The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


<WoW Guild Officer>
That was his original name before the erep crew introduced him to FoH, then ReRolled. lol


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
It's clear he is an attention seeker more than anything else. He posts here about it to farm tucobucks and bask in the glow of the "WTF's", "You are a piece of shit" and "You are my hero".
He's at the point now where he does not know how to stop and wants someone else to do it for him. Either by a stint inside or his wife saying, "You know what? I can do way better". Either or.
Seriously dude, go talk to a therapist and get some help.
So to help Johnny, we need to neg him?

okay, here is my piece of the pie. I had a weird crush on his girl for months. I asked her out and she was hesistant. we played around a bit for couple weeks and this time, I asked her out more seriously than ever (relationship). There is something odd about her response that I never understood. After rejection, I decided to just move on and whatnot. couple months pass, stuff happens and there. I just decide to avoid her permanently. A month pass, she asks my friend why is he ignoring me. This is after getting told by my supervisor that she didn't appreciate the fact that I was being really serious with her and that I was approaching her too intimately. After that, she leads me on with accessories. Keeps popping in my face. Sent her friend to see me. Put on glasses out of nowhere. Literally jumps one day after seeing me up close after opening a door. I didn't even notice since I was facing backward. This is ongoing issue and has been for 3 month. Mostly I am amused.

I don't think I am bitter. I still want to work things out but I am seeing other girls right now... less serious this time though.
I guess I'll never get an english version of this, now.

Don't go after women you work with man.

Never dip the pen in the company ink. Unless you love drama.
Or as my dad said, Don't shit where you eat.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That's what he gets for believing the admin when they said the shaw was anything goes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know things will work out one way or another, and I'm trying to do my best to not feel hurt or lonely. That's why I wrote this, just to vent really.
100% of the time that a woman asks "time to think things through", it means she wants to date, or at least fuck, someone else, temporarily.


Trakanon Raider
Would not be surprised in the least if that were true. Give it a few years: he'll come crying asking how to fix the marriage, and I'll have to link Tomassi again - full circle.
Nah bro, nah. I'm still living the good life. She moved in a year and a half ago, but I believe I'd previously mentioned that. There's not really been any talk or insistence on marriage from either of us. It comes up a bit from time to time, but neither of us is in any sort of hurry. She's still got 2 more years of school to finish her masters that she's taking through distance learning in the evenings while working near full time, so the last thing she's interested in is planning a wedding. And I think it's likely we'll just end up eloping or some shit, because neither of us really has any interest in having a big pain in the ass wedding and we're more or less fed up with all of our friend's destination weddings (seriously, every fucking year for 5 years I've had to waste a week of my precious vacation time to go to some shithole resort). I dunno, at some point we'll sit down and discuss what the future holds, but for the most part we just enjoy each other's company and don't worry too much about "the future".

Otherwise it's kind of Groundhog Day for me. Business has been good the last couple years, I get away for 2-3 cat/heli ski trips in the winter (this past season was fucking awful and a giant waste of money, oh well), do a few downhill mountain biking trips in the summer, planning my next motorcycle trip in September, try to golf 10-15 rounds a year, play 60-70 beer league hockey games a year (playing top division this summer, which is interesting as it's full of former NHL and AHL players, and our team is actually doing pretty well), so on and so forth.

As to why I haven't been around these boards much, there wasn't any one particular reason. I just decided I was wasting too much time here that I could be spending elsewhere more productively. I have a lot of hobbies and friends and never really want for shit to do, time's my biggest limitation. Why waste it arguing with a complete fucking moron like yourself when I could be doing something a lot more entertaining? So this year I went on my annual Brovember trip to Boston/NY/Philly to see a couple Oiler games as well as the Jet/Steelers and Eagles/Panthers games and when I came back I said to myself "fuck it, don't go back to RR for a few weeks and see if you miss it."

For the most part I don't. This morning was the first time I've spent any significant amount of time scrolling through some threads, and while it's a great way to kill time for the most part it's just the same people having the same arguments about the same stupid shit. So also kind of like Groundhog Day, I guess, just with a lot more agoraphobia. Some threads are still interesting like the science and astronomy ones, not to mention Onoes's latest adventures. But nothing worth spending significant time here.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
She is not even slightly aware of my web habits.
Sounds like you have some dark secrets. Its alright, we welcome all manner of freaks here. Be they trannies, Canadians...Canadian tranny lovers...its a melting pot.


The Scientific Shitlord
Heya Eomer, glad to hear life is going good. If you gotta leave, at least it's for a good reason.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
TIL I had been dating a sociopath

So, some of you know from a different thread that I had been considering taking a job in Dubai, but one of the reasons I was considering not going is because I was still hung up on my ex. We broke up in April but had still been acting like boyfriend/girlfriend for the better part of these two months. It's only been recently I decided to go with the whole "No contact" rule because the back and forth was messing with me. Her behavior since the break up had always troubled me. She seemed to not care (until recently), was extremely cold all the sudden, couldn't understand why I was so upset and couldn't just move on (after 2 days), and in general just seemed like a different person than the one I dated for almost 2 years. The breakup seemingly came out of nowhere. She said I did nothing wrong. She just fell out of love. She had also turned into an extreme liar. She would lie about EVERYTHING. Even things that both of us knew weren't true. It was just flat out bizarre. This was not the person I knew so well... or thought I knew so well.

Well today I was talking with a girl that she used to stay with and she mentioned she always had sociopathic tendencies. She wasn't just saying this off hand, she actually meant it. Now I hear the word sociopath tossed around so much, I admit I had to look up the actual meaning. I found numerous websites with checklists and signs and wouldn't you know, she fits into almost every single one. I'm talking like 80%. Now, I don't think she's a full fledged sociopath, because I actually see her fight it sometimes, but she's right there on the cusp. Most of the traits weren't there while we dated, so I don't know if she did a good job of hiding it or what, but from the day we broke up, it's been out for all to see. Yes, she had a fucked up childhood, and I'm 99.99% sure that's the cause. It's sad because they say there's no treatment or cure. She is responsible for her behavior, but she's not responsible for what caused her to be like this, and it's sad.

We were actually planning on getting married, but that's not the only reason it was hard to let go. She's freakin beautiful and crazy in bed. Yes, I have tons nudes. No, I don't think it would be right for me to post them. But ya, this girl broke my heart like no other. It's been the roughest two months of my life.



Musty Nester
Borderlines will wreck you, and you won't know they're borderline until you've been wrecked.

And yes, we all want to see the nudes. And no, you should not post them.

Unless she poops in your bushes or something. But -only- do it for revenge.


Musty Nester
But if you REALLY want to get "Holy..." read about attachment disorders. It's been mostly abandonded and rethought, I believe. Erik Erikson. Not a popular bit of pseudo-science. But it does an uncanny job of describingsometypes of personality.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
that's clearly a lady-boy.

We're going to need to inspect the equipment, otherwise we're all just going to assume you were hooking up with a tranny. He's probably completely sane for a tranny.


Musty Nester
For the most part I don't. This morning was the first time I've spent any significant amount of time scrolling through some threads, and while it's a great way to kill time for the most part it's just the same people having the same arguments about the same stupid shit. So also kind of like Groundhog Day, I guess, just with a lot more agoraphobia. Some threads are still interesting like the science and astronomy ones, not to mention Onoes's latest adventures. But nothing worth spending significant time here.

You take it back. None of these thread are interesting.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man just go to fucking Dubai. Middle Eastern bitches will make you forget all about your crazy ex that fucked you up.

Just uhh, don't get caught with weed or anything or you wont be coming home.