The Metal Thread


A Mod Real Quick
That's fine, everyone has their own styles they like. I understand not enjoying the screaming or the deep growls, it's a stylistic choice and some people hate it. But you almost equated it with darkness and satanism.

"Why does it have to be so dark and satanic?"

Most of it isn't. Like I said, Black Metal surely is, but even then a ton of it is just for the imagery and not their true beliefs.

There is plenty of metal out there to enjoy with any style of vocals you want, just enjoy it.

Meeting KSE was awesome, but this was before Howard (who I dislike).


Mr. Poopybutthole
...but even then a ton of it is just for the imagery and not their true beliefs.
I went through every song in this thread, it took me awhile. What's the point of all of the imagery? Let me guess, it sells better, right? When you put a demon on the record cover, or have someone surrounded in flames on the cover, it's a bit much.

Would you say record companies push the groups to do this, even if it's not their beliefs? Kind of like the movie, CB4 ("Do you fondle your genitalia on stage?"), but with heavy metal?


Trakanon Raider
Noodle, you are wrong. Howard and that era of KSE was the best.

It's not pushed on people, it's just something that is common. Kind of like how this board has a very high percentage of IT workers. A lot of people into heavier music enjoy horror movies and the occult. If you are looking for heavier music without the growls, there are a bunch of other suggestions in the other metal thread.


A Mod Real Quick
I went through every song in this thread, it took me awhile. What's the point of all of the imagery? Let me guess, it sells better, right? When you put a demon on the record cover, or have someone surrounded in flames on the cover, it's a bit much.

Would you say record companies push the groups to do this, even if it's not their beliefs? Kind of like the movie, CB4 ("Do you fondle your genitalia on stage?"), but with heavy metal?
To each his own, I don't really like KSE so I can't comment fifey.

No record companies are pushing anything like that, it's just the way the artists want to express themselves. They could sing about butterflies, or waterfalls, or tony danza if they wanted to.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Noodle, you are wrong. Howard and that era of KSE was the best.

It's not pushed on people, it's just something that is common. Kind of like how this board has a very high percentage of IT workers. A lot of people into heavier music enjoy horror movies and the occult. If you are looking for heavier music without the growls, there are a bunch of other suggestions in the other metal thread.
I like Howard the best, but Jesse is OK (just not as soulful).

I wasn't aware there was another metal thread. Some growls are OK, I'm not into it when the whole song is growls though.


The best thing about metal, is there is always something out there for someone. Things have splintered or been subcatagorized, but most can generally be lumped into certain subsections. There is Traditional heavy metal, (normal metal like from the 80's), Death Metal (growling vocals, double bass drums), Progressive Metal (complex song structures,mostly clean vocals), Black Metal (mostly satanic themed bands), Thrash (Slayer/Testament/Anthrax era sound) and Power (sometimes Fantasy themed, clean vocals, Helloween is a good example). There is a lot of cross pollination of genre's nowadays, which can be a good thing. My suggestion, is just listen to what you like on your radio stream. If you like a band and find links to other bands that might lead you deeper down the hole. For someone new to metal, I wouldn't recommend a KSE fan to go check out Emperor or something. It's totally different themes, music and style. It's a big step to jump from one to the other. You may like Emperor, but you need some build up to get used to the vocal styles and song structure changes.

I liked KSE. I still like some of the Howard era stuff. They had good songs.

I grew up in a strict Christian household too. Metal was a no-no, but that's what drew me to it (DnD also to a lesser extent). We've all heard that it's a pathway straight to hell, and that's what provoked me to see what the hubbub was all about. Metal has this stigmata from the 80's and the Christian religion that basically ingrained it into everyone's brain that it's "evil". I've been a metal fan for at least 25 years or more. I've yet to sacrifice an animal to satan, or kill puppies or anything of the sort and it's rather foolish that people believe that. It's about the same argument that video games create mass murderers. Metal is mostly about angst and frustrations. War, religious, political, whatever you're angry about, there is a song somewhere. It's also very positive. It can help you deal with bad situations and reassure you. The best part, is it isn't forced down your throat on the radio. No one tells you who to like on tv. You're free to explore and like who you ever makes your head bang.


<Bronze Donator>
guys what am i do wrong i am copying the share link from youtube and inserting it into the video thingy and its just turning into regular links


Mr. Poopybutthole


If you're looking for something a bit harder and more complex but still accessible I'd recommend Periphery. They can be technical but still maintain a groove and be catchy at times.

Catchier/Radio friendly-ish song (ignore the dumb video, it's mostly band inside jokes)

Little harder sound with some melodies in the chorus


Potato del Grande
Listening to a guy new to metal equate low, growling vocals to dark and satanic is absolutely hilarious and mirrors your christian upbringing.
Yes, he had such a christian upbringing into the realm of hardcore rap that only talks about killing people, fucking hoes, selling/doing drugs, killing more people, fucking more hoes and selling/doing more drugs. Oh, and then killing some people cause you gotta rep yo set. Such Christian, many wow.

Edit to add song: Ran across this on youtube the other day and really enjoying it.