The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Hodj is right, you really are just like creationists. "You can't prove this in the absolute, thus it's all feels!"

Just getting this thread out of by que, but wanted to say that--have a great day!
Just to requote Lithose, where he also called this out over 8 hours ago now.


No, again, for the 1000th time, the University rape trial's exoneration of the accused and its admission that there was not sufficient evidence to reach the minimal standard such proceedings have, which is far far far below the bar set in normal criminal cases, tells us so.
Again (again, again, again), no it doesn't. Objectively. All it tells us is that Sulkowicz didn't have the evidence to prove her story. It tells us NOTHING about whether or not she is lying.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
In Tanoomba's universe, letting an authority which is actually slanted heavily in favor of the accused see the evidence available and make a decision that ends up being the negative of what Tanoomba believes, and then basing your conclusions provisionally and partially, on the reliability of that outcome, is "feels".

Because he is a retard.

Literally a retard.

We're talking at least one extra chromosome here. Possibly more. Many many more.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Was rebutting your retardation before you even had it typed up.

You are so stupid I can't fathom how you even feed yourself and put clothes on in the morning.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
According to this logic, every judicial decision by every jury ever seated was just "Feels". Accepting those outcomes was also just "Feels". Evidence and the findings of investigative bodies constructed explicitly to oversee the evidence and reach a conclusion based on the evidence as it exists is just plain old fashioned "Feels".

Meanwhile, the Moon Landing was faked is a valid opinion based on a sound and rational examination of the evidence as it exists.

I guess this is also how he explains away the cognitive dissonance of knowing how wrong he was on the Zimmerman trial as well.


In fact, you'll notice that much of the supposed cumulative "evidence" that Sulky is lying doesn't necessarily remotely suggest that at all.

- The mattress project
- The video
- The interviews

Not a single person has ever suggested why we should consider this as evidence the rape didn't happen, beyond the highly subjective and profoundly ignorant (in the literal sense of the word) idea that "That's not the way someone who has been raped would act." That is the very definition of "feels".

In fact, it could very, very easily be argued that all of that could just as easily be interpreted as circumstantial evidence that she is telling the truth, and that in fact she would only do all that if the rape actually happened. That's not my suggestion, of course, I'm merely pointing out that personal interpretations (regardless of how convinced you are that YOUR personal interpretation is the "right" one) mean FUCK ALL if they aren't backed by HARD EVIDENCE.


According to this logic, every judicial decision by every jury ever seated was just "Feels". Accepting those outcomes was also just "Feels". Evidence and the findings of investigative bodies constructed explicitly to oversee the evidence and reach a conclusion based on the evidence as it exists is just plain old fashioned "Feels".
Because no courtroom decision was ever made based on hard evidence? Are you seriously this ignorant?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I don't care what you think and no one else does either.

Let's also look at how his faulty comparison actually demonstrates his gross inability to think rationally.

AIG/ICR "research" does not exist. Their "Evidence collection and review" process....does not exist. They have no authoritative bodies exempt from influence which can oversee research, propose new research, fund research, and review research.

None of this exists. Claiming that they have "cumulative evidence" for their Creationist beliefs demonstrates a gross ignorance of what evidence even is.

See, these organizations do absolutely no research. None.

What they do is what Tanoomba does, which is sit back, look at the overwhelming evidence that contradicts his position, then cling tightly to one or two perceived (not even necessarily existing) loopholes or places where there might be a gap in knowledge, and then screaming "YOU CAN'T PROVE US WRONG NEENER NEENER THRRBPT!"

Meanwhile, the investigative body at the University where these charges were leveled, and the fields of the sciences, are self regulating, and do have authoritative bodies exempt from undue influence which can oversee research or the investigation properly. The results of these bodies, while never 100% certain, are considered provisionally reliable for a reason, and that reason is that they have been bequethed with that authority and invested with the capability and the responsibility to fulfill it.

These are simply fundamental, foundational differences between the two types of investigative bodies, that he simply cannot grasp. He cannot bridge that divide mentally.

Because, again, retarded.

Very very retarded.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>


<Bronze Donator>
i just had another revelatory drug trip... i traveled to the end of time, the asymptote at the end of infinity... hodj and tanoomba were still there arguing...


I don't care what you think and no one else does either.
Good think I'm not talking about my opinion then. Is the rest of your post seriously about that creationist link?

Jesus Christ, dude, you are beyond autistic.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
i just had another revelatory drug trip... i traveled to the end of time, the asymptote at the end of infinity... hodj and tanoomba were still there arguing...
The fight against faggotry is an eternal struggle.

You should know, you've been on the faggot side of that battle for awhile now!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Believe it or not, reading Woolygimp's posts in the Game of Thrones thread convinced me there are some things worse than arguing with Tanoomba.
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