The PUSSY SHIT spoiler discussion thread


Unelected Mod
you feel for some reason you must crusade to be able to post things in.
I'm just arguing to argue at this point, the mods simply won't enforce this rule when the promotional material comes out. We saw it before this season. The only reason this silly shit got enforced this time si because a mod was bored. Trailers and information from comic-con for the upcoming season will get posted in that thread by other people.


<Prior Amod>
Trailers weren't allowed in season 1. In season two that changed and even then it was by a narrow margin.

Look man it doesn't get much more clear cut then this. If you want to talk about charqcters who aren't in the show yet and casting decisions made in the show for characters that aren't int eh show yet then make them in the thread where people read the book.

There's no point in posting it in the no spoilers thread anyways, people have no idea who the hell you're even talking about but now they know x character and x character will be around at some point as I as a non reader would rather not know that information at all.

You have a place to talk about it, go there and talk about it and leave the non spoilers thread alone. It's not rocket physics.

Also with your whole "the only reason it was enforced was because a mod was bored" no, it was reported. other than the politics thread the GoT thread is the single most reported thread on these forums. Because people want zero spoilers of any kind.

Get over it or don't, it's up to you really. Either way it's not allowed in the no spoilers thread.


Trump's Staff
If it's not aired by HBO on Sundays from 9-10pm then it doesn't belong in the no spoiler thread. Period. No grey area.


Unelected Mod
Better be careful watching HBO at anytime then, you might get spoiled by something like this...

Anyway, Im done, you guys have convinced me that for some reason people really hate trailers for shows they like.

If you want to engage in some truly spoiler-free discussions, I encourage you guys that are scared of trailers to go to


Trump's Staff
Yup because this entire conversation started because someone posted an old trailer (hint: it didn't).


Unelected Mod
Yup because this entire conversation started because someone posted an old trailer (hint: it didn't).
You are correct, the original argument happened on something else. However, that is the point where I found out even trailers were banned, which seemed crazy to me but apparently is perfectly fine for most people.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You can get so dramatic... Just wait until after the next episode and conduct an informal poll to see if people in the non-spoiler thread want trailers, interviews and casting decisions put in the thread. I don't really care that much and agree that those generally aren't true spoilers.


Trump's Staff
Even trailers can be ambiguous because it's not like they spell out character names or anything like that. You can see a character in a trailer and think that he's just a grunt who ends up being someone important, or vice versa. The problem when you announce that new characters have been cast, however, opens up conversations that can eventually lead to spoilers. "Oh, those people are gonna get in the mix now? They must be replacing..." etc. You can inadvertently give away plot points that maybe people don't want to know yet.


<Prior Amod>
I just abide by what the masses want. If they decide they want to do that then fine.

I still see no point to it however since those who have not read the books will have no idea what they are talking about and in essence are just telling them who will be in next seasons episodes who wasn't in the previous seasons which for me, I don't want to know.


Millie's Staff Member
it is rather curious that GOT is the only show on this board with so many rules. even in the walking dead thread people posted comic book spoilers spelling out who lives and dies and what happens years from now and as long it was spoilered nobody complained.


<Prior Amod>
Probably because The Walking Dead TV show sucks and GoT doesn't.

I don't mean that to be sarcastic, I honestly think that's the reason. GoT is so good, people just don't want to know.


<Prior Amod>
So I'm slowly starting to cave on not wanting to read the books until fatty mcfatterson finishes them. (It's annoying he'll take 10 more years to finish these and that's only if he decides to hurry up...and that's assuming he lives that long.)

Can I buy the books without "AS SEEN ON HBO!!!!!" or "SEE THE HBO HIT SERIES!!!" or whatever stamped all over them? That's all I see whenever I roll the idea around of buying them.


Millie's Staff Member
Probably because The Walking Dead TV show sucks and GoT doesn't.

I don't mean that to be sarcastic, I honestly think that's the reason. GoT is so good, people just don't want to know.
this i will completely agree with. outside of Breaking Bad, GOT is the best show on TV.

if you dont want to see the "as seen on HBO" tag, rip the cover off the book or just Sharpie that shit out. its your book do with it whatever you want.


<Prior Amod>
I don't want to buy them all in hardcover and I'll be damned if I'm gonna mark up my books.

If I can't get them un HBO shilled up I'll download em, screw that.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I personally prefer the kindle versions of the books, because for some reason they feel like they read faster, but more digestibly in E-book format.

Might be because I read them in 5 minute spurts between classes....

Anyway, that's what I suggest.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The Walking Dead is the only show I'm actively looking for spoilers on, since I know the comic book stuff will end up being more interesting than the show anyway.


I would suggest getting GoT in hardcover.

They look nice on the bookshelf, hold up well, are printed on quality paper and binded well. Cant say the same about the shitty paperback ones. Ive had my hardcover of GoT for years now and it still looks nearly brand new. And best of all, the print in the hardcover edition is rendered in a more enjoyable fashion - its formatted better and is easier on the eyes and reads more smoothly.

Kindles are for fags.