The Secret World


Game is fucking dead during the week. Can't get an elite group at all.
What time are you logging on? Population seems healthy enough to me. But finding groups for elites are always harder than normals and nightmares as people go from elites to nightmares quite fast.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Between 5 and 9pm PST. I shouldn't have even phrased it as unable to find a group. I couldn't even find another person willing to go, much less an entire group.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you find people Id be willing to help as tank / dps. I have one DPS irl friend who is needing elites to get into nightmares.


Picked it up with the steam sale. Game seems a lot better than I would have expected. Kind of a bummer it was so poorly marketed and released with a sub, as it seems a lot better than 90% of the trash. Not sure I'll stick with it, but generally impressed thus far and well worth the box price.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Picked it up with the steam sale. Game seems a lot better than I would have expected. Kind of a bummer it was so poorly marketed and released with a sub, as it seems a lot better than 90% of the trash. Not sure I'll stick with it, but generally impressed thus far and well worth the box price.
I picked this up as well during the sale and it has been a nice change of pace. The setting alone and the concept of investigative quests was refreshing. It did have a pretty rough first day of getting used to everything, but since then it has been just fine. I am definitely glad I read up on game concepts otherwise I probably would have bailed being paralyzed with opportunity.

The difficulty is also a nice change of pace. Playing Neverwinter, almost any schmoe could run dungeons etc. and not have too much heart ache at low levels. I did Polaris with a group yesterday and it was a blast. All of us were new to the game so we thought we were done a boss early. The final boss took us 4 - 5 attempts to get the strategy down and we got it taken care of. We just learned and tested out a few theories then, boom, dead boss.

So far I am liking running through with AR / Blade as well, I am trying to be a healer with defensive abilities from blade right now and it is mostly working. If another weapon would be superior, someone let me know. Fist looks funish for healing as well.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This game can be a blast and the quests are downright epic at times. Also highly recommend picking it up.


Avatar of War Slayer
Picked it up with the steam sale. Game seems a lot better than I would have expected. Kind of a bummer it was so poorly marketed and released with a sub, as it seems a lot better than 90% of the trash. Not sure I'll stick with it, but generally impressed thus far and well worth the box price.
the game wasn't marketed badly. a lot of people were talking shit about the combat and animation AND it was overshadowed by guild wars 2 subscription-free model AND funcom reputation.


I purchased the game during the steam sale as well. I'm liking it so far with about six hours into it. It was definitely worth the asking price for it even without the sale.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I haven't played in over a week (logged in a few times for elite groups, but logged out after about 15 min each time after not being able to find a group), but I still feel it was worth the $10.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, it's a great game to play for the single player part. The group grind isn't really worth getting into IMO, it's cool to run through all the dungeons once if you can manage a group though. They're pretty fun. After that it just turns into a badge grind though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If they would finally rename it as a...well...not sure what to call it. Multiplayer RPG and leave off te massively, the game is fine. Probably worth $60 with no sub. The action is good, quests challenging, and the dungeons decent diversions. Haven't and won't touch pvp though. We need a new name for games like this.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I'm enjoying the single player experience. I did que up for the first dungeon (Solomon I think?), got in a group and had no clue how to get there, and noone responded lol.

But I love the atmosphere, and the quests are intriguing. I love the creepy kids tree house in the middle of a dark forest, fun times.

I have no idea what a good single player build is for just DPSing through the quests. Running all Assault Rifle at the moment. I'm normally not this clueless on builds, but don't care enough :p


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm enjoying the single player experience. I did que up for the first dungeon (Solomon I think?), got in a group and had no clue how to get there, and noone responded lol.

But I love the atmosphere, and the quests are intriguing. I love the creepy kids tree house in the middle of a dark forest, fun times.

I have no idea what a good single player build is for just DPSing through the quests. Running all Assault Rifle at the moment. I'm normally not this clueless on builds, but don't care enough :p
I was running AR / Blade for a while but it wasn't quite 'me'. I switched to AR / Fist and I have been doing much better soloing than I was previously. My main problem was not being able to handle more than one 'difficult' mob at a time, it was pretty much game over.

With these two I can generally take on two and just heal through it. I am sure there would be a way to get more DPS rather than healing and have the same effect, but I am trying to be a healer anyway and fist / AR seems solid.

On a side note, is anyone else's FPS horseshit in this game? Open world I am running between 35 - 45 FPS at 1680x1060. My only dungeon experience was sub 15 most of the time. This is the only game I have had this much trouble on graphical performance. Pretty sure I have an NVIDIA GTX 670M, 12 GB RAM, SSD (ASUS g75vw).

I have tried turning settings down to no avail. I updated my drivers last night and that does not seem to have helped much either. Not sure what to do cause I would prefer to not play this game lower than 1400x900 at most.


Molten Core Raider
When the anniversary event was going on, I was getting like 1FPS on ultra on the big boss fights. I turned it down to minimal specs and ended up having to restart the game before it actually improved fps.


When the anniversary event was going on, I was getting like 1FPS on ultra on the big boss fights. I turned it down to minimal specs and ended up having to restart the game before it actually improved fps.
That probably had more to do with the number of people in the zone. When a boss popped in whatever zone I was questing in (usually Carpathian) I just logged off for 30 mins, was no point in playing. Same as every open world anniversary boss in any MMO ever, really.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I have tried turning settings down to no avail. I updated my drivers last night and that does not seem to have helped much either. Not sure what to do cause I would prefer to not play this game lower than 1400x900 at most.
Are you running in DX11? This game actually runs smooth for me, using my 2 GTX580s about 60% each give or take, for 60fps outside up to 110s inside.

One thing I did a while back was fix my processor speed, most MMOS are processor heavy. I got lazy and instead of building my PC I bought one pre-fabbed from cyberpowerpc. After about a year of putting up with stock speed @ 100c (I'm not kidding lol) I finally got a large watercooler and installed it myself, back down to under 60? and pretty much boosted the processor by 80%. Since then MMOs have been smooth sailing for me.


Are you running in DX11? This game actually runs smooth for me, using my 2 GTX580s about 60% each give or take, for 60fps outside up to 110s inside.

One thing I did a while back was fix my processor speed, most MMOS are processor heavy. I got lazy and instead of building my PC I bought one pre-fabbed from cyberpowerpc. After about a year of putting up with stock speed @ 100c (I'm not kidding lol) I finally got a large watercooler and installed it myself, back down to under 60? and pretty much boosted the processor by 80%. Since then MMOs have been smooth sailing for me.
This. I had a Phenom II 925 for quite a while and it wasn't until the last year or so that for many MMOs, it was the obvious bottleneck of my system.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Are you running in DX11? This game actually runs smooth for me, using my 2 GTX580s about 60% each give or take, for 60fps outside up to 110s inside.

One thing I did a while back was fix my processor speed, most MMOS are processor heavy. I got lazy and instead of building my PC I bought one pre-fabbed from cyberpowerpc. After about a year of putting up with stock speed @ 100c (I'm not kidding lol) I finally got a large watercooler and installed it myself, back down to under 60? and pretty much boosted the processor by 80%. Since then MMOs have been smooth sailing for me.
I have tried using DX11 and DX9, I am not sure I have noticed much of a difference between the two. I can try and turn it back to DX11 and screw around a bit more tonight.

I am running GPU-Z to keep an eye on the graphics card stats while I play. The game is only using approximately 1GB of memory of 3 so it seems fine there. The GPU load is 80%+ most of the time, not that I know exactly what it means. It seems to never drop down too far even when the game is not running.
Sandy bridge ftw. Quad core running at 4.8ghz on air, very quiet too. Haven't seen low frame rates in a game for years. Admittedly, I haven't done any TSW raids though.