The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


yeah. i like this more than anything. I don't have a goal to fuck atm. I have literally no expectation when it comes to girls now....if they want to fuck, yeah but I am not gonna take the lead probably. honest to god though, it is sad that I am still a virgin...I've rejected a girl for a date the other day. people been telling me, "you could've fucked her." meh.

you know that feeling of control when you are not chasing anymore? you have all the power. or equal to that. it's more relaxing that way. thing I want to try out is to make the girl chase me for months and shit. I dunno. I want to see who is genuinely interested and who is just in it to fuck and funbag.


Silver Knight of the Realm
yeah. i like this more than anything. I don't have a goal to fuck atm. I have literally no expectation when it comes to girls now....if they want to fuck, yeah but I am not gonna take the lead probably. honest to god though, it is sad that I am still a virgin...I've rejected a girl for a date the other day. people been telling me, "you could've fucked her." meh.

you know that feeling of control when you are not chasing anymore? you have all the power. or equal to that. it's more relaxing that way. thing I want to try out is to make the girl chase me for months and shit. I dunno. I want to see who is genuinely interested and who is just in it to fuck and funbag.
Speaking from experience here mate, whilst it may seem fun being the one in 'control' in regards to girls chasing you, its really not. Eventually those girls will stop chasing you, and you're back to where you started, with nothing to show for it (no real experiences to look back on fondly, just ones you regret). So my advice - just fuck these girls, you'll regret if if you don't.


I know I won't regret it. If it's not meant to be, it is not meant to be. I am not going to get hung over that. I know I will get over it eventually. Only person who should be regretting is the person who was offered everything and rejected it. I don't want to reward casual dating. I am...sorry...I just don't see any purpose in that... the girl asked me out so casually that I was not really emotionally attached to it...

EDIT: I will probably ask another girl I work with to somewhere romantic or something. Not right now though. Not at this work after all the drama and shit I had to deal with....I am still recovering after 4 month so...I probably need more time.


Musty Nester
Any girl worth a shit will stop chasing after she's tried twice, panface.

If she's cute and she asks there is no decision to be made. You just say yes.


Got something right about marriage
I know I won't regret it. If it's not meant to be, it is not meant to be. I am not going to get hung over that. I know I will get over it eventually. Only person who should be regretting is the person who was offered everything and rejected it. I don't want to reward casual dating. I am...sorry...I just don't see any purpose in that... the girl asked me out so casually that I was not really emotionally attached to it...

EDIT: I will probably ask another girl I work with to somewhere romantic or something. Not right now though. Not at this work after all the drama and shit I had to deal with....I am still recovering after 4 month so...I probably need more time.
Don't go after women you work with man.

Never dip the pen in the company ink. Unless you love drama.


Don't go after women you work with man.

Never dip the pen in the company ink. Unless you love drama.
no shit. my sup told me to ignore the girl I had asked out couple times for my safety. she is talking to co-workers I am close with and trying to reach me constantly.
Any girl worth a shit will stop chasing after she's tried twice, panface.

If she's cute and she asks there is no decision to be made. You just say yes.
If she tries twice, I will say yes. by trying I mean getting on her knees or get serious. I dunno.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
You guys are some judgmental assholes. Johnny isn't hurting anyone, only himself. He's definitely a cheater but guess what... so are 50%+ of men. You are all probably cheaters at one time or another. Get the fuck off your high horses acting like Johnny is a huge piece of shit compared to you angels. His wife has reason to hate him, you do not.

His wife acting uninterested in him probably drives his addiction with these hookers. She probably goes along and does the minimum required to satisfy her guilt about having sex. Like a lot of wives.


Got something right about marriage
That's some serious victim blaming you got goin' on there you shitlord!


I like to think Johnnys wife regularly posts on some bizarro version of rerolled about all the times she's cheated on him with random crack head dudes in camden and how she got a STD and convinced him that he gave it to her from a toilet seat. All the while they are always missing each other like a comedy of errors when they pick up their whore from the ghetto.


So here's a story.

Been chatting with this girl for the past few months, unfortunately she lives about 6 hours away. We meet for the first time a little under 2 months ago and we have a great time, shortly after we consider our relationship "official" and I make the effort to go see her about once every two weeks. I'm hooked from the start, even after being in a couple long lasting relationships, this girl is different, I feel like I've known her for much much longer than we really have, we're very similar in many aspects and the ones where we are not we kinda complement each other, in other words the chemistry feels just right. Everything seems like it's going perfect, a little fast, but neither of us is really in a hurry. I'm starting to fall for her and think that that this relationship could actually work out (I've had pretty bad/sad experiences before)

We spent the last weekend together, and though it was unplanned, I got the chance to meet her family. Her relationship with her family seems to be a bit bizarre, she gets along with all of them, but she is from a large family, so she doesn't feel very close to some of them, and I think she's ok with that, after all she doesn't live anywhere near to any of them and at the moment she lives alone. However, I think me meeting her family freaked her out a bit. I think it made her realize how fast things were really moving. On top of that, I think that since the chemistry feels right, and she also feels like we have known each other for a long time, the distance is starting to really affect her and frighten her. So she asked me for some time to "think things through" that though she's been really happy this past month, that she's afraid she's neglecting some things in her life (what things, I'm not quite sure).

Anyways so, that's where I'm at, wanting to talk with her and try to understand what is troubling her. I also live alone, and on top of that I'm a freelancer, so if there are days where I don't have work to do, it will just be me living in my head, with little to no distractions to keep my brain busy and away from thinking too much about this, I also just recently moved to another state so I dont know that many people here yet. In other words, Today sucks. I've been trying to find things to do, but sadly i think the timing just happened to be bad.

I know things will work out one way or another, and I'm trying to do my best to not feel hurt or lonely. That's why I wrote this, just to vent really.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So here's a story.

Been chatting with this girl for the past few months, unfortunately she lives about 6 hours away. We meet for the first time a little under 2 months ago and we have a great time, shortly after we consider our relationship "official" and I make the effort to go see her about once every two weeks. I'm hooked from the start, even after being in a couple long lasting relationships, this girl is different, I feel like I've known her for much much longer than we really have, we're very similar in many aspects and the ones where we are not we kinda complement each other, in other words the chemistry feels just right. Everything seems like it's going perfect, a little fast, but neither of us is really in a hurry. I'm starting to fall for her and think that that this relationship could actually work out (I've had pretty bad/sad experiences before)

We spent the last weekend together, and though it was unplanned, I got the chance to meet her family. Her relationship with her family seems to be a bit bizarre, she gets along with all of them, but she is from a large family, so she doesn't feel very close to some of them, and I think she's ok with that, after all she doesn't live anywhere near to any of them and at the moment she lives alone. However, I think me meeting her family freaked her out a bit. I think it made her realize how fast things were really moving. On top of that, I think that since the chemistry feels right, and she also feels like we have known each other for a long time, the distance is starting to really affect her and frighten her. So she asked me for some time to "think things through" that though she's been really happy this past month, that she's afraid she's neglecting some things in her life (what things, I'm not quite sure).

Anyways so, that's where I'm at, wanting to talk with her and try to understand what is troubling her. I also live alone, and on top of that I'm a freelancer, so if there are days where I don't have work to do, it will just be me living in my head, with little to no distractions to keep my brain busy and away from thinking too much about this, I also just recently moved to another state so I dont know that many people here yet. In other words, Today sucks. I've been trying to find things to do, but sadly i think the timing just happened to be bad.

I know things will work out one way or another, and I'm trying to do my best to not feel hurt or lonely. That's why I wrote this, just to vent really.
I know what you are going through, I'm not quite as much of a bitch as you about it
but I do understand. I work from home, so I pretty much just travel all over the US and world and do whatever I want, it's a pretty awesome deal, but anyway not the point of this thread. I mentioned that fact though because as I travel I meet girls I like, things move fast, lots of chemistry, lots of emotions, basically it's just intense. I don't really do anything that isn't on that front. I don't have time or patience for this let's be high school friends for 5 years first shit. Distance is always a factor, so inevitably I end up moving to where ever the girl is until it failcakes, which it always does because that's how these things work, plus I have way too much fucking pride and way too little patience so I bail at the first sign of drama, lies, immaturity, or major disconnect. I'm too old(33), life's too short and awesome for me to waste 6 months - a few years on someone just to have sex. If you show problems, take a walk.

ALL that being said though, I am left like you are quite often, sitting at home working with nothing but time to brew things in my head. MANY MANY times I've asked myself, "should I really have left her over that? it wasn't THAT bad..." and there's always gonna be that little fleeting pass of sadness that hits you when you are sitting home on a Tuesday with nothing to do and that used to be your movie night or whatever the fuck your hobbies are. Best advice I can give, and I don't say it this way to sound mean, I am completely serious, is stop being a little bitch about it. Maybe one of her family members said something, maybe she really does just want time, maybe the speed of it all did freak her out, either way she's expressed whatever she expressed, cut your losses and move the fuck on. Find more ways to occupy your time which can help with the sobbing lonely dude feeling. We've all gone through the momentary pain of a lost love but I can't think of a single one I've looked back on and regret. Doesn't make it less hard, but it still needs to be done.

Seriously don't pine over her, if she knows you are it only creates one of two emotions...fact 1.) she thinks you are pathetic 2.) she likes it and it turns into a passive aggressive power trip. It's never good. I firmly believe that when shit like this happens there is no "go back" button. I've had that happen so many times, some, seemingly little thing, happens but once it's done/said/occurred it's over, you can never undo whatever it was and it's always in the back of the one of your minds. Again cut your loses and walk away. It's a generic line we've all heard but there are millions of girls in the world, and you'd be surprised how many interesting, freaky, mature, fun, and adventurous ones exist. You can't meet them crying in your living room while watching lifetime.


I know what you are going through, I'm not quite as much of a bitch as you about it
... stop being a little bitch about it.
You're mostly right about this, obviously lacking some context here and there, and the whole "it's easier said than done" but the bottomline is that, yes, at this point I'm being a little bitch. Never really been one to act like it. It's actually easy for me move from things similar to this which is why in so many years you've never seen me post in this thread. But I needed to vent. This time around I needed to be a little bitch because for once, unlike many others, for some reason I really care, and well, that sucks. Today sucks.

However, I'm not fully disagreeing you, so thanks for the harsh encouragement

About other subtly mentioned topic. I also move around and travel all over the place. I haven't established myself somewhere for someone but to bail at the first time of drama? I already hate having to change of address constantly, just thinking of all the process i would at least let more than a couple of signs of drama to bail... maybe I'm just lazy heheh. So yeah, I can't cut my losses, not yet anyway.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You're mostly right about this, obviously lacking some context here and there, and the whole "it's easier said than done" but the bottomline is that, yes, at this point I'm being a little bitch. Never really been one to act like it. It's actually easy for me move from things similar to this which is why in so many years you've never seen me post in this thread. But I needed to vent. This time around I needed to be a little bitch because for once, unlike many others, for some reason I really care, and well, that sucks. Today sucks.

However, I'm not fully disagreeing you, so thanks for the harsh encouragement

About other subtly mentioned topic. I also move around and travel all over the place. I haven't established myself somewhere for someone but to bail at the first time of drama? I already hate having to change of address constantly, just thinking of all the process i would at least let more than a couple of signs of drama to bail... maybe I'm just lazy heheh. So yeah, I can't cut my losses, not yet anyway.
Yea, I have a home in NH and that is my official address. A friend plops the mail inside and forwards important shit(passports/car registrations etc) every few months. So that allows me to just hop around and do whatever. It's a little bit laziness but honestly it's just a different lifestyle, it's not for everyone that's for sure. Many on this board are super happy in their homes with wife/kids/boats and whatever. I will never compare or judge lives, they are just different and we each need to pursue what makes up happy.

But I would argue that for guys like can't get all worked up when the quick to hot and heavy fails. I think it has something to do with the distance or travel honestly....or maybe we are just kindred souls? All I know is that whenever I do this move around thing it always moves super fast. It's fucking crazy awesome for a few months and then the dust settles and there is always an issue. Only difference is when you date and live locally in a permanent spot you just politely part and maybe still be friends or whatever. But for guys like us there is no clean way to do that. There is just too much going on too intensely, it's always a cold ending on one of the parts.

I love my life though and wouldn't trade it for the world. The first few times this kind of break up happened, and I've been dumped and did dumping, it hurt. Honestly it hurt the same regardless of who dumped who. But the more I lived this way the more I realized I had the next in queue lined up in under a month. Then I realized that each one had their own perks, downs, bodies, and personalities. And each was fun and flawed. None really better than the other in an amazing novel type of way, more like trading equitable goods. So fuck it, when it ends I put the boots on and move on, because I know that within little time I'll find another that is better in some ways, worse in others, but fun all the same. The only way I WONT find another is if I sit inside sulk, stop my travels, or do any of that "little bitch" shit

There is really only ONE downside that I can think of it, and in the grand scheme of things because it's SO easy to avoid, but there are certain areas that I burned some fucking bridges in hard. The good news there is that cities are large enough where it doesn't matter(won't bump into them or if you do it's no big deal, etc) and the town girls I've dated are typically in towns I wouldn't have gone to if not for them anyway, so no big deal.