The Eternal War (by me)


Golden Squire
So much like Nebuchednezzer I too am an independent author who has turned away from the traditional publishing industry in order to mre directly engage the reading public. My first three works, which are part of an ongoing series I have called The Eternal War, which is a planned 10 book series with a "capper trilogy" and a couple of offshoot books for some of the more interesting characters. Additionally, there will be short stories available which I explain a little bit more about below. All are available now in e-book form. The two novels are also available in paperback form. Here is the information:


Spiral X is book one of The Eternal War series.

Cheryl Erikson is a Vampire Hunter with a problem. A dangerous new drug named Plast has found its way onto the streets of Dallas. She would prefer to let the DEA and local law enforcement handle everything, but since the dealers also happen to be vampires, she has no choice but to step in and put a stop to it.

With the help of her best friend Virgil and a fellow Hunter named Tank, Cheryl must work to eradicate Plast from the streets of Dallas. It's a task that becomes more difficult as she comes under the gun, quite literally, from a contract out on her head. Coupled with a nosy police detective looking to peg her for a triple homicide, and a sudden interest in her activities from a powerful vampire recently arrived in the area, it's enough to force her to accept help from the least likely of sources, a mysterious Hunter named Rev. Through him, everything she thinks she knows, and everything she stands for, is challenged in ways she never imagined.
Some things that reviewers have said about it:

"The storyline is engaging and the characters are well developed. "
Pappi | 17 reviewers made a similar statement

"I read it this week and it is one of those books you do not want to put down. "
GeekyGirlReviews | 8 reviewers made a similar statement

"All of them, whether they were on the good side or the bad side, they had life in them. "
Seleane Gray | 6 reviewers made a similar statement
4.5 rating @ Amazon, 4.09 rating @ Goodreads.

Available right now on Amazon, B&N, and Smashwords. Once Smashwords propogates it should also be available in iBookstore, Sony, Kobo, and more.

Amazon -
B&N -
Apple -
Smashwords -


White Rock - Book 2 of The Eternal War series.

"Before the end is to come, one shall be infused with the light as a measure against the darkness."

Cheryl Erikson's problems never seem to end. After saving a group of Dallas' social elite from an unusually brazen attempt at robbery by a group of vampires, she discovers it's not an isolated incident. The normally hidden and secretive vampires are in the midst of an extended crime spree, and working toward something big. Exactly what is anyone's guess.

"The one who is infused with the light of others will stand before darkness, and the darkness shall melt away before their presence and writhe at their touch."

When the vampires finally enact their plan, no one is ready for the lengths they have gone to in order to ensure success. Cheryl and her allies must rally and find a way to prevent the ultimate evil from gaining a foothold in our world. If they can't put a stop to it, then Armageddon will be that much closer to becoming a reality.

"They will be called upon to face the darkness and push it back, lest time end and the balance be toppled for eternity."

On the shores of White Rock Lake, Heaven's earthly soldiers will sacrifice everything to combat the darkness before them. But even Cheryl is unprepared for exactly what that entails as she discovers just how important her role in the Eternal War is.
Not as many reviews but these are some quotes.

"Great follow-up novel to Spiral X; if you enjoyed the first one at all, you'll love this one. "
S. Watson

"He believes in the best of each person and tries to nudge each person toward that best side. "
ColoradoMom | 1 reviewer made a similar statement

"A page turning, action packed, head spinning read is what you should prepare for. "
Eclectic Bookshelf
4.6 Rating @ Amazon.

Available digitally for $2.99 and in print for ~$13.95.

Amazon -
B&N -
Apple -


Last is Split, a short story that takes place between Spiral X and White Rock that features completely different characters from those two. The intention with works like this is to flesh out the world a bit more. People who show up here may be someone we already know or may show up again at some point down the road. While it's possible to enjoy the main storyline without peeping at these, they do add to the setting overall so they're worth looking into.

Erika kills vampires, but not in the usual manner. Her way leaves a body behind, the demon cleansed from the vessel it tried to control. Mitch is a Hunter and Erika's trainer. However, Mitch is ever the traditionalist and focuses more on the physical training and not on Erika's unique ability. Adonis has no qualms about training Erika to use her ability. As long as she uses it to achieve his goals.

Buffalo, New York is a long way from Dallas, where the events surrounding the Spiral X nightclub are fading from memory, but the Eternal War knows no boundaries, and battles aren't always won with a stake to the heart.
4.5 rating @ Amazon, 4.2 @ Goodreads.

Currently on Amazon and B&N for $.99 but free everywhere else.

Amazon -
B&N -
Smashwords -

I hope you all will read them and leave reviews and tell your friends.


<Gold Donor>
I've read all of these and really enjoyed them. As an objective observer, I can say with complete sincerity that I thought I knew exactly what I was getting into before I started, what with there being a female protagonist that kills vampires...but I was very, very wrong. This isn't sparkly vampires, nor is it softcore porn disguised as a supernatural thriller like so many in this genre (Anita Blake, for example). This is good stuff, and I give it my full recommendation.

I am anxiously awaiting the next novel, in fact. Any news on that front?


Golden Squire
Got a few pages in on the Tank short which is the next original to get released but I'm finding a hard time fitting the writing in between everything else going on at the moment. I'm still sort of feeling out that story overall, like I know what I want to happen I just need to tie it all together and make it interesting.


Golden Squire

So after nearly two years of "Life" getting in the way of just about everything, I finally finished getting White Rock distributed out to, well, everywhere, including print. Will update the first post with the appropriate links as time permits.

Current focus is a short story about Tank that I'm calling The Recruit. I'm sure you can guess what it's about just by its title. Right now it's on the second draft. No planned release date as of yet, still a lot to do, but I'm pushing for before Summer. Book Three of The Eternal War, which I'm calling Tulsa Shuffle, is in its infancy, about 10k words written and once the Tank short is published that will get the full brunt of my attention.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
That's awesome, congrats! I remember reading Spiral X back when you first posted it but then must have missed the follow ups about the other books.


<Gold Donor>
I've been purposely not harassing you about the next novel, but this is awesome to hear! I've been dying for more in your world.

If you need any beta reading, let me know, I'd be happy to do it again.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My wife and mother in law love these books. I'll give them a link for them to get it from Amazon. Right on man. Congrats.


Molten Core Raider
Nice job, dude. I've only read Spiral X and did enjoy it quite a bit. Been too involved in school since, though, so I've gotten very little leisure-time reading in.


Golden Squire
Nice job, dude. I've only read Spiral X and did enjoy it quite a bit. Been too involved in school since, though, so I've gotten very little leisure-time reading in.
I know the feels man. Last two years have been something of a rollercoaster for me. I've finally hit something resembling normalcy again and can get back into things like this without feeling overwhelmed. I'm looking forward to bringing you guys more tales of awesome.


Molten Core Raider
Awesome work Moontayle. Good to see you getting back into the swing of things.
Must be awesome to see your book in real print!


Golden Squire
Hi there. Remember me? Remember when I said things were getting back to normal?

I lied. I lied so much.

Good news though! I might be telling the truth this time. School is done (Graduated in September) and I think I'm finally back in the mindset needed to write again.

To illustrate this point I finally finished off the second draft of The Recruit. I need eyes now, people willing to read this rough copy and get back to me with their thoughts an opinions. The story and sequence of events are pretty much set, I'm just looking for ways to tighten it up or to identify parts where I need to make it more interesting. Or even if it just flat out sucks. So PM me if you're interested, and I'll send you a link to where you can read it (Google Doc). I'll only take the first five people though. I've found that after five a lot of the comments start repeating themselves.

It's just shy of 13k words. Split was about 12k.


Molten Core Raider
Congrats on graduating and getting stuck back into actual writing!
I find repeated comments to be the most useful. If one person says something I'll evaluate it depending on my own preference.
If 10 people say the same thing then chances are I'm wrong and need to change it. Or even better, I look at it carefully and still decide my way is best, then I'll have even more certainty in the way I'm going. That's just me though.

Anyway, happy to read it and provide feedback. I'll pm my email if you've lost it.

ps uninstall archeage!


Molten Core Raider
Good. I was wondering what the hell happened, must have missed your status updates above.


Golden Squire
The struggle is real. I've worked in "creative time" to my daily routine so I can hopefully move forward with more news of this nature. It's not always writing (I started painting my Imperial Assault minis) but over the past month or so I've progressed much further on The Recruit than I had since my last update.

Getting feedback on the blurb, then I need to spend time formatting for the various platforms and adding in the non-story stuff. Best case scenario is probably two weeks.


Golden Squire
Before Tank, there was just Jerry.

Jerry, who went to school and sought an escape from the hand that life and fate had dealt him.

Jerry, who had a good heart and couldn't help but try to do the right thing when an impossible situation crosses his path.

Jerry, who was once engaged by both sides of The Eternal War before he even knew it existed.

You think you know Jerry.

You think you know Tank.

You don't.
Apple (forthcoming)


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I am not asking for specifics but do you make enough writing your books ( several of whom I have purchased) to make a living off it? The reason I ask is my ex girlfriends mother wrote a book and she said she made a good amount of money and had never written anything previously.


Golden Squire
Nope. Neb makes a lot more but that's almost a given. He's got 11 products on the shelf. I have 4. It's all about the backlog. Basically, every major release will almost assuredly bring in new readers. Minor releases not so much. Major releases also almost guarantee all previous buyers will return. Plus, with a backlog, new readers represent a substantial influx of sales. More backlog, more overall sales. There's luck involved, and I could do a few things to increase the odds in my favor, but it's ultimately about the backlog.

Single book success stories are almost mythical in nature. For every one of those there's a thousand broken writers making $50 a month off their stuff.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Try writing smut that's how she made so much money. She sold a lot on Amazon. Look forward to the new book!