The Flash


The prisoner in the Iron Mask will probably end up being a new character called Johnny Quick who recites a mathematics formula to activate his speed force.

If you read his backstory he is heavily entwined with Zoom, and the other speedsters.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well should have known thats who zoom was, didnt think they were going to reveal it that soon


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. Here is my thoughts now.
Jay and Zoloman are twin brothers separated at birth.

E2 Jay either doesn't know about his brother Zoloman. Or, is a liar, and in cahoots, possibly being Zoloman himself with Jay being Zoom.
E2 Zoloman/Jay is thus Zoom.

E1 Jay was kidnapped by Zoom shortly after the portals opened, and is now in the mask.
E2 zoloman sits on park benches.

Big question now is, did E2 Jay lie, or was he wrong?


Well should have known thats who zoom was, didnt think they were going to reveal it that soon
I knew who he was once they introduced Hunter on Earth 1....

Anyway some funny moments with Diggle in that episode including Cisco making a new costume for him.

They should just make Diggle Guardian imo, including the Shield.


Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Is it out of the realm of possibility that Zoom is a clone of Jay? Didn't E2 Wells say he created Zoom? Maybe he created him in a different sense than just being created by the particle accelerator. Maybe he took a sample of Jay since he wanted to know the nature of how E2 Flash (Jay) worked and thus created this Zoom.

I'm probably stretching here..


Avatar of War Slayer
Here's a good theory of why Jay is Zoom.

Jay Garrick is Zoom [Theory] - YouTube
Good theory. But has a problem. E2 Jay being a shapeshifter was definitely a possibility, and certainly explains the lack of speed, without velocity 6-9. In terms of the theory and show however, it doesn't explain when they were swapped. Jay was fighting zoom, and got sucked in. that was Jay, not Everyman. So when did Jay get grabbed, and swapped with Everyman?


Trakanon Raider
I also dont get how Jay was zoom when we was getting repeatedly tested by Cate and she found no trace of speed force in his blood while working on the Velocity shit. The director made some statements regarding it and made it seem like that the Jay that got pulled in to the wormhole by zoom was actually zoom the entire time but that makes no sense.


Trying to figure out which version of Jay/Hunter Zoom was is nonsense.

They can pull doppelgangers from 52 worlds, as well as infinite Jays/Hunters in any timeline, not to mention that dumb shit Eobard Thawne did assuming another persons identity..

They introduced time travel which they seem to be able to traverse with a fucking ship, and parallels worlds. They can write whatever they want...

You nerds should have known once they introduced Hunter into their lore some version of it would have been Zoom.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I guess if you think about the fact that the vast majority of the people watching this don't know who Hunter Zolomon is, it makes sense that they would do it this way. Those of us who know the comic book background are the minority here.


Millie's Staff Member
i agree with.
Zoom=E2 Hunter Zolomon
Jay Garrick=E2 Jay Garrick
Man in Iron Mask=E1 Jay Garrick
E1 Hunter Zolomon=E1 Hunter Zolomon.

i think Cisco should have listened to Wells, now i think Katelyn will turn into KF.


Ssraeszha Raider
i agree with.
Zoom=E2 Hunter Zolomon
Jay Garrick=E2 Jay Garrick
Man in Iron Mask=E1 Jay Garrick
E1 Hunter Zolomon=E1 Hunter Zolomon.

i think Cisco should have listened to Wells, now i think Katelyn will turn into KF.

E1 Hunter Soloman IS E1 Jay Garrick. That makes at least 3 Jay Garricks in your scenario assuming there's an E2 Hunter Zoloman who isn't Jay Garrick


Millie's Staff Member
Have they shown or hinted at Eobard Thawne being in Earth 2?
You mean Eddie Thawne? because yes his name is on the speed dial in E2 Barry & Iris's phone. Eobard is from hundreds of years in the future.


E1 Hunter Soloman IS E1 Jay Garrick. That makes at least 3 Jay Garricks in your scenario assuming there's an E2 Hunter Zoloman who isn't Jay Garrick
no, 2 Jay Garricks and 2 Hunter Zolomons.
Zoom is Hunter Zolomon from Earth2, or at least thats what i agree with.

i think its possible Zoom kidnapped Jay Garrick from E1 because he mistook him for E2 Jay or he thought that Jay had the same speedster powers as E2 Jay. only problem with that is why didnt he also kidnap E1 Hunter?


Log Wizard
Someone...I think the hefty Charlie dude from Youtube, had the theory that When Jay got his powers he tried to up his speed with V6 and that somehow caused him to split off the Zoom character so even though its Jay its just a drug created doppelganger.
So Earth 1 Jay is Hunter
Earth 2 Jay is Jay
Zoom is artificially created Jay who is bat shit crazy


Log Wizard
You mean Eddie Thawne? because yes his name is on the speed dial in E2 Barry & Iris's phone. Eobard is from hundreds of years in the future.

no, 2 Jay Garricks and 2 Hunter Zolomons.
Zoom is Hunter Zolomon from Earth2, or at least thats what i agree with.

i think its possible Zoom kidnapped Jay Garrett from E1 because he mistook him for E2 Jay or he thought that Jay had the same speedster powers as E2 Jay. only problem with that is why didnt he also kidnap E1 Hunter?
So..youre saying 2 sets of Twins? Hunter and Jay from earth 1 and 2?