The Elder Scrolls Online


Blackwing Lair Raider
I also have to chime in on PS1 being some of the most fun I've ever had in an mmo, and I joined that game so late with just one friend. I usually don't have a lot of fun in games unless at least 3 or 4 of my friends join up as well, but PS was just amazing for me. I remember the first time I had to para out of a galaxy because it was getting shot down and my buddy was losing it in teamspeak.

I wish there was a lot more permanence to the pvp in this game. I would really like to see a long term game to elder scrolls, especially pvp. I don't care if one side dominates and becomes a dynasty. Eventually people get bored and that dynasty weakens and some ragtag group puts together enough support that they move in and catch the establishment with their pants down and that is the kind of thing that blows a game up. Imagine PRX being the crowned champs for a solid year or more, so much so that PVP kind of dies down, they get lazy/bored and then WHAM! Some upstart group comes in and ignites a powder keg, take over everything. That wakes other sleeping groups up and before you know it, it's a call to arms. PRX is remobilizing, other groups are trying to take down the new champs. You don't see stuff like that anymore. There can never be a down in a game, everything always has to be on the upswing. Make PVE as such that it holds people in and fills that lull, then make PVP the sleeper hit, something like EVE where I've never played the game I can still get that nostalgia/excitement hit off hearing about some of the bad ass alliance battles and subterfuge that has gone down in that game. Make PVP rewarding beyond a daily point grind for generic piece of crap gear X with Y better stat. The best thing about EQ1, EQ2, PS1, Vanguard all the other games I've played for countless hours and enjoyed the hell out of, are the stories that I came away with. Newer MMO's don't facilitate that anymore. There is almost never a story about how awesome it was to go on a pug raid against Naggy only to come back for my corpse run and discover our raid disbanded and my corpse firmly lodged in Naggy's asshole. Then having someone call up a buddy who logged in with on his monk with the few us left and take Naggy down so we could corpse recover. Everything is so homogenized, balanced, nerfed, rebalanced, and just over all fucked that it doesn't make for a lot of fun or significant moments in game anymore. Those stories are the one thing I consistently notice about people who have truly enjoyed a game and it doesn't even matter what game it was. I hated WoW, played off and on, kept trying it again and again, because I have friends that have amazing stories about Vanilla and BC era shit they've done.

I feel like ESO almost had that. It has little bits and pieces here and there, but it doesn't deliver it consistently anywhere. I like this game a lot and I kind of hate admitting that Zenimax did it a bit of a disservice. I'm definitely ready for some new blood in the MMO space. I'm not so much of a neckbeard that I really want EQ1 glory days, hell I never played in the EQ glory days, I didn't start till after PoP. I would like a good fucking game to come out. One that isn't a week one rush to level cap, bored, grind, bugs, quit, or slowly playing less and less and less till I realize I'm paying a sub I don't need to or could free up that hard drive space for something more interesting.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
but AA is so...



Vyemm Raider
True. But if we want Western devs (and their financial backers) to get a clue, a sandbox game like AA has to actually do well. The future is counting on you.


True. But if we want Western devs (and their financial backers) to get a clue, a sandbox game like AA has to actually do well. The future is counting on you.
But... it's Free To Play.

There isn't any reason to spend any money on it.

They don't even make you buy the box.


Vyemm Raider
Yes, I wasn't suggesting he buy alpha access. If it manages to be profitable, and has a sizable playerbase, it will be a step in the right direction. Then maybe we can start moving away from lame themepark retreads.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think anyone playing ArcheAge seriously will pay the free to be a patron though. It allows you to own a home (on non instanced land!) and generate more labor points for all the crafting.


Vyemm Raider
Agreed. So, it's just a matter of how many people will play it seriously. (And Pay the Free! lol, sorry, found that typo funny.)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I held 2 active ESO subs, 1 account was just banned for reporting too many bots.

We have one guy who has been unjustly banned and reinstated four times. We had to go through our contacts at ZOS to get him unbanned the last time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

We have one guy who has been unjustly banned and reinstated four times. We had to go through our contacts at ZOS to get him unbanned the last time.
Is this because of poorly implemented tools that are auto banning people or just dumb fuck customer service?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Is this because of poorly implemented tools that are auto banning people or just dumb fuck customer service?
Probably both. ESO has a huge problem with dupers, bots, gold spammers, exploiters etc. They don't have the manpower or ability to either stop people from abusing the game or to quickly fix the flaws that allow people to abuse it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Probably both.
It really annoys me that this problem pops up in every new mmo that gets released. It is so easy to spot bots just from using a bot program yourself. I've always wanted to see a game just hire a bunch of people at minnimum wage, train them what to look for and give them recording tools like fraps to just respond to bot reports in real time and ban them on the spot with GM tools. They could also just port around invis to all the zones and servers watching people. WoW has a fuck ton of bots and still doesn't give enough of a shit to ban them and they have fuck tons of money. Don't know why this isn't a high priority for them.


Trakanon Raider
It really annoys me that this problem pops up in every new mmo that gets released. It is so easy to spot bots just from using a bot program yourself. I've always wanted to see a game just hire a bunch of people at minnimum wage, train them what to look for and give them recording tools like fraps to just respond to bot reports in real time and ban them on the spot with GM tools. They could also just port around invis to all the zones and servers watching people. WoW has a fuck ton of bots and still doesn't give enough of a shit to ban them and they have fuck tons of money. Don't know why this isn't a high priority for them.
Didn't EQ do this with their GMs though? I got more than one tell over the years grinding away in Dreadlands killing spiders. Where a GM popped up asking me test questions to see if I was a bot or not.

I used to see GMs in EQ all the time, never seen one in a game since. Guess they are all just forum "community managers" now.


It really annoys me that this problem pops up in every new mmo that gets released. It is so easy to spot bots just from using a bot program yourself. I've always wanted to see a game just hire a bunch of people at minnimum wage, train them what to look for and give them recording tools like fraps to just respond to bot reports in real time and ban them on the spot with GM tools.
Pfft. Pay them nothing.

Just force a bunch of US and Canadian prisoners to catch the Chinese prisoners who are forced to bot.


I think you'll find a more concerted effort to get rid of the bots when it goes FTP as they won't be paying a sub anymore.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I think you'll find a more concerted effort to get rid of the bots when it goes FTP as they won't be paying a sub anymore.
Bots aren't paying a sub. They get 30 days free with a stolen credit card after paying a box fee, which will be disputed by the card holder once they figure out their card info is being used by someone in a different hemisphere.


Bots aren't paying a sub. They get 30 days free with a stolen credit card after paying a box fee, which will be disputed by the card holder once they figure out their card info is being used by someone in a different hemisphere.
I see. Well surely there are processes they could put in place to stop botting. Random auto checks or something..