The Food Thread

  • Guest, do you have a hole in your podcast listening list? Our very own Seananigans will be broadcasting this Saturday 7/27 at 3:30pm Central

    Go into the FoH discord and find the Happy Time Fun Hour channel and give it a listen!


<Silver Donator>
We had some soup the other day that was amazing. I asked the chef about the ingredients and it was pretty simple:

- White Beans
- Pancetta
- Thyme
- Merlot
- Garlic
- Salt and pepper.

Cook it all up and blend it into a slurry of goodness and sprinkle some crispy pancetta bits in the middle. Ohmazing.

I'm looking for a detailed recipe.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Why can't we have nice things?



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That plastic tab is money lost. Fat Americans can shove their fists into the tube and shut their pieholes(after finishing the entire tube).


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
There are many ways I could take that, but I'm going to just nod, and stand uncomfortably in the corner with my empty drink while pretending to have a good time here.


Bronze Squire
I'm not a fan of chain restaurants outside of fast-food, and I usually try and support the Mom and Pops', but tonight my Mom wanted to go to Texas Roadhouse for her birthday.

I had the 16 oz. prime rib, and it was so damn tender it was suspicious. It was really fucking good, and only 19.99 for the big cut. Weird.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yeah, I sometimes wonder how big chains can sell huge cuts of expensive meat so inexpensively. I know they get huge discounts because of volume and all, but still.

I ate at a Granite City tonight. They craft their own beer, and it is decent. They also have 5$ growler refills on Monday nights, and I have a bunch of beer-drinking company coming throughout this week, so I had a bunch refilled. I had a burger, and it was very good, and perfectly prepared. Bleu cheese and bacon on top. 25 ounce beer along side.


Bronze Squire
Yeah, I sometimes wonder how big chains can sell huge cuts of expensive meat so inexpensively. I know they get huge discounts because of volume and all, but still.

I ate at a Granite City tonight. They craft their own beer, and it is decent. They also have 5$ growler refills on Monday nights, and I have a bunch of beer-drinking company coming throughout this week, so I had a bunch refilled. I had a burger, and it was very good, and perfectly prepared. Bleu cheese and bacon on top. 25 ounce beer along side.
Brew pubs are pretty hit and miss as to their quality of beer it seems. I went to one in KC and asked for a black and tan, and they told me all their beers had the same specific gravity. What the fuck.

Anyway, that burger sounds awesome, I've been on a bleu cheese kick lately.

Edit: Hey, I just looked up Granite City, and it seems there is one in STL. Excellent.


Still a Music Elitist
Texas Roadhouse is a legit chain. They even have good ribs. Which I think is the hardest thing for a restaurant to nail.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is Texas Roadhouse the place that gives you the half cooked bread or whatever? It's really doughy.