The Flash


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
jeez louise, that trailer


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Wally was always my favorite but Grant as barry is too good.leve west for season 3 atleast


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wally was always my favorite but Grant as barry is too good.leve west for season 3 atleast
That's my biggest worry about the show, is that they are blowing their load so hard on the first season, what's going to be left for the future? Pretty much the entire Flash rogues gallery has either already been featured, or will be coming in the rest of the season, they are using the Reverse Flash as the big bad for the season so they are already pitting him up against another speedster, and they are already getting into time travel.

What the hell is going to be left?


Tranny Chaser
Im guessing we have more Firestorm stuff coming later this year since Robbie Amell has very notably NOT signed on for the spinoff team-up show and yet Victor Garber has. When quizzed about this the showrunners said (paraphrasing here) 'yeah there is a reason Robbie Amell isn't on the cast, but we can't say why'


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What the shit, talk about this show moving to fast. Well's is a asshole, love when he told Cisqo hes been dead to him for centuries.

Props to Wells/Cysqo, some good acting in that scene. Oh yeah, the special effects were top notch once again


Mr. Poopybutthole
thanks for the spoiler jerk
Don't be a retard and click on the thread right after a new episode if you haven't seen the episode yet?

And yeah that escalated quickly.

I suspect what will happen is that Barry will tell them he traveled back in time, causing events to play out differently this time. My guess is that Cisco will be distracted from looking into the force field failure, meaning the reveal of Wells will be delayed this time, and Iris won't confess her feelings to Barry and won't find out he's the Flash. But learning that he can change time will make him realize he could still save his mother from the Reverse Flash because he hasn't actually failed to do it yet.

*edit again*

And the captain will probably be fine, either from Barry rescuing him, or because the different events cause Martin to never even show up at the precinct to go after Joe.


Something still needs to happen to Cisco to make him Vibe. So the past Cisco probly dies, and they may pull the future one in who is obviously still alive.

Either way they are bound to fuck something up in the writing dealing with this much time travel.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
Holy shit balls, this show yet again turns what is considered pacing into a blender and is just chewing up plot. Holy fuck that's a lot of shit in one episode!

I will be curious to see how they handle the time travel. I am slightly disappointed that it just gives them an excuse to bring the prisonbreakbro's back so soon.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah now that I think about it, it's kind of weird that the next episode is apparently about the Rogues. I mean Barry still doesn't know where Martin is at any point except for the attack on the precinct and the wharf where he starts the tsunami. So what, this time Captain Cold, Heatwave, and Golden Glider are just gonna happen to show up this time to join up with Weather Wizard? This seemed like a good setup for them to basically redo the episode but with things different because of Barry's limited foreknowledge.


Flashpoint would require them to set up Arrow for a few Flashpoint episodes as well, so it's probably not going to happen. Flashpoint is the only way we'll ever see Sara as Black Canary again, unless the writers get really desperate.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
seems pretty stupid to give him time travel in season one but whatever. awesome episode even though everything is going to be back to normal. Cysqo is going to be alive, iris wont tell barry how she feels. looks like i might be right about eddie being zoom though


Mr. Poopybutthole
How on earth could Eddie be Zoom? Wells is Zoom, he flat out told Cisco he was Eobard Thawne, and said Eddie was a very distant relative implying his origin is the same as in the comics, he's from the 25th century. Except this version apparently has unstable powers and stranded himself in the 21st, and is planning to use Barry to try and get himself back to his own time.

So Wells admitted he was there to kill Barry, not Nora, which puts a new context to when Nora shouted "don't let him touch you" to Barry that night. Also, why the hell would he have traveled back 500 some years to kill Barry Allen?