The F*** Cancer Thread


<Prior Amod>
Sorry for the loss Lithose.

My father is waiting to hear back on his prostate biopsy, we should hear next week (he had it done yesterday) if he has cancer and how far along it is. Hopefully they have caught it early if he does have it.

Ugh, it's going to be a long week. He's had so many other health issues in his life, primary being a rare disease that only a handful of people int he world have which screws with his body almost on a daily basis....and now this. Dude is only 56, turns 57 in Feb.


Treasured Member
Bros, Fuck Cancer.

Mom passed away this Monday at 62, just a little while after they got done with the chemo and radiation and were waiting for her to recover from it (diagnosed last October). Seems the radiation had caused a lot of problems (cancer was through her neck lymph nodes and metastasized to the brain). All of us were lucky and had come up two days prior to come visit, so atleast we got to see her.


<Prior Amod>
Sorry for the loss Urgo. We always think our parents are going to live forever.

I wish you and your family the best.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Prepping for my last day of chemo and radiation right now. Pretty surreal feeling to be honest. I have chest CT/x-rays today and the next several weeks, and my oncology team thinks that they'll be telling me that I'm in remission within the next two weeks.

It's been an incredibly long 10 months of treatment, but I'll soon be posting one of those cliche pictures about being in remission.


Step son's grand mother fought breast cancer for several years and thought she had finally beaten it. Cancer came back and spread to her spine and finally to her brain this past fall. We laid her rest little less than a week ago, felt so bad for him... absolutely wrecked his world, he's 8. Fuck u cancer!


My father recently died from an urinary bladder cancer that got treated, but not before it spread to his spine and ribs. Weeks of constant pain, with less and less mobility, more and more difficulty to breath, more and more morphine and without the slightest hope for it to get any better. Pretty horrible way to die.

He had been a pipe and cigar smoker on and off through his life and it's unclear to me how much of an impact it had on the likeliness to have a bladder cancer (especially considering these are way 'cleaner' than cigarettes), but nevertheless I think this thread is as good a place as any to invite everyone of you to not smoke.


<Prior Amod>
I don't get how we as a society still smoke. Occasional Cigar or whatever, probably not a huge deal, but why do people smoke cigarettes still?
So there was a misunderstanding with my friend. When the doctors told him they found no leukemia in his heart, he thought they meant he was cancer free. He was pretty drugged up, so it's understandable that he probably didn't follow all the info that well. Turns out they were talking about the fluid they drained from his heart and the biopsy of another section of his heart to confirm that the leukemia hadn't spread. He still has the initial leukemia and has reached the lifetime limit of chemo therapy treatments, so they are going to place him on some maintenance medication and we'll see. He says he's feeling fine right now and doesn't see himself going anywhere soon, so hopefully he can keep that positive mentality.


A Mod Real Quick
My dad successfully got treated for cancer 20 years ago and it hasn't come back since; that said, it was testicular cancer and the treatment was cutting one off. Just this month he had extreme pain and they told him he has a prostate infection. It has me worried as I know that the infection and cancer are very close in terms of symptoms. Should I be concerned or is this a more normal type of infection?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I probably wouldn't be too concerned if they said it was an infection. Don't quote me, but based on my understanding and experience, cancer doesn't cause much pain, let alone extreme pain, until it is very advanced.

Furthermore, I don't think there is any relation between his historical testicular cancer and the possibility of him of having prostate cancer now, at least not in the sense that it "spread". Testicular cancer is one of the few Cancers that we've pretty much beaten, and if it had metastasized to his prostate he would have had symptoms years ago

My dad successfully got treated for cancer 20 years ago and it hasn't come back since; that said, it was testicular cancer and the treatment was cutting one off. Just this month he had extreme pain and they told him he has a prostate infection. It has me worried as I know that the infection and cancer are very close in terms of symptoms. Should I be concerned or is this a more normal type of infection?


<Prior Amod>
My dad just got the results of his biopsy today, he had multiple spots of cancer in all biopsys taken, he had 3 spots that scored a 4+3 on his outter wall and they are now going to do testing to see if it's confined to his prostate or not. We have a 70/30 chance that it is, if it is it's treatable, if not...well, you know.

We find out on Feb 14th. -sigh-


Low and to the left
<Silver Donator>
Lost my dad to pancreatic cancer when i was 13, the worst thing was watching a 6'5" solid guy wither slowly down to a stick figure.


Testicular cancer is one of the few Cancers that we've pretty much beaten, and if it had metastasized to his prostate he would have had symptoms years ago
I don't know the specifics of testicular cancer, but about urinary bladder cancer the doctor told me that if it spreads the metastasis tend to grow so slowly or with such delay that in most cases patients die of something else before their metastasis become an issue (no such luck for my father). It should be added that it's possible to know if a tumor is primary or secondary since a metastasis will consist of tissues from the primary location.


Trakanon Raider
F*ck it very much... lost both my grandfather and mynot even 3 months oldnephew to cancer and both my dad and my uncle has had it... yup, I hate it! :/


Molten Core Raider
Lost my dad to pancreatic cancer when i was 13, the worst thing was watching a 6'5" solid guy wither slowly down to a stick figure.
Yeah this. My dad went from "stocky build" to "how can this man still be alive" within 6 months.
Had a stroke last november, recovered nicely from that, and on his last check-up after the stroke they told him there's water around the lungs, get to the hospital, do not pass go.
This was in February.
He got some treatment, some biopsies and stuff, they found out there's a ring around his stomach exit that made him eat basically nothing.
All the while he told his family it's not really that bad, they're going to fix him up alright.
Last week I got to take a look at the doctor's letters to the other doc finally and... it was cancer all along.
It still seemed like they would be able to somewhat give him a few more good years, to enjoy his only grandchild, see her grow up and all that, but no dice.
The cancer had spread into the lungs, liver, and god knows where else already. On 28/04/13, roughly 10pm, he gave up.

Bye dad, thanks for everything. Same day Marie turned 9 months old, you left us. It's alright though, you didn't have to suffer for long, just the way you wanted it. Love you.


A Mod Real Quick
Sorry for your loss, your story just punched me directly in the ballsack. I was cutting onions I swear.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Sorry for your loss, Ronaan.

Cancer sucks. I lost my dad to melanoma that spread to his brain back in 2006. The worst part was that he knew he had it and it was terminal and never told us(my mom and my four siblings). He went into the hospital and was basically dead less than 24 hours after we found out he had it.

Fuck cancer.