The Elder Scrolls Online

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Note from Tuco on the Rerolled PVP Guild
It seems that every MMO that comes out this forum creates an upstart 'forum guild' for it that invariably fizzles out in a few months due to a lack of structure and recruitment. The serious players join serious guilds and the bored players move on. This is a travesty because these forums host the words of some of the most experienced and hardcore players in the world. This was different in GW2 where we combined the raw potential this forum has with the most rock steady guild in MMO history.

In GW2 over 200 people from Rerolled joined PRX and made history in that game. Together with the Titan Alliance we landed on the Henge of Denravi server and won the first 30 matches in a row and became the undisputed champions of the entire game. After Titan Alliance split up due to boredom we jumped to a lower tier server, Sea of Sorrows, that had a strong oceanic presence and was requesting some NA forces. After joining we went undefeated until we regained the #1 server position. We spent some time as champions and then traveled across the ocean to see what the European servers were like. The European scene had been dominated by Vizunah Square and we chose the goal of taking them out. We joined a second-tier server, Seafarer's Rest and after 5 hard weeks of fighting we knocked off Vizunah Square and became the best. However, due to connection issues we were forced back to a NA server. Our previous home, the Sea of Sorrows, was in first place so we chose a server that was losing a lot of matches, Jade Quarry. Once again we dethroned the champions and then made the choice to retire. After months of hard fighting we retired with a record of 72 wins and 4 losses. 55 of those wins were in tier 1 and we never came in third. A more verbose history can be read atPRX History. The legend can be hard to believe, but the hundreds of people here that were with us in GW2 know the truth of our victory.

Here's a group screenshot we took during GW2.

Not only did we achieve glory but we had an incredibly fun time. I've had many people ask me if we're repeating this in TESO and the answer is most assuredly yes. TESO has its issues to be sure, but its PVP is high quality and there's glory to be won in it. The Rerolled community proved to be massive force in the GW2 war effort and I'd love if everyone here who wants to fight wars stands at my shoulder. However, PRX is not for everyone. If you don't want to be in a professional environment, it's not for you. If you don't enjoy being part of a constant war effort, it's not for you. If you want to talk your shit on forums instead of ingame, it's is not for you. But if you want to personally fight in the most epic and notable battles in GW2, then PRX is where you want to go.

If this sounds great and you want to really enjoy Cyrodiil for all its worth, then you'll need to go through our recruitment process. Going through the application process is a little antiquated but it's critical that you get access to our forums to see our plans and it's also useful for us to get to know you. If you're ready to win a war in an organized force,follow this processto post an application. Note that you are from Rerolled and if your desired name in GW2 differs from your forum name, please post it. I will respond to it vouching for you.

Also note that people from PRX, including me, are strictly forbidden from engaging in drama shit-talking on public forums like this one. There's going to be some very salty tears from some very sore losers come release, but we will only address them ingame. If you have any questions about PRX, please PM Tuco.

3/29/2014 Update:
We're rolling in the Aldmeri Dominion. From our research very few big PVP guilds are choosing that faction, so we think we'll get the most competition that way.

3/29/2014 Update:
We've chosen the Dawnbreaker campaign. On release we immediately took Cyrodiil and took the world's first keep as well as getting world's first emperor.

End Tuco Note

Poopsocking with real time combat!




1 going to be shit.
Lol ,

agree years ago like the 1st elder scrolls, if ya told me they one day would MMO.

I would say no way, no how can they fuck that up lol.

I watched the video on the links , and name of the Videos are supposed to be dispelling elder scrolls, rumors and myths.

Well fuck me watched it, and no where did it even talk about the game engine if it would support dx11 for those of us that have had High End Ultra pcs for years.

I would bet money to even get to alpha test this that the 1st sentance of the NDA is never discuss our hero engine for elder scrolls.
I like the look, I just want there to be decent combat and adventuring. If it does that, I'm in. If it's like an online Skyrim, it can suck my balls.
I read somewhere they used the Hero Engine in the early days to whiteboard and prototype while they developed their own client/server in-house. AFAIK Hero engine is no longer part of the equation.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It needs to come out of the gate with WotLK levels of polish or it is going to sputter down to almost nothing after 3 months like almost everything else that has come out recently has.

You'll have your huge initial hype, a million box sales, 15 days of queues, 30 days until people are bitching about lack of/unfinished end game content, and 90 days later you will have server collapses and all kinds of damage control.

Beef Supreme_sl

It needs to come out of the gate with WotLK levels of polish or it is going to sputter down to almost nothing after 3 months like almost everything else that has come out recently has.

You'll have your huge initial hype, a million box sales, 15 days of queues, 30 days until people are bitching about lack of/unfinished end game content, and 90 days later you will have server collapses and all kinds of damage control.
This applies to every MMO.


Everyone had the exact same skeleton and shape. Seemed so boring and bland to me. Reminds me of KOA.


I read somewhere they used the Hero Engine in the early days to whiteboard and prototype while they developed their own client/server in-house. AFAIK Hero engine is no longer part of the equation.
Thats Bullshit. we all read the same thing, but ever since then, if you read between the lines its Hero engine, they dont wanna talk about it,at all.

If you dont believe me, ask anyone,Heck UT will tell you im right.

I seen the video's and the graphics look like fucking game from 2004-2007 max and scream Hero engine.

Look Untill DX11 becomes the standard for low end to medium end pcs,and console's fully expect all MMO's to have the game be mostly dx9 with some dx10,dx11 for those of us that have Muti dx11 cards etc.

But this game is supposed to come out around Dec 2013 even if it makes that or gets delayed 3-6 monthes, your talking around 2014 to come out ok.Thus im sorry to tell you but for 2014 MMO those graphics look like warm ass.

MMO's need to be able to scale down the line for low end,medium and high end graphics and when you already looking as bad as they do on High end to Ultra, as dated then your really fucked long term.Look at the character models in the Video shit makes me cringe.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
God, those animations look almost as bad as Oblivion/Morrowind, and the spell effects aren't a whole lot better. They get points for the environment though, which seems fairly nice. Stat system sounds awfully bland, and I thought we'd decided that mana was a terrible mechanic. While I'm generally a fan of 3-faction PvP, I find it pretty funny that they go to so much effort to stress how their mega-server will make it easy to play with your friends, then throw in that factions are hard locked and so you all have to be the same faction or it doesn't fucking matter. Only 7 skill slots is pretty weak too, I just don't see how that can allow for any real variety or flexibility.

The only myth that video dispelled was that this might be a good game :| Looks like it's back to hoping ANet pull their shit together and vitalize WvW.


God damn they didn't need to explain phasing for 10 minutes

The running animations are atrocious and hopefully will be fixed, everything else looks okay.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The game world looks gorgeous, which isn't surprising given that it's an Elder Scrolls game. Aside from that, there really doesn't seem to be much to give an opinion on with that video. Perhaps it's too early for them to be talking about the "secret sauce", but there really wasn't anything in that video that was new or terribly exciting, and the features they did discuss sounded dumbed down (3 stats?).

But, let's face it, the game is going to live and die based on the Elder Scrolls name anyways. If they don't meet the expectations people have after Oblivion, Skyrim, etc., it really doesn't matter what they do, and I have a feeling the game is going to play and feel significantly different.


Trakanon Raider
hard factions? fuck you! making 3 instead of 2 doesn't make it any better. game will suck.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
hard factions? fuck you! making 3 instead of 2 doesn't make it any better. game will suck.
Wasn't DaoC 3 hard factions as well? I can't say that I remember hearing much hate for it from the DaoC players, but it's been a long time so who knows.

I didn't play for long (and it was well after DaoC's heyday) but I vaguely remember wanting to start one of the "tank" races to play with a friend and I couldn't because that was only available to a single opposing faction.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sounds like it could be really fun.

-Real time combat system
-Small ability bar (something like 6 abilities including an "Ultimate")
-Ability to choose your weapons/armor regardless of class that have different pros/cons as in the ES series (i.e. Dual sword wielding, Plate wearing Mage)
-Lots of former DAoC Devs involved
-Open World RvR with capturable keeps, siege weaponry, and three factions
-Sub objectives to help in the RvR game, i.e. "Supply Denial" like destroying farms that supply keeps, force the defenders to come out and fight
-Top player of a faction can become "Emperor of Tamriel" (maybe a new and improved version of the DAoC Relic System?)

Anyways, I have high hopes that it'll be good. Who knows what will happen though?


Sounds like it could be really fun.

-Real time combat system
-Small ability bar (something like 6 abilities including an "Ultimate")
-Ability to choose your weapons/armor regardless of class that have different pros/cons as in the ES series (i.e. Dual sword wielding, Plate wearing Mage)
-Lots of former DAoC Devs involved
-Open World RvR with capturable keeps, siege weaponry, and three factions
-Sub objectives to help in the RvR game, i.e. "Supply Denial" like destroying farms that supply keeps, force the defenders to come out and fight
-Top player of a faction can become "Emperor of Tamriel" (maybe a new and improved version of the DAoC Relic System?)

Anyways, I have high hopes that it'll be good. Who knows what will happen though?
lots of Daoc devs involved.

Hmm Warhammer online had that check.

Swtor Had that check.

Same engine as Swtor, yah your fucking right what could go wrong.


I'll end up trying this game. As a side note, I really want an mmorpg that only allows you in 1st person perspective. I can't tell from the videos but I'm guessing 3rd person is here to stay.