The Theism Thread


Tranny Chaser
So the fact that the US DoE has covered up more crime than a worldwide organization means nothing because it was centralized.

Let us paint a scenario.

A catholic priest kills one Jew.
Hitler kills 10 million Jews.

The Catholic church would be worse because they are worldwide and Hitler would be more awesome because he only killed his Jews locally........
It means they're both criminals. It doesn't negate each other, as you seem to think. Advantage Izo.


It means they're both criminals. It doesn't negate each other, as you seem to think. Advantage Izo.
You wanted an organization named that was just as bad as the Catholic church and I named it. Fact. An organization you most likely support wholeheartedly. I bet if I cared the tiniest bit I could dig up you claiming teachers should be paid more. The very teachers that cover up more molestation than a worldwide organization ....

It is easy to hate religion when you have zero facts.


Tranny Chaser
You wanted an organization named that was just as bad as the Catholic church and I named it. Fact. An organization you most likely support wholeheartedly. I bet if I cared the tiniest bit I could dig up you claiming teachers should be paid more. The very teachers that cover up more molestation than a worldwide organization ....

It is easy to hate religion when you have zero facts.
No I did not want it. I challenged you to find one that was equal in magnitude - morals, numbers, whatnot. You failed.
Why would I as a European support an American organization specifically? I support education, sure, don't you? Has nothing to do with DoE specifically. The world =! US only.

Prove your claim about teachers is true on a world wide scale - as it is for Catholicism. Prove it's not a matter of poor legislation and lack of control in the land of oppertunity.

What are you babbling about with wages? I You're reaching for straws. Entertaining, but also pathetic.

Zero facts? As in countless law suits,sentences once people realize the space wizard has no power whatsoever, not to mention suicides etc? I think it's medication time, a_skeleton_03.


Ahh it all makes sense you have decided to stay 100% a troll from now on.

You feel Catholics are worse because you see them more in Europe. You disdain the import of the US education system because you don't live there and you don't think American kids should be safe from molestation.

You are wrong in every way when it comes to this topic. Feel free to drag someone else in here with half a brain and see if they agree with you that the US DoE should get a free pass but the Catholic church should be butchered in the streets.


Tranny Chaser
Even worse, an organization has been around for less time has done more damage ....
One does not negate the other. This can and must be dealt with by legislation, training and more control - it is everywhere else in the secular world. Clearly the Catholic clergy has not solved this amorality on it's own, for more than 2000 years, concealing abuse, by ways of the church and under cover of divine inspiration.


One does not negate the other. This can and must be dealt with by legislation, training and more control - it is everywhere else in the secular world. Clearly the Catholic clergy has not solved this amorality on it's own, for more than 2000 years, concealing abuse, by ways of the church and under cover of divine inspiration.
So maybe, just maybe, and this is a maybe, we are all human and religion doesn't make one perfect. Maybe humans running an organization be it secular or religious should be considered as the flawed humans they are and treated accordingly.

Maybe you just are a spiteful bigot. Ok that one isn't a maybe.


Tranny Chaser
Ahh it all makes sense you have decided to stay 100% a troll from now on.

You feel Catholics are worse because you see them more in Europe. You disdain the import of the US education system because you don't live there and you don't think American kids should be safe from molestation.

You are wrong in every way when it comes to this topic. Feel free to drag someone else in here with half a brain and see if they agree with you that the US DoE should get a free pass but the Catholic church should be butchered in the streets.
Being against the catholic church - for reasons I've stated several times now, sigh - does not make me against justice for other victims. It makes YOU wrong in asserting it, a_skeleton_03 - medication time.

No, I'm on the side of the past, present and future victims - regardless of location. You seem to think the only location is the states somehow.

Did I mistake you for a man whom has traveled, seen at least some of the world? Or was that merely from the narrow view of an isolated us military installation? I am disappointed.

The grasp of the catholic church extend far beyond Europe. No I don't see them at all - you may, in Germany - I'm not in Germany. I'm in the far less religiously contaminated Northern Europe. If you knew anything of history, you'd know we have protestant state churches up north, probably what historically shielded us from most of the Idiocracy from the Vatican, and in effect are viewed as the 2nd most secular societies in the world, Japan being no.1.

I clearly said I was FOR punishing perpetrators and conspirators, helping their victims and very importantly: limiting future abuse. All this from a secular pov - earthly legislation and judicial system. Do you disagree this is the way to deal with clergy pedophilia? Do you still think it's okay your beloved pope has done nothing in this regard?


Tranny Chaser
So maybe, just maybe, and this is a maybe, we are all human and religion doesn't make one perfect. Maybe humans running an organization be it secular or religious should be considered as the flawed humans they are and treated accordingly.

Maybe you just are a spiteful bigot. Ok that one isn't a maybe.
Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't pretend 2000+ years worth of lies, abuse and conspiracy is anything equal to any secular organization. Nor does it negate each other even if there were such a thing.

Sure, you might be flawed, or even born with original sin, if you so chose to view it. The rest of us where born as we were - humans - with all a mammalian legacy entails. Divine or flawed? Not so much. Evolved? Yes, most definitely.

Maybe you're a brainwashed religious zealot whom insist on using religious labels for the work of evolution - and you defend the criminal clergy. Okay, that one is a certainty.


Molten Core Raider


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Holy See (The Pope) Criticizes TPP And TAFTA/TTIP In WTO Speech | Techdirt

While a minority is experiencing exponential growth in wealth, the gap is widening to separate the vast majority from the prosperity enjoyed by those happy few. This imbalance is the result of ideologies that defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and of financial speculation. Consequently, there is an outright rejection of the right of States, charged with vigilance for the common good, to exercise any form of control. A new tyranny is thus born, invisible and often virtual, which unilaterally and relentlessly imposes its own laws and rules. An even worse development is that such policies are sometimes locked in through trade rules negotiated at the WTO or in bilateral or regional FTAs

Currently there is a clear tendency to further enlarge these RTAs [Regional Trade Agreements] to form mega-regional trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Certainly, the enlargement of regional trade agreements is a step towards further trade liberalization but we have to bear in mind that these agreements inevitably threaten the desirability to reach an agreement on a truly multilateral basis. In fact, by entering a regional trade agreement a country reduces the incentives to extend its efforts on trade liberalization at a multilateral level.

we know that only the multilateral system is a clear, equitable system that provides effective guarantees for small and poor countries that tend to be penalized in a Regional Trade Agreement where it is asymmetric. Among the most damaging concessions developing countries make in regional and bilateral agreements are those enhancing the monopolies on life-saving medicines, which reduce access and affordability and those that provide excessive legal rights to foreign investors, limiting the policy space for nations to promote sustainable and inclusive development.

the phrase "excessive legal rights to foreign investors, limiting the policy space for nations to promote sustainable and inclusive development" is obviously a reference to the imposition ofcorporate sovereignty clausesin both TPP and TAFTA/TTIP.
Someone started anew religion based on the life and music of Kanye Westcalled Yeezianity. Their five pillars are:

1. All things created must be for the good of All
2. No human being's right to express themselves must ever be repressed
3. Money is unnecessary except as a means of exchange
4. Man possesses the power to create everything he wants and needs
5. All human suffering exists to stimulate the creative powers of Man
Their Golden Rule is:

Create For Others What You Would Have Created For Yourself
I suppose it is no more ludicrous than a religion based on Xenu or Planet Kolob ...
Since graphs are awesome, here arethe most and least Bible-minded cities in the USas ranked by
