The Netflix Thread


Trakanon Raider
Stormy shows her tits in Californication.
Enjoy Stormy

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still giving Odd Thomas a nice big thumbs up, good flick

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Just watched 2 asian movies.. Drug War and The Thieves.

Drug War was really good, if you like man from nowhere, oldboy, I saw the devil, etc. you'd probably like this.

The thieves was also really good, but not quite as good as it could be if they had slowed it down a little and spent more time with each character. It's like an asian Ocean's Eleven, meaning more gritty and not as Hollywood. Give both a shot.
We haven't got Netflix here in Australia, but wanted to make mention of this film. The Thieves.

I saw it on a pay TV channel here that shows all foreign movies. I didn't actually see the whole film, caught the last half and a bunch of the plot-stuff went over my head.

But the reason I'm here is: WOW! that action sequence on the outside of the building blew my mind. So if you get a chance, it's worth watching for that. I can't actually vouch for the rest of the film. But who cares.

Make a note of this one.


I watched that Documentary last night called Blackfish. Was pretty good.

Basically it's about all the Sea world trainers the whales injure, and kill every year. Sea World keeps covering them up because it is one of there biggest draws, and they sell a lot of merchandise off it.

One Killer Whale has killed 4 people including a grisly mauling of a senior trainer where he ate her arm, and scalped her.

He also killed a guy who jumped into his pool at night, by cutting up his body then stripping him naked. He then bites off his dick, and puts the guy on his back where he parades him around as a prize for the morning crew.


Golden Squire
666 Park avenue was a good TV show. Netflix bought the rights to the show. It sucks that they had cancelled the show,so early, that the producers changed the ending of the season finale to give the show closure.


Musty Nester
I know it's ancient and it's not like I'm some hipster discovering a hidden gem

But I expected "The Grey" to be dreck. It was heavy and intentionally depressing, but it was much better than expected. I'd even call it good!


Golden Knight of the Realm
+1. I was expecting awful but wasn't that bad. It's about college students at a party and some meteorite fucks with everything and makes copies of everyone. Asks some interesting questions if you can overlook some minor plot holes and unbelievable character actions. Then again, they were mostly wasted so who knows if it was all that unbelievable. A couple good twists, one of which most should see coming. Decent thriller.


Ssraeszha Raider
I know it's ancient and it's not like I'm some hipster discovering a hidden gem

But I expected "The Grey" to be dreck. It was heavy and intentionally depressing, but it was much better than expected. I'd even call it good!
I made a thread on it a while back. If you've avoided it because it was marketed as a cheesy Liam Neeson punches bitch wolves in the face, you really should give it a chance. It's the most powerful movie I've seen in a long time and is somehow depressing and uplifting at the same time


Got something right about marriage
I couldn't get through "The Grey". Not because I thought it was bad or anything but simply because Liam Neeson's character didn't make me root for him enough to keep watching while all the other inbred convicts acted retarded all around him. I think I watched the first 25 minutes or so.


<Gold Donor>
Electrick Children, We Are What We Are and Hair Brained. I didn't realize that the same girl is in all three movies until I started watching them but she was really good in Electrick Children so it was a nice surprise that she was in all of these.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Recommending people watch "Phantom". Ed Harris stars as a Russian Cub Captain during the cold war. When a few KGB agents come aboard for secret testing of a new device, things get whacked.

Really good though. And I had never heard of it before.

Also, if you have not seen The Final Countdown, highly recommended. The USS Nimitz (Modern Day Carrier) goes through a time warp and ends up at December the 6th, 1941 with a Japanese Task force bearing down on Pearl Harbor.


<Gold Donor>
Mr. Oizo's three English movies are on Netflix. You can use Rubber as a litmus test for if you might like the newer two. Wrong has the same feel to it but Wrong Cops ends up being a really funny movie.


> Than U
I went back a few pages, didn't see Aftershock listed but it may have been in earlier in the thread. I watched it earlier.
This was actually a pretty intense movie for me. The first 40 minutes was basically all party and story, and the rest all fucked up survival mode. Pretty intense scenes at times between natural disasters and crazy people.
Some scenes may be kind of disturbing for some people especially the rape/gore scenes but the movie in all flowed pretty well for what it was. I was expecting a $200 budget shit movie and ended up with better than most thrillers.


Just watched the first hour of that movie before I had to turn it off. Dude, that shit was borderline comedy with the bad acting and the ways people died/lost limbs. 4.9 rating on IMDB sounds about right haha.


> Than U
Ya it became more intense at the end, when they first start going it was almost like Final Destination type shit. I was just expecting much worse considering was all. It was much more serious the last 30 minutes with almost no comedy.


I wonder how a movie that bad even gets made. It wasn't even low budget. They could have financed a dozen better films off of that garbage.

The only thing shocking about that film is someone who would purposely want to look like zack galafianackis.


<Gold Donor>
dammit, checked my post history but should have just hit back a few times in the thread also