The Elder Scrolls Online


It really does no good singling him out in an attempt to humble him. As a matter of fact it just makes things worse and the best thing you can do is state your facts or your opinions and ignore his ramblings.
You're probably right. You would think someone exposed like that would disappear and lay low for a short time versus doubling down and making himself look ever more foolish by flinging out even more ridiculous accusations.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Rescorla, you have been wrong on all accounts with regards to EverQuest. You haven't the slightest clue about game design or this genre. It only makes sense you are Matt Firor.


Trakanon Raider
I watched that video. This shit looks nothing like EQ in the slightest. It's a WoW group with one less DPS. Do you even target to heal? I swear to god if this is some AoC cone based bullshit I'm not touching it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
LOL so lets recap the past couple of days. As one of the few people here in the closed beta, I was able to figure out Utnayan was lying about him being in the closed beta because he made some assertions that anyone with closed beta access would know was incorrect. Instead of admitting he was lying, Utnayan doubled down and accused me of being an employee of Zenimax. When other closed beta testers confirmed I was correct, he ignored them and continued to insist I was a developer for Zenimax. When Grave (who apparently used to work for 38Studios) posted a comment, Utnayan somehow became convinced that Grave and myself were the same person and is now even more firmly convinced I work for Zenimax.

Today after someone posted a media video of the first three dungeons, I made a comment that dungeon crawling in ESO reminded me of the group dynamic in EQ1 dungeons. Strictly my opinion which only matters to me but apparently drives some people even more batshit crazy because it could be interpreted as a favorable comparison of ESO to EQ1.

Now in addition to being a developer for Zenimax, accused of being the same person as Grave posting under an alt user account, now I am lying about having played EQ1 (for 6 years total until WoW came out). All of this for exposing Utnayan as a lying fraud.
This will probably be the first time I infract someone for another person's post. But I'd say this recap is pretty accurate and Utnayan really needs to slow down on the creepy fraudulent posting. There's so much to shit on TESO for there's no reason to make shit up and lie.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This will probably be the first time I infract someone for another person's post. But I'd say this recap is pretty accurate and Utnayan really needs to slow down on the creepy fraudulent posting. There's so much to shit on TESO for there's no reason to make shit up and lie.
You have a vested interest in protecting these assholes for the site dollars for the journalists writing for Junkies. Track the IP's.

I'm not lying.

Readers here shouldn't stand for the bullshit for the sake of a buck. Afraisiabi would kick your ass.

If you are going to steal over the user-base from the old community, than keep it the same community as it was before.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You were banned from that community.
By Requiem who I called out for bullshit practices with spyware - scapegoated as a cover for the Schilling ordeal. Too bad I cannot dig up that gem.

And look at that. The truth came out there as well.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
We have different memories of EQ1 then. In my experience (I wasn't a hardcore raider decked out in the best gear) if someone in your group screwed up, especially the puller or crowd controller, there was a good chance your group wiped.
No. If two people screwed up, you wiped. A good tank+a good healer could save a bad enchanter. And a good team could survive any bad pull (god, I know we survived hairy pulls when "one inc" became "uh, some more inc"). Sure, you had situations in which your group wiped, but you really, really needed a bad pull.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
No. If two people screwed up, you wiped. A good tank+a good healer could save a bad enchanter. And a good team could survive any bad pull (god, I know we survived hairy pulls when "one inc" became "uh, some more inc"). Sure, you had situations in which your group wiped, but you really, really needed a bad pull.
And sometimes that didn't even cause it. Depending on the group make up and where you were at. Even if you had an multiple incs, someone would also forget to snare one and bring down even more.

One time I cannot believe we survived about 23 pulls in Crypt.


To each his own. I liked LDoN because it was instanced and eliminated the group camping in one spot. As a bard puller, I was highly sought out for the hard mode LDoNs thanks to Fading Memories pulling. Its been over 10 years but I recall Gates of Discord and Omens of War also having group instances.
GoD and OoW had group progression instances, like the trials in OoW. But no one did them to grind xp- you did them once and then hated your life if someone needed you to carry them through it. There were options to do instanced versions of Dranik Hollows, but those were lower level and people would still move to a spot and pull to them because of respawns. In OoW people grouped for xp in static camps in WoS, MPG and RSS. As for GoD, everyone still xp'd in PoF and other PoP zones because the level cap was still 65. The blowback from LDoN's reception was enough that they never forced instance-grinding again. Aside from one masochistic wizard in my guild who ground out like 6k of those missions, you may be the only person I've ever seen extol LDoN. It was pretty much the anti-EQ expansion.

This will probably be the first time I infract someone for another person's post. But I'd say this recap is pretty accurate and Utnayan really needs to slow down on the creepy fraudulent posting. There's so much to shit on TESO for there's no reason to make shit up and lie.
Did Rescorla provide proof of beta? Missed it if you confirmed already.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
No. If two people screwed up, you wiped. A good tank+a good healer could save a bad enchanter. And a good team could survive any bad pull (god, I know we survived hairy pulls when "one inc" became "uh, some more inc"). Sure, you had situations in which your group wiped, but you really, really needed a bad pull.
I don't know why either of you are speaking in absolutes. There's been nights where everything was so easy and the group was so OP almost nothing could wipe the group. Other nights we wouldn't have the right makeup/players or would simply be in over our heads and even a perfect playthrough would inevitably end up in a wipe.

This is true of basically every real MMO ever. EQ didn't have a monopoly on being able to wipe due to fuckups, it was just by far more punishing than most games when you wiped.


Trakanon Raider
Jesus i read the last two pages to try and get more info on ESO and all i see is EQ and SWTOR talk
Every now and again people care more about stirring the pot than make any relevant point. It's one of those things right now. It will come back around when they get tired. Just try to take the entertainment value from it so it's not a total waste of a read.


You have a vested interest in protecting these assholes for the site dollars for the journalists writing for Junkies. Track the IP's.

I'm not lying.
The admins here are more than welcome to track my IP. If Grave and I have different IP addresses, will you 1) apologize and admit you were wrong; 2) assert Grave/Rescorla manipulated our IP addresses to somehow hide the fact we are the same person; or 3) accuse the admins of lying about the IP addresses?


Vyemm Raider
FYI SWTOR's combat log only shows your own personal damage/healing. However, a third party parser was created that allows everyone who has that parser to send their combat log to a central host and display the raid's damage meters to everyone who was running the parser. I assume a similar parser will eventually be written for ESO that hardcore raiding guilds can use.
This isn't about the hardcore raiding guilds. This is about the pugs who won't be installing such a thing.