a pre purchase, and I doged the shit out of it.


Thanks. That makes sense and kind of mirrors what's going on with people I know and my feelings. I think there's enough content for 3 months. I play far less over the summer, so the timing of this game kind of blows for me. I'll probably buy it, too. I'm still on the fence, but the game is fun for me.

I get the feeling from a lot of comments there were many people who played this WOW style and weren't happy. I started that way, too, but then figured things out.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I wonder how many of those who constantly pine for the good ole days of EQ1 and trash all the WoW clones in reality just want a new MMO that allows raiding guilds to compete against one another for raid bosses and allows them to cockblock other guilds from ever doing raids?
This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read, and you do not sound genuine in the slightest. People want a game similar to that because they miss the community aspects and achievement with character progression. The caveat is slower content consumption with a hit on accessibility. There are easy ways around it, once we get rid of relic designers that will implement the solutions.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Dude. Ut is a shill due to some personal beef. BAYR is pretty consistent dating back to his FOH days. He generally actually has points, even if they are just trolling...

Anyways, break down what's going on at SA. I haven't been there in forever, due to it being a shithole.
The break down is the shills, an organization who used to call their guild Starfleet Dental, make up the normal posse of folks that shill games to get folks to buy them. Then, the guild vanishes within about a month. If you look at their posting history, there has never been a game they didn't promote. From Star Trek, to SWTOR, to Age of Conan, TSW, you name it. I have no doubt in my mind, although I cannot specifically prove it, that Blackwulf is apart of that same little posse. It makes it hard to have any constructive posting actually happening with real information due to the shilling and shouting down - which quickly gets replaced with the various avenues you can find the box for sale.

My posting style over there is much more tame. I will cross post what I said.

He isn't wrong. The quests are very generic and boring. The PvP system is inherently flawed due to still having horrible combat and some pretty terrible animations. The main problem now, aside from that, is that the higher level (20+) content is there, but bugged even worse than any of all this because it is still being passed constantly but without stress. It is of my opinion they are trying everything they can do to protect that box sale and only show minimal portions of the game.

Aside from the lag and "It's a stress test so that is to be expected" people should be very leery of the fact this thing launches in 8 weeks, and has a terribly long way to go before it is playable. It took two years to get SWTOR combat even a bit better, and that even still lacks. Aside from them taking out the simultronics code, it is still a base of HE and suffers from that immensely
I also said it was a very bad mistake to launch this as a sub based box sale.

There isn't anything in there that isn't the truth. The doubters will be the same ones that always shout that down, the shills trying to gloat over the real information to promote a 25% off sale with GMG and "How they cannot wait to log in again and miss the game so much". You know, the normal posts that if anyone followed those specific posters, you will quite literally see in every MMORPG game thread they posted in about 8 weeks out from launch since easily around 2006, maybe even before.
There isn't anything in there that isn't the truth. The doubters will be the same ones that always shout that down, the shills trying to gloat over the real information to promote a 25% off sale with GMG and "How they cannot wait to log in again and miss the game so much". You know, the normal posts that if anyone followed those specific posters, you will quite literally see in every MMORPG game thread they posted in about 8 weeks out from launch since easily around 2006, maybe even before.
Unrelated to anything else you posted - I wish you would stop calling them simultronics - they are Simutronics - no L. Every time I read you typing something as basic as the company name incorrectly I have wonder what else you are wrong about.

Edit: And looking at the HeroEngine website it doesn't even appear to be a Simutronics product anymore anyway... it seems to be owned by Idea Fabrik Plc. - whomever that is.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The break down is the shills, an organization who used to call their guild Starfleet Dental, make up the normal posse of folks that shill games to get folks to buy them. Then, the guild vanishes within about a month.
I don't know shit about SA or starfleet dental, but I do know that guilds in long term communities are led by people who are motivated to gather everyone they can to play the next game. This sometimes results in people shilling the game not because they care about the success of the game but because they care about the success of the guild they're rebuilding for the game. Naturally once the game comes out and they get bored of it they stop playing.


FPS noob
i've played with rerolled or goons every single MMO for the past 10 years and with the exception of Wow (many big guilds) and EVE (same) its always the same, you get a MASSIVE guild in the first week - the FFXIV goon guild was over 1000 people (2-3 guilds since cap was 500), and its down to like under 10 people now. Same with Rift, TERA, LOTRo, AOC, WAR, GW2, etc. About 50% disappear within 3 weeks and another 75% are gone within the second month. Rerolled/FOH/reddit/PA isn't any different, and TESO won't be any different either since there is no player-driven content in the game everyone will consume the content 10x faster than the devs think and then there will be nothing to do. Great to join a zerg and have fun while the new MMO smell is fresh though.

I mean, have they even talked about post release content plans? Bioware tried to lie and say they will release a new planet every 30 days (hah!) but afaik I haven't heard Zenimax talk about post launch plans at all, nor have many people seen the content from 17-50 which is pretty weird. Are there even raids or end game dungeons? Is the NG+ (do other 2 zones at 50) even working?

Most of the SA people are dubious about the game, but there are a handful who shout down any criticism with "bro its just a game why you so serious", and with the modding on that forum saying anything can get you perma banned forever (bye bye $10!) so its never worth posting. In the general forum there is an entire "holy shit TESO sucks so bad!" thread where people make fun of the true believers in the MMO forum. Reddit is pretty much the same, except any negative comments/threads get downvote brigaded.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Zenimax's post release plan is to finish all the content about level 17 and start the content above level 35.


Vyemm Raider
My understanding of WOW was it was doing slightly better than EQ until Korea and China realized Blizzard had made an MMO....
Your understanding is completely wrong. WoW had a million and a half subscribers right out of the gate, smashing expectations tenfold, and rocketed upwards from there. Once it was released to asian markets, the numbers doubled, and asia continues to make up roughly half the total subscribers.

EQ peaked at 500k. Even if you don't count asians for some reason, you still are left with 7.5 million or so humans.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What interests me is the disproportionate amount of Press hate this is receiving prior to launch. I went into this weekend, based on the conversation around here, that this was Vanguard level bad. It clearly isn't, but it's not a good game either. Technically, outside of the login issues, I ran into one "bugged" quest involving a spawned NPC and the skill lag in PvP. It wasn't really earth-shattering. Personally, the game feel slightly better than SWTOR at release... to me at least.

The Press though, have been really railing against this one. While I'd like to think it's them waking up after the countless 85+ review scores they've put out on shitty to mediocre MMO releases (ie SWTOR, AoC, Rift, Warhammer, etc), I get the feeling like something else is driving it. I can't believe the Press is getting somewhat honest for a change.


Vyemm Raider
Also, the problem with the animations is the engine renders them in an awful herky-jerky manner that seems awfully outdated these days. The shitty lighting doesn't help, either. AO helps in places but then it also creates the "glowing black cloud" effect on characters sometimes.

The art is good but the engine is an outdated pile of crap. TOR all over again.


What interests me is the disproportionate amount of Press hate this is receiving prior to launch. I went into this weekend, based on the conversation around here, that this was Vanguard level bad. It clearly isn't, but it's not a good game either. Technically, outside of the login issues, I ran into one "bugged" quest involving a spawned NPC and the skill lag in PvP. It wasn't really earth-shattering. Personally, the game feel slightly better than SWTOR at release... to me at least.

The Press though, have been really railing against this one. While I'd like to think it's them waking up after the countless 85+ review scores they've put out on shitty to mediocre MMO releases (ie SWTOR, AoC, Rift, Warhammer, etc), I get the feeling like something else is driving it. I can't believe the Press is getting somewhat honest for a change.
My fear is it's a cliff dive past the early levels. In other words the NDA ,limited beta and no mentions of an all out open beta any time before launch has me thinking the shit must be unfinished as hell and they want a max cash-in on box sales at launch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My fear is it's a cliff dive past the early levels. In other words the NDA ,limited beta and no mentions of an all out open beta any time before launch has me thinking the shit must be unfinished as hell and they want a max cash-in on box sales at launch.
Yeah, I thought about that too.... Age of Conan all over again. Good point.

Still, surprised the Press would pick up on that. They're usually the most clueless of the bunch.


This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read, and you do not sound genuine in the slightest. People want a game similar to that because they miss the community aspects and achievement with character progression. The caveat is slower content consumption with a hit on accessibility. There are easy ways around it, once we get rid of relic designers that will implement the solutions.
This is exactly the kind of reply I would expect from someone who enjoyed cockblocking other guilds in EQ1 and all the drama and server politics that arose from it. Don't take that as a personal insult. I refuse to believe even the most hardcore EQ1 fanboi actually enjoyed the mindnumbingly boring grinding aspect of that game where you sat on your butt camping one spot for hours on end hoping to see your EXP bar just move a little towards the right. Level grinding in EQ1 was just a means to get to the end, which ultimately was competitive raiding between the top guilds on the server. Pretty much every server had major competition between the top guilds and the drama it created was something never seen before in online gaming. IMO the actual gameplay mechanics of EQ1 outright sucked but the server drama and politics was one of the main reasons people kept playing, even if they weren't in one of those elite raiding guilds.

EQ1 also created an elitist environment where only a small handful of players could ever acquire the best gear. If you weren't in one of the top raiding guilds, you would never be able to acquire the best gear. I never had a problem with that because I always believed the players who put in the most time and effort and figured out how to beat the toughest raid bosses had earned their reward.

The way instanced raiding was designed in WoW killed off most of the server drama and politics and AFAIK no MMO since has ever come close to replicating the social aspect of EQ1 raiding. EVE may have but I never played it. I've played most of the major WoW clones over the past 10 years and I know none of them came close to replicating EQ1 drama. WoW and its clones also gave out epics like candy compared to EQ1 so even casual gamers like me could get decked out in full epic gear.

I have been a lurker on this board and the old FoH board for almost a decade now and that is my perception of many of the posters who constantly pine for the good ole days of EQ1 and bash WoW and its clones. Whether its right or wrong, there has to be some rational explanation for why so many of you guys revere a game that for the most part had horrible gameplay mechanics, ridiculously long timesinks, forced grouping, etc. IMO some of you just miss being in a top raiding guild where being a member had some status attached to it. You can still be in top raiding guilds in WoW and its clones, but outside of your guild no one else on the server likely knows who you are nor cares what raid bosses you killed.


Vyemm Raider
Eh, grinding mobs in EQ was fun. The operative word being "was." I don't think I could go back to it, but I remember enjoying it until AA became a thing. AA grinding just took that shit too far. It was the poison pill that over time turned something enjoyable into a chore.