The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM (2022)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Shes definitely a grifter, and she and her husband just exectured a master class grift on Kanye.

I mainly avoid the political side of this forum, as I think the left has gone insane and are sacrificing their ideals on the altar of gender, sexuslity and other BS, but the right cant admit they are just as bat shit crazy worshiping the Orange Man and defend things like Jan 6 (put BLM shirts on those people and change their skin to brown and suddenly Jan 6th would be the talk of the town on the right).

Both parties are a mess...this country desperately needs a centric/moderate party.
You have no real grasp of reality if you think we worship Trump, and a BLM protest attacked the White House in May of 2020 and was completely played down as no big deal by the media, instead using it to mock the president. I doubt you know the first fucking thing about Jan 6th.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
After arguing with leftists on this same forum for a couple decades, after having to read fucking 10 years of posters here fellating Obama... the purity tests are especially hilarious.

Oh shes not conservative enough? You mean like someone who voted for Obama and advocated gay marriage, like most of this forum 5-10 years ago?

I'm sure she's a fake whore like all politicians but that is beside the point
I'd say this is why the "right" is such a shit show. We're always skeptical and won't support people even if they're saying the right thing. Whereas the left will support the scummiest of fucks like their life depends on it.
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Potato del Grande
Innocence has nothing to do with it. Dude could be a bonifide scum bag for all I know/care. But he was indeed killed by the cops actions.

Look, don't get me wrong, this country has a serious problem with race on all fronts. You can be proud to be black, proud to be gay, proud to be latino, but God help you if you say your proud to be white. You can gender swap a White character for black (hello Hamilton), but God help you if you gender swap a black character for white. So I get it, there is a huge issue on both sides, but the right doesnt help itself when it wont just let things like Floyd go. It happened. We all saw it. (this is not a defense of BLM...what it was in spirit is not what it is in reality)
You're a God damn moron. The cops didn't make George Floyd OD, George Floyd did. Fuck, they leaked the full arrest video / encounter before trial.

Stick to your psychotic screeching over evil orange man and pictures of the dragon born overthrowing the US government.

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<Nazi Janitors>

hahaha, i forgot he was COVID positive. Well, i reassess my position. It wasnt fentanyl, he died from COVID.
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Egg Nazi
I'd say this is why the "right" is such a shit show. We're always skeptical and won't support people even if they're saying the right thing. Whereas the left will support the scummiest of fucks like their life depends on it.
Absolutely, we don't have to look any farther than Never Trump republicans for proof of this

This guy didnt just say the right things on conservative goals, he actually got shit done. In a way most of us have never seen from a politician in our lifetimes.

But if he runs again their is a non trivial chunk of Republicans who will not vote for him because Mean Tweets
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<Prior Amod>
Dude could be a bonifide scum bag for all I know/care.
are you just ignant for 2 years?

on legal paper saint floyd is accused of breaking and enter and pointing a gun to a womans belly, cuz if she resisted he'd blow her baby away

but you know... please ignore basic facts

he's rotting in hell, even god hates him
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Ssraeszha Raider
Innocence has nothing to do with it. Dude could be a bonifide scum bag for all I know/care. But he was indeed killed by the cops actions.

Always the people acting like they're above it all who show the they don't know the first fucking thing about what they're talking about.

You literally listed a bunch of bullshit talking points and then pretend to be the smart one
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Innocence has nothing to do with it. Dude could be a bonifide scum bag for all I know/care.

This is your problem. I like some of what you've said but you have an extremely shallow understanding of the issues. I don't know if you think it doesn't affect you or just want to keep the dream of being a centrist or mediator in today's America, which is impossible. Dems have cancelled anyone who doesn't believe what they believe, and some Republicans have countered with the same policies unfortunately. Playing centrist shows your ignorance.

It's the real reason you don't post in the politics thread. Even the dumbest poster there knows more about what's going on and is more invested in his life. Because politics affects everything, and not knowing shit about politics affects all of us. Even the dumbest or most ignorant person can see that Biden has been a complete disaster and his policies are making everything more expensive....affecting us all. Dems war on the police, oil, the family, Christians, etc are destructive to our nation. You should stay away from political statements and that thread. You would be savaged there with your simple takes and propaganda ridden ideas. Keep living in your bubble dude but stay away from making stupid political statements in other threads since you don't have the ability to make them where they belong.
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Potato del Grande
This is your problem. I like some of what you've said but you have an extremely shallow understanding of the issues.

Quite possible I do. Never procalimed to be a poltical expert, though some of the repsonses in this thread are unfortunate. But you are not wrong, I could very well have the wrong opinion.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Quite possible I do. Never procalimed to be a poltical expert, though some of the repsonses in this thread are unfortunate. But you are not wrong, I could very well have the wrong opinion.
There was nothing wrong with the opinion portion of your post. The problem was the statement of a fact that was proven to not be true in court, by multiple experts.
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Quite possible I do. Never procalimed to be a poltical expert, though some of the repsonses in this thread are unfortunate. But you are not wrong, I could very well have the wrong opinion.

Its not an unreasonable take to think that the fentanyl was a major contributing (or sole factor) in his death and also believe that pinning someone down by the back of their neck with your knee for that long is inherently dangerous and unnecessary. I am not one of those people who thinks the police are the boogie man looking to off minorities, but I do believe that there needs to be a federal minimum standard of training that includes de-escalation techniques and better ways to cuff offenders that don't require a knee there.

Cops are generally good but there are terrible ones (hell we have a thread for just that on this forum), but yea having an understanding of interactions with cops in the US while not living here will lead to ignorant points. Police training is one of the biggest things that need to be improved when it comes to all issues cops, it doesnt have to neuter them, but it would lead to better compliance with the law.

As for that tripe of noone can be a centrist, thats the standard line around here but its not really true, the large majority of this country is they just don't post about it all day long.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
victim blaming is universally bad, unless the victims are cops or white men. there is a REASON why george floyd had a knee on his neck...

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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Quite possible I do. Never procalimed to be a poltical expert, though some of the repsonses in this thread are unfortunate. But you are not wrong, I could very well have the wrong opinion.

Good of you to admit possible ignorance of a topic. Not enough of that done here (by me as well).
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<Prior Amod>
But he was indeed killed by the cops actions.
chauvin executed a textbook example of restraint, going by the literal textbook

as we have said and shown, it wasn't the knee on the neck that killed him, it was that he shoved a dimebag of fentynal in his mouth to hide it and he died from overdose.

you know, maybe you should watch the movie to learn more lulz
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
As for that tripe of noone can be a centrist, thats the standard line around here but its not really true, the large majority of this country is they just don't post about it all day long.

Not in the world of cencel culture. Alternate viewpoints are silenced. If being a centrist is just sitting back and being a silent observer while one side silences the other, is that a centrist position for Americans? Does that follow the 1st Amendment? As one side hides their attempts to use CRT, pushes tranny agendas, etc and you only see one side, is that centrist? Was the effort by the government to silence people during Covid a centrist position?

Did any of the silent people speak up for equal viewpoints? Or were they silenced? Once one side is not allowed to speak, centrist positions are to remove the silencers so that equilibrium is restored. Who did this? I didn't see anything restored.

No, you're not a centrist. You're just a coward. Unwilling to admit what positions you stand for or unwilling to defend any standards. That's not a centrist position. I'm sorry that you were confused.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I watched it today, was put together well. There were a couple of annoying and unnecessary ’Candace’ moments that I think detracted from the scenes a bit, but overall good. The scene where she got ahold of the organization that was training activists was the most glaring one, where as the person is talking on the phones she’s silently making fun of them. It completely took away from the gravity of what this person was telling her. Organized activist/riots being funded and bailed out with BLM funds, working with someone Candace was scared to name, being admitted to and laid out and she’s making stupid faces and trying not to giggle.

Although it was good, unfortunately I still think the people that need to watch it and understand what happened won’t.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Being on the internet destroys any semblance of a nuanced view on anything. People like Dave Rubin, Candace Owens, Steven Crowder, and Ben Shapiro are all capable of nuance (not actually sure about this in the case of Candace), but they don't do it anymore because the internet punishes critical thinking and rewards repeating the party line. Eventually they all get hammered into partisan hacks who are ready to spout any kind of nonsense as long as it's part of the narrative of their side. Not that the left is any different, I just haven't listened to them as much.
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<Prior Amod>
Being on the internet destroys any semblance of a nuanced view on anything. People like Dave Rubin, Candace Owens, Steven Crowder, and Ben Shapiro are all capable of nuance (not actually sure about this in the case of Candace), but they don't do it anymore because the internet punishes critical thinking and rewards repeating the party line. Eventually they all get hammered into partisan hacks who are ready to spout any kind of nonsense as long as it's part of the narrative of their side. Not that the left is any different, I just haven't listened to them as much.
look at what you just listed

a gay, a black woman, a canadian and a jew

now do the same for democrats
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Because politics affects everything
It really fucking doesn't.

70% of people would be better off not paying any attention to politics at all outside of a few weeks before a pending election, and just grinding hard on improving their personal life and/or the life of their family using the tools they have in front of them. For most people, the government isn't going to come and save you, nor is it hamstringing you anywhere near as much as the other side will tell you.

The other 30% need handouts to survive (mostly old people) or run businesses built on some flavor of handouts and that's why they pay attention to politics.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
It really fucking doesn't.

70% of people would be better off not paying any attention to politics at all outside of a few weeks before a pending election, and just grinding hard on improving their personal life and/or the life of their family using the tools they have in front of them. For most people, the government isn't going to come and save you, nor is it hamstringing you anywhere near as much as the other side will tell you.

The other 30% need handouts to survive (mostly old people) or run businesses built on some flavor of handouts and that's why they pay attention to politics.
70% not paying attention is why we have shit like statewide lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and an administration pushing us to the brink of nuclear war.
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