The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


I'm Amod too!
I swear to god I will report every last post for the last hundred pages if you turn this thread into another Red Pill shit fest.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Alright alright, we made fun of the Red Pill shit and then he said his peace, now can we please just shut the fuck up about it.

There's a thread for it if you want to argue about how stupid it is.

If Himeo is srs;

not much you can do except tell her how you feel. I think it's pretty important that you don't sound like you're begging or desperate in the situation just that you really cared about her and was confused about what you wanted from your relationship.

Not going to lie though, if I were her I'd tell you tough shit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If Himeo is srs;

not much you can do except tell her how you feel. I think it's pretty important that you don't sound like you're begging or desperate in the situation just that you really cared about her and was confused about what you wanted from your relationship.

Not going to lie though, if I were her I'd tell you tough shit.
This is wise. I did the same thing back in high school, refusing to date a girl because I didn't know what I wanted. Then realized I actually liked her, told her and it didn't work out. You really don't have anything to lose by trying. I'm glad I did, despite the failure. At least you aren't left wondering.

I'll save my thoughts on redpill for the other thread.


not much you can do except tell her how you feel.
This is the absolute worst advice. You never tell a girl how you feel - ever, in any relationship. You can drop nuggets, or hints, of how you feel, but you never explain in words (even in a LTR/marriage). If you want to date her again, approach her casually & see if she bites.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I fell in love with one of the girls I've been seeing.

I can't stop thinking about her. About the way she smiles, the smell of her hair, the feeling of her lying next to me at night.

I didn't know I loved her until I broke up with her. The look on her face, it just destroyed me. I've been going in circles the last couple days trying to forget about her but I can't.

I'm not cut out for this Red Pill shit. I can't handle casual sex. I want more than that. But, I'm not crazy enough to get into a long term relationship or give up my freedom.

I don't know what the fuck to do. It might be easier to go back to celibacy.

Fuck my life.
Watch Gone Girl five times in a row. You'll be cured of ever wanting a relationship ever.


Musty Nester
Any sane person will tell you tough shit. You should still tell her how you feel. Not in that emo way you just told US. You just leave her a message somehow, "Sorry. I made a mistake, and now I regret it. Best of luck in all your future endeavors!" (the ! is important). You don't do this because she'll take you back. You do this for a reality check and to dislodge your head from your own ass.

That self pity is intense and absurd. And if she couldn't smell that on you to begin with you're better off finding someone that can.

The point is to become better than you are. For both people.


Bronze Squire
This is the absolute worst advice. You never tell a girl how you feel - ever, in any relationship. You can drop nuggets, or hints, of how you feel, but you never explain in words (even in a LTR/marriage). If you want to date her again, approach her casually & see if she bites.
This is horrible fucking advice. Jesus fuck, it's not even close.


Vyemm Raider
The white knighting in here is hilarious. No one asked why I dumped her in the first place.

"Oh, you're in love! Do ANYTHING you have to do to get it back!"

No. That's terrible advice.


Musty Nester
It doesn't matter why you dumped her. It doesn't even matter if you did, which honestly I kind of doubt. Jesus dude. That shit you wrote reads like some poetry that a 15 year old writes. It's not the fact that you didn't use any 20 dollar words. The poetry was perfect in that it clearly and succinctly described exactly what the emotion is. That emotion itself is the problem. The contemptibly adolescent and self absorbed world view that is required to write those words.

Dude, we all do it. That in itself is nothing to be ashamed of. I have a small notebook that I keep shit like that in so that whenever I am in a particularly self-loathing mood I can comisserate with my younger self. That is my book of shame. I think a man needs something to remind him how pathetic he is at times, and can be, and has been. Most men seem to take a wife for that purpose but I'm far too narcissistic for that.

And this is pathetic bro. So you were right to do what you did? It was morally and ethically justified and necessary? Her affront was so grave that any of us probably would have beat her instead of just leaving her and then moping around about how mean she was? So the fuck what? Congrats?

Nothing comes without cost and you're trying to cheat. I don't know how and I don't care how but it's super obvious from that post (if it was sincere and not just a wonderful bit of satire -- in which case megakudos). You're not cheating me though, so i'll stop concerntrolling.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've fucked 6 different girls this past month. I'm 32, and in the best shape of my life... and I'm still fucking fat, I can't wait until I get up into the "true" top 10%, I had a threesome tonight, and potential dates lined up for thursday and monday with 2 different new girls. I broke things off a couple weeks ago with an ugly 27 year old teacher because she wanted to be exclusive. And with a hot 30 year old medical technician because she still wanted to be a slut and see other guys. Yes, it's a double standard... and it's awesome, I love being a guy, if this is what 22 year old women feel like, I can understand why they go crazy. It's never been an easier time to be a guy at the top of the food chain, between PoF, Tinder, and OkCupid I'm matching and talking to different girls every day. And if something doesn't work out, and I get horny, I can always just call up a well-reviewed new girl on backpage or one of the 5-6 prostitutes I've seen in the past as a backup plan.

No clue why you dumped your girl Himeo, it was probably a good reason though. I'm currently in the acceptance phase of the red pill. Sometimes I fall back into the Depression phase, that shit sucks.

I'm 32 and I'd like to start having kids and raising a family, sadly it seems like all the 20-26 year olds that I'm sleeping with, that are "quality" women are not done riding the cock carousel yet, and I view most of the 29-32 year old women as past their prime, basically I'm doing my own version of riding the "vag-go-round"... I can sleep with hot young chicks, but I'm not hot enough to lock them down. And I don't want to settle for the wall-encroaching baby rabies provider role yet. Sadly, it's easier to get hotter, younger girls than it is to fuck a 26-27 year old wall-approaching hamster... I "run" when I see things like "I'm not that kind of girl anymore"... fuck that, I want a girl that is willing to give me her best, not chad thundercock and I'm her 2nd best option.


Potato del Grande
Wait, you're posting in the TGWBYHT talking about how you want kids and a family in the same post you talk about banging a different chick two to five times a week + threesomes etc. and dumping the chicks who do want to be in a relationship? Please don't have kids any time soon... or ever.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I dropped her because I have other options, better options... because she deserves happiness, and she wasn't going to get it with me, I was very upfront with this girl that I wasn't willing to "settle" and have kids with her. She was basically just an ongoing FWB, a little uggo, but good enough with the lights off, but she wanted more, so I set her free to go find it elsewhere.


Vyemm Raider
Nothing comes without cost and you're trying to cheat.
Trying to cheat what?

I have a soft heart. It's a weakness. It wants what I grew up with: a stable home, wife and kids.

But that shit isn't an option for me. What I've got is Red Pill. It's fucked up and I'm trying to make the best of a fucked up situation.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'm 32 and I'd like to start having kids and raising a family, sadly it seems like all the 20-26 year olds that I'm sleeping with, that are "quality" women are not done riding the cock carousel yet
I'm 32 and I'd like to start having kids and raising a family, sadly it seems like all the 20-26 year olds that I'm sleeping with, that are "quality" women are not done riding the cock carousel yet
I'm 32 and I'd like to start having kids and raising a family, sadly it seems like all the 20-26 year olds that I'm sleeping with, that are "quality" women are not done riding the cock carousel yet
I'm 32 and I'd like to start having kids and raising a family, sadly it seems like all the 20-26 year olds that I'm sleeping with, that are "quality" women are not done riding the cock carousel yet
I'm 32 and I'd like to start having kids and raising a family, sadly it seems like all the 20-26 year olds that I'm sleeping with, that are "quality" women are not done riding the cock carousel yet
Like what the fuck is wrong with you, seriously? Were you born this fucking stupid or did you work at it to get this way? How the fuck do you go from talking about hitting up hookers to wanting to start a family and not being able to find a decent girl in a few sentences?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Like what the fuck is wrong with you, seriously? Were you born this fucking stupid or did you work at it to get this way? How the fuck do you go from talking about hitting up hookers to wanting to start a family and not being able to find a decent girl in a few sentences?
I'd like to find a decent girl, I can't. Sometimes, for fun, I like to have sex, so I do that. Not all prostitutes are drug addicted new jersey street walkers despite what you may have learned about the profession from other posters on this forum.