The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion WAS A HOAX


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Mossad can suck my dick.

Dare you to say that 3 times in front of a mirror on YouTube while posting wiki articles on Mossad misdeeds in the description. Either way, a reckoning is coming for you-- if I were your roommate I'd be looking for another place.

I do appreciate your apology on the anti-Semitic stuff. As I am sure you learned in your research Israel is a complicated place with complex politics. Instead of a 2 party ideology in Israel there is a whole 3-4 party ideology which amounts to a major distraction while the State ignores the will of its people. If you polled Israelis you'd be surprised at the overwhelming number of answers that fit the US definition of "anti-Semitic". Israelis are anti-Semitic.
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