The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
So stupid question, how does one handle pets when you break up/divorce? The reason I ask is a friend of mine is going through a nasty break up with his long time girlfriend and that seems to be a sticking point. As a person who has 3 dogs and got them while with my current girlfriend I'm curious what to do in the event this thing goes belly up. I personally don't see that happening anytime soon after we had our big talk a couple months ago but if this thread is anything to go by that doesn't always mean shit can't go bad real quick.
Start training them to do annoying things on voice commands. Gradually increase the severity of these annoying things and attach them to words people might say in conversation near the dogs. Then just give them to her. Like unleashing doggy guerillas in her midst.


You have a third party suggest cutting the pet in half. Whomever would rather see the pet live than get their half deserves to keep it. If you both want the pet to live so will give the pet to the other person, consider seeing if make-up sex helps solve the problem.
Kramer and Elaine never had sex


what Suineg set it to
So, I've been with my current GF for 8 months now. We worked in the same office for roughly a year before we started dating (albeit in different departments). We had some random interactions at the workplace over time, but given my position I really didn't want to start anything. Then she started talking with me after helping to cover the reception area after the previous receptionist got fired until they got a replacement. About 3 months later, I hadn't seen anyone in a few weeks and things clicked in casual conversation, so we started dating. Things progressed quicker than usual given the fact we knew each other, at least casually, from work.

After 3 months, I transferred to Arizona. We talked about just ending it versus trying an LTR thing for awhile. Ultimately, I decided things had been going pretty well, so I wasn't going to give up fornoreason, seeing as I had barely finished moving in. After about 2 months of that, I came to the conclusion the LTR thing was just dumb as fuck, so I told her I either had to concentrate on living in my new city and meet new people including women, or she needed to move out with me because it was 100% not going to work out the way it was going. For perspective, I REALLY didn't want to have her move in that early in a relationship, but ultimately, it made more sense to me to see where things went rather than wander around town like a Quaker and only talk to her on the weekends due to the time zone differential and work schedules. I didn't see me being MORE comfortable with her moving in 9 months later after a bunch more weekend chat sessions. So we pulled the trigger.

She moved out and things have been going well for the first few months. She got a job and car quickly, acclimated fairly well to the climate and we've done a few weekend trips. She's 'jokingly' brought up marriage in the past and I flatly told her that I wasn't interested right now in my life, and may never be because I really just don't care for the institution in general. She said she understood but was obviously disappointed at the pretty frank response. We're both on the same page about kids (IE, none). I'm still searching for my own answers on the marriage thing long-term, but right now I'm kind of 'meh' about everything. Things are going very well, all things considered, but I've been off-put by how comfortable things have been since the beginning. I guess it's like gearing up for some really difficult task and everything goes stupidly well and your feared 9 hours of work is done in 30 minutes. It's disappointing in a way. She doesn't have quite as 'challenging' of a personality (IE, challenges ideas, witty, comebacks, etc.) in private as she does in public and that could be feeding into things as well. I guess I feel like we just keep going and wait to see if things fall apart? I'm not sure if there's a place to be leading this to, but at the same time I don't want to try and poke holes in the boat just to see if it WILL sink. My parents had a pretty shitty relationship (not in an abusive way but they 100% stayed together because of the kids) and admittedly I am subconsciously analyzing everything for the same warning signs I saw when growing up. That just feels shitty to me. I'm just not sure how much is that aspect versus what I should be expecting from my relationship with the woman.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
If you go looking for flaws, you are certain to find some. My advice at a glance is to stop worrying about this sort of shit and just enjoy what you have going on. She moved to be where you are and does seem to be both self sufficient and not dependent, so I see no reason to sabotage things if I were in your shoes. By your own admission, you are damaged goods (parent thing), so the likely scenario here is you maybe having a bit of midlife ennui or maybe some good old fashioned fear of commitment. Either way, nitpicking this shit in your head is a sure way to sink things, so unless you really want to dump this woman (or there is something else you left out), you might want to consider changing your outlook on things. Maybe you should clue her in to your parent background, if you have not already. No woman picks up and restarts their career unless they are committed to putting in some work, so she might help work through this with you.

Really, you are complaining about how good things are going, which is a sign that its in your head.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So, I've been with my current GF for 8 months now. We worked in the same office for roughly a year before we started dating (albeit in different departments). We had some random interactions at the workplace over time, but given my position I really didn't want to start anything. Then she started talking with me after helping to cover the reception area after the previous receptionist got fired until they got a replacement. About 3 months later, I hadn't seen anyone in a few weeks and things clicked in casual conversation, so we started dating. Things progressed quicker than usual given the fact we knew each other, at least casually, from work.

After 3 months, I transferred to Arizona. We talked about just ending it versus trying an LTR thing for awhile. Ultimately, I decided things had been going pretty well, so I wasn't going to give up fornoreason, seeing as I had barely finished moving in. After about 2 months of that, I came to the conclusion the LTR thing was just dumb as fuck, so I told her I either had to concentrate on living in my new city and meet new people including women, or she needed to move out with me because it was 100% not going to work out the way it was going. For perspective, I REALLY didn't want to have her move in that early in a relationship, but ultimately, it made more sense to me to see where things went rather than wander around town like a Quaker and only talk to her on the weekends due to the time zone differential and work schedules. I didn't see me being MORE comfortable with her moving in 9 months later after a bunch more weekend chat sessions. So we pulled the trigger.

She moved out and things have been going well for the first few months. She got a job and car quickly, acclimated fairly well to the climate and we've done a few weekend trips. She's 'jokingly' brought up marriage in the past and I flatly told her that I wasn't interested right now in my life, and may never be because I really just don't care for the institution in general. She said she understood but was obviously disappointed at the pretty frank response. We're both on the same page about kids (IE, none). I'm still searching for my own answers on the marriage thing long-term, but right now I'm kind of 'meh' about everything. Things are going very well, all things considered, but I've been off-put by how comfortable things have been since the beginning. I guess it's like gearing up for some really difficult task and everything goes stupidly well and your feared 9 hours of work is done in 30 minutes. It's disappointing in a way. She doesn't have quite as 'challenging' of a personality (IE, challenges ideas, witty, comebacks, etc.) in private as she does in public and that could be feeding into things as well. I guess I feel like we just keep going and wait to see if things fall apart? I'm not sure if there's a place to be leading this to, but at the same time I don't want to try and poke holes in the boat just to see if it WILL sink. My parents had a pretty shitty relationship (not in an abusive way but they 100% stayed together because of the kids) and admittedly I am subconsciously analyzing everything for the same warning signs I saw when growing up. That just feels shitty to me. I'm just not sure how much is that aspect versus what I should be expecting from my relationship with the woman.
Lets meetup bro, we can go to the filibertos on 35th ave and camelback, get some cheap burritos


Got an unexpected BJ today from this blonde chick who works for the Political science department at the school I attend. I came into the office to check for old essays among other things and yadda yadda yadda, BJ.


Confirmed Male
So, I've been with my current GF for 8 months now. We worked in the same office for roughly a year before we started dating (albeit in different departments). We had some random interactions at the workplace over time, but given my position I really didn't want to start anything. Then she started talking with me after helping to cover the reception area after the previous receptionist got fired until they got a replacement. About 3 months later, I hadn't seen anyone in a few weeks and things clicked in casual conversation, so we started dating. Things progressed quicker than usual given the fact we knew each other, at least casually, from work.

After 3 months, I transferred to Arizona. We talked about just ending it versus trying an LTR thing for awhile. Ultimately, I decided things had been going pretty well, so I wasn't going to give up fornoreason, seeing as I had barely finished moving in. After about 2 months of that, I came to the conclusion the LTR thing was just dumb as fuck, so I told her I either had to concentrate on living in my new city and meet new people including women, or she needed to move out with me because it was 100% not going to work out the way it was going. For perspective, I REALLY didn't want to have her move in that early in a relationship, but ultimately, it made more sense to me to see where things went rather than wander around town like a Quaker and only talk to her on the weekends due to the time zone differential and work schedules. I didn't see me being MORE comfortable with her moving in 9 months later after a bunch more weekend chat sessions. So we pulled the trigger.

She moved out and things have been going well for the first few months. She got a job and car quickly, acclimated fairly well to the climate and we've done a few weekend trips. She's 'jokingly' brought up marriage in the past and I flatly told her that I wasn't interested right now in my life, and may never be because I really just don't care for the institution in general. She said she understood but was obviously disappointed at the pretty frank response. We're both on the same page about kids (IE, none). I'm still searching for my own answers on the marriage thing long-term, but right now I'm kind of 'meh' about everything. Things are going very well, all things considered, but I've been off-put by how comfortable things have been since the beginning. I guess it's like gearing up for some really difficult task and everything goes stupidly well and your feared 9 hours of work is done in 30 minutes. It's disappointing in a way. She doesn't have quite as 'challenging' of a personality (IE, challenges ideas, witty, comebacks, etc.) in private as she does in public and that could be feeding into things as well. I guess I feel like we just keep going and wait to see if things fall apart? I'm not sure if there's a place to be leading this to, but at the same time I don't want to try and poke holes in the boat just to see if it WILL sink. My parents had a pretty shitty relationship (not in an abusive way but they 100% stayed together because of the kids) and admittedly I am subconsciously analyzing everything for the same warning signs I saw when growing up. That just feels shitty to me. I'm just not sure how much is that aspect versus what I should be expecting from my relationship with the woman.
How about you live your life the best you can, and do what makes you happy. You are making things way to fucking complicated.

TLDR - Stop thinking like a woman, and think like a man. Life is much easier that way.