The Killing Season 3

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I didn't see a thread about it so I decided to start one. The new season is 4 episodes in and I already like it better than any of season 2. I think I might be one of about 1000 people who is glad this got renewed.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I agree, its been a huge step up from the first two seasons. The first two seasons really seemed to drag along and I just couldn't make myself care about the politician sub plot or the sub plot surrounding Rosie's family. This year Holder is more of a badass and the guy on death row is an order of magnitude more interesting than anything previously. Overall, it just seems tighter I guess.


Life's a Dream
Is anyone else as into Season 3 as I am? I enjoyed 1 and 2, but 3 seems much better. Darker. This latest episode was great. I know the default is to assume that the Prison Guard watching the convicted murder is the actual murderer, but who really knows how it's going to work out. They love to throw twists at you, so you're never really aware of what's going to happen.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Really enjoying the show too. I think it's actually Holders partner in the first episode. He was hating linden hard.


I just have a question related to the show: I just saw the first season of theoriginal danish showand thought it was entertaining enough (mainly because of the cast and the general tone), but that it was a bit of a shark jumping contest. Anyone saw the other two seasons? Do they tone down the super convenient writing (as the seasons are much shorter) or is it more of the same?

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
It depends on who you ask, Szlia. There was a huge uproar because it was supposed to be a one season show that they jammed a cliffhanger ending onto at the eleventh hour because the ratings were high enough to support more seasons. Most people liked the first season, hated the ending, and refused to watch the second season because of the controversy. The third season, in my opinion, has been head and shoulders above the other two but I wouldn't have been watching if I didn't enjoy them both. Give it a shot, it's still better than at least 90% of what is on TV.


Are we both talking about theoriginal danish showhere? My understanding is that what is usually referred to as as "season 1" for the danish show is the first 20 episodes that were broadcast in two block of 10.


So just a two hour season (series?) finale to go. Not sure where they are going tbh, presuming they will dig up something that shows Seward didn't kill his wife and if it turns out that the glasses wearer who was winding him up was behind it then fuck everything forever.

As much as season three has been mostly better, I would have liked to have seen some of the season one/two characters again. The mayor doing a heel turn right at the end of season two could have done with a little bit of follow up but I guess with it not being renewed initially most of the B cast scattered to the wind to get whatever work they could.

Jewel Staite has been totally wasted

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Are we both talking about theoriginal danish showhere? My understanding is that what is usually referred to as as "season 1" for the danish show is the first 20 episodes that were broadcast in two block of 10.
Sorry Szlia, I totally missed the freaking bolded line and talked about the U.S. show.

So just a two hour season (series?) finale to go. Not sure where they are going tbh, presuming they will dig up something that shows Seward didn't kill his wife and if it turns out that the glasses wearer who was winding him up was behind it then fuck everything forever.

As much as season three has been mostly better, I would have liked to have seen some of the season one/two characters again. The mayor doing a heel turn right at the end of season two could have done with a little bit of follow up but I guess with it not being renewed initially most of the B cast scattered to the wind to get whatever work they could.

Jewel Staite has been totally wasted
Remeber that we still don't know what happened to the original missing girl. I'm ok with them not showing old characters since the main two are the reason I watch the show but I totally agree that Jewel has been totally wasted. Maybe she has a bigger part next season?


Life's a Dream
The final episode was pretty shitty. But episode 1 of the finale was great. Thinking it was Holder's partner and all. Very suspenseful. The end was weak.


I presume we all realised at the same time who it actually was? Not showing the face when the car was parked near Adrian and then cutting to him picking his daughter up gave the game away.

I thought she was going to blow her own hat off at the end but no, just a sad face. Shame to end like that really, season three was much improved but making it the police boss was all kinds of horrible.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That was bad on so many levels, "hey I'm a meticulous serial killer cop with dozens of bodies buried some very deep, others just laying in the swamp, covering my tracks and acting in the shadows, but let's offer that murder evidence ring to my daughter and stalk that child in a CCTV area with my police car without killing him ultimately because I have doubts."

The "totally rational and remorseless but also irrational and doubtful when writers need to" serial killer string is so lame writing wise, it's they wrote the show with Cluedo cards.


It was eleven good episodes with a really shitty last one.

Him needing the time to abduct and kill Bullet whilst getting the Angela info from her, drive to wherever Angela caught the bus to and kill her and then drive her back to Seattle before shooting her and burning the body all whilst shagging Linden and running an investigation was a little suspect. Oh yes, he also dumped Bullets body at Mills lockup as well as planted evidence without Mills noticing. He moves around faster than Jack Fucking Bauer!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Really good season with a really crappy ending.

Five mins into the episode I told my fianc? that skinner had to be the killer. Linden was happy and smiling, this show could never end a season with her happy. She told me I was full of it, then 90 mins later boom skinner the killer! How do they always blow these endings.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The episode really felt to me like even the writers didn't know who the killer was until the very last episode and just decided on Skinner at the last minute. There really wasn't much pointing to him. It's like they wanted it to be such a surprise and so hard to figure out that they left out anything that would indicate him as being behind the killings, which made it hard to see any motivation behind it. They constructed the facts of the crime in a way that they basically could've slipped anyone into the killer's shoes and had it made sense, so long as they were given a 15 minute car ride to turn into a Bond villain and reveal their entire plan.

Say what you will about the first two seasons, but there were a lot of little tidbits peppered throughout those episodes that, when the reveal of the killer was made, helped to make you feel like you should've picked up on some things.

That was bad on so many levels, "hey I'm a meticulous serial killer cop with dozens of bodies buried some very deep, others just laying in the swamp, covering my tracks and acting in the shadows, but let's offer that murder evidence ring to my daughter and stalk that child in a CCTV area with my police car without killing him ultimately because I have doubts."
The thing I found so annoying about the ring is it comes immediately after Linden is trying to have Reddick arrested. Skinner tells her she has no facts, nothing concrete to implicate or connect him. So, how does Linden realize Skinner is behind everything? She sees the ring his daughter is wearing, something just as arbitrary that would never actually be enough to get him convicted. But, apparently, in this world the only possibly explanation for his daughter having that ring is that Skinner is a serial killer. Nevermind the fact that Bullet didn't make the ring, she stole it. We're never given any indication that I can recall that it's a one-of-a-kind. Hell, even if it was, Skinner could've easily just lied and said he stole it from the crime scene because he thought a murder ring was the perfect gift for his daughter.

But no, the guy who has been fooling people for years and concocted elaborate plans to frame other people for his killings has no response when Linden adds him to her list of people she immediately becomes convinced is the killer except to just admit to everything. That just made the entire thing feel so lazy and rushed.


There's an interview with Linden's actress (Michelle Enos I *think*) where she says her and "Skinner" only found out the week before filming the finale that he was the killer. That must have been a pisser for Skinner, having to suddenly play a delusional serial killer out of nowhere.

It looks more and more like the showrunner just couldn't resist pulling something out of her arse to try and make everyone go "Oh wow, what a shocker, what a great show!" >.<

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Yea, really getting pissed that this is a good show with the new M. Night as showrunner. WHAT A TWIST!!! The better ending would have been if the guy they have in custody admitted that he learned everything he knew from the guy that Linden tried to save and then got hung. We still have angry Linden that now doesn't trust even her own instincts and we have some good closure too.