The Tomorrow War (2021)


Trakanon Raider
To be clear, the movie doesn't set any ground rules, and quantum realities are nightmarish to comprehend regardless if fictional or not.

For all we know, they did just keep sending back samples to the past... which resulted in endless divergent timelines where they beat the aliens. That doesn't change the original timeline though, which keeps losing!

They also don't explain why they only go after dead people either. Is it just to avoid people meeting themselves? Other than avoiding causality violations... meeting yourself does not matter. The you 30 years from now is biologically almost completely different from the current you, and your neural net may as well be a completely different person with 30 years of divergent experiences and memories.

If the argument is 'You're dead to us in the future anyway, so fuck you!', why are they the only people in history that matter?


Tranny Chaser
I assumed it was dead people and people whose absence from the timeline wouldn't make an obvious impact. AKA they already bred and had no major contributions to society in their later years. Ignores the butterfly effect but eh... whatever.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I enjoyed this ride for the most part, but that last act was just... ugh.


Trakanon Raider
This movie was so horrible on so many levels.

1. Chris Pratt's main character, the protagonist, the "hero" a draft dodger. War hero who tries to chicken shit his way out.
2. Related to the first point, the black guy with the tooth around his neck seemed like a true hero. Keeps re-upping....seems to know what he's doing. Yet once again, hollywood virtue signalling by having the token black guy in the movie but not letting him lead.
3. Is this another movie where by eliminating a single entity(in this case the Queen), the entire threat is removed? Is there only a single queen like with bees? This is a single colony? Ok, if we are to believe this premise.....then why the big deal to make the toxin? The queen is obviously affected by drugs, since she was able to be why not just give her a paralytic and kill her? Better yet, you had her in your lab, why didn't you just put a bullet in her brain then?
4. Chris Pratt character concerned about future daughter......has he never seen a science fiction movie before? Does he not realize that if he goes back to the present and kills the queen the future version of his daughter never exists?

That's just off the top of my head. The only redeeming features for me was buffed-out JK Simmons, and the father-daughter relationship. I can't believe this movie was actually made for the theaters and cost millions of dollars. A few decades ago this would have been a made-for-TV movie at best.


Buzzfeed Editor
To be clear, the movie doesn't set any ground rules, and quantum realities are nightmarish to comprehend regardless if fictional or not.

For all we know, they did just keep sending back samples to the past... which resulted in endless divergent timelines where they beat the aliens. That doesn't change the original timeline though, which keeps losing!

They also don't explain why they only go after dead people either. Is it just to avoid people meeting themselves? Other than avoiding causality violations... meeting yourself does not matter. The you 30 years from now is biologically almost completely different from the current you, and your neural net may as well be a completely different person with 30 years of divergent experiences and memories.

If the argument is 'You're dead to us in the future anyway, so fuck you!', why are they the only people in history that matter?
I could swear there was a moment where they figure out that they don't send back people living in that time period to prevent a "time paradox" which isn't explained and also makes no sense given there are only like 35 humans left at the end.

200 million fucking dollars. Jesus christ dudes.


Tranny Chaser
This movie was so horrible on so many levels.

2. Related to the first point, the black guy with the tooth around his neck seemed like a true hero. Keeps re-upping....seems to know what he's doing. Yet once again, hollywood virtue signalling by having the token black guy in the movie but not letting him lead.

There's a science fiction story about space marines fighting bugs called Armor (by John Steakley) where we learn our protagonist has survived enough jumps with such impossible odds it catches the eye of military intel. It's a pretty cool story. The author also did Vampire$ which would get adapted in to John Carpenter's Vampires both of which are alright.

Just another thing this movie remind me of. It would have been sorta cool if we found out 45 minutes in that the homeboy with the shottie was the actual main character and we followed him around instead.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
People are hating too much on this movie.

First of all. There is no indication that there is one queen only. More than likely there are multiple queens as only having one queen for a whole planet infestation is dumb. Second it makes sense to send the toxin to the past, as they did not had the manufacturing capabilities to create the amount it was needed for a world wide clean up effort.
Also assume you kill the queen, and next you have still hundreds of hungry males running around still wrecking shit. So from that perspective she was right, that timeline is fucked, send the toxin to the past so someone else benefits from it.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
-Where are these blue ampoules?
-Along the south wall.
-How many are we looking at?
-12 Dan, I need all of them
*Finds rack of 15 ampoules"
-Got em

It truly is a wonder why he didn't get the job at the lab.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I think there was a ton of dropped potential here or (more likely) hard science fiction dropped in favor of making a typical average action movie. They never came out and said it, but it was heavily implied that the actions in the current day had no lasting effect on the future (the stupid paradox side comment somewhat conflicts with this). To me that basically suggests that they were using the infinite quantum time line reality model and the wormhole was just a specific bridge between two threads. This would presume that the future timeline leaders knew they were fucked from the outset and were simply trying to make a timeline where the aliens did not obliterate earth, presumably to move their survivors to once the toxin had been made. Thus nothing done in the future or past had any impact on the other timeline and it was more about using the fucked up timeline as a research space for working out the Toxin. Seems obvious to me that was where they were headed, but all that shit got left on the re-write floor because somewhere they decided to make a Michael Bay style movie.

They had a good angle with the PTSD thing and the nihilism, but they chickened out. The fact that the director redid the entire third act confirms that for me. The third act was not terrible on its face, but it conflicted so starkly with the rest of the movie. I don't even especially care about the idiocy of sending untrained middle age people with shitty guns into the future. It is pretty clear they were being sent in to meat grinder it out for the toxin. But all of that could have been handled much better than it was.

B+ Acting, B- Idea, D- on execution. If I was the original writer and what I think happened did, I would be pissed at the director. They had a solid foundation for a good story and decent actors. The director just took the lazy way out.
A lot of the nitpicking here reminds me of Star Wars story Mark Hamill tells about Harrison Ford talking to him about his complaining about a potential continuity error "Hey kid" Ford said, "it aint that kind of movie. If they're looking at your hair, we're in big trouble." PTSD and Nihilism? Did you start this thinking it was The Deer Hunter? This isn't even "The Thing". This ain't that kind of movie.

- The time travel rules for *this movie* state they don't take people alive in 2050-whatever and they didn't sent back people alive in 2022. So what? That's the rules they state for this movie. As long as they don't break their own rules, that's fine. They did enough TT explaining.
-They didn't know where in Russia, they just figured it started in Russia because Russia went black first, IIRC. So until they figured out they were already there and dug out, they had no idea where to look or to start to stop it. The big hunt only becomes possible after the claw forensics and consulting the school kid/expert. Until then, they had no idea how long they had bred for before exploding on the world.
-The Toxin's purpose wasn't to kill the creatures in 2050; it was only ever to kill them in 2022. The whole point of opening a bridge to the past was to buy time to get Dan to the future so he could be the one save the world. He *was* always meant for something more than being a high school teacher, or at least his daughter is betting the world on it. There is a "It's a Wonderful Life" component to this movie, albeit with an alien apocalypse and the end of humanity.
-The toxin was needed in the ship the sense they wanted to kill the White Spikes in their chambers without a fight. They did manage to kill most of them via injection. I actually got called out of the room and missed most of the Queen fight and only saw the drop kick with toxin the mouth and didn't care to rewind. Lame but whatever. That was old in 1988.
-So much virtue signaling, I can't believe there were complaints about Pratt. The world-saving scene involved 3 of 4 were black men; the super smart kid, the super smart research head/ comic relief, and the super competent well-spoken soldier, and Chris Pratt. I could give a fuck what color anyone is but I am not the one clamouring about racism and representation in 2021. Team Not Eaten guy, who was awesome btw, his team was mostly POC with a 2020 Grace Jones look-alike. The future leader the survivors was a woman. Almost all of the sent-back in time military people were POC/women. The assistant guy in the future was black. Am I forgetting anyone? Then there were all the comments about climate change. /SMH stupid but whatever.
-Regardless of the casting, the actors were all pretty good; No one did anything ridiculous, J.K. is always awesome, Chris Pratt is always good in these roles, Yvonne Strahovski is good but sexier with her native accent...Comic relief guy was great and Team Not Eaten guy was awesome as well.
-I agree about not using the right weapons but *movie*. It may have not matters too much, since as mentioned, only the neck and abdomen were vulnerable. Their hides might have been just as impenetrable to 7.62 or 30.6 as 5.56 and their necks/thorax just as weak to anything, plus more rounds/easier to control.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and fit in exactly where it should have, as a Prime movie- 6ish/10. The only thing that's shocking is the it cost $200m to make; figure 1/10th? of that was Pratt, then so much of the rest of special effects and location filming etc. Even mediocrity isn't cheap these days.


Molten Core Raider
It's like every mil sci-fi cliche and action movie trope rolled into one. Plot is Michael Bay level retarded. The story itself is a mish-mash of Starship Troopers, Old Man's War, and a bit of John Steakley's Armour. As soon as I saw the colonel, I knew who she was, and I was offended. ngl I had fun, but gawddamn.
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Molten Core Raider
There's a science fiction story about space marines fighting bugs called Armor (by John Steakley) where we learn our protagonist has survived enough jumps with such impossible odds it catches the eye of military intel. It's a pretty cool story. The author also did Vampire$ which would get adapted in to John Carpenter's Vampires both of which are alright.

Just another thing this movie remind me of. It would have been sorta cool if we found out 45 minutes in that the homeboy with the shottie was the actual main character and we followed him around instead.
Required reading. Well, the first half anyway. Loved the main character's perspective. It's like some psychopath's version of stoicism. Perfect for soldiering.
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Trakanon Raider
People are hating too much on this movie.

First of all. There is no indication that there is one queen only. More than likely there are multiple queens as only having one queen for a whole planet infestation is dumb. Second it makes sense to send the toxin to the past, as they did not had the manufacturing capabilities to create the amount it was needed for a world wide clean up effort.
Also assume you kill the queen, and next you have still hundreds of hungry males running around still wrecking shit. So from that perspective she was right, that timeline is fucked, send the toxin to the past so someone else benefits from it.

Well, in the present there had been only one queen, because killing the one queen seemed to eliminate the alien threat.

Also, the only reason a "toxin" needed to be created is to allow Pratt to travel to the future and reconcile with his daughter. It's a plot element only. The queen was vulnerable to sedatives, which means probably other drugs would have worked. A Michael Jackson-sized dose of Propofol would have probably killed her. A mega dose of succinylcholine. Beyond that....what about just fucking bullets? You're telling me queens are bullet-proof?

So the ONLY thing you needed to do was to figure out where the queen was in the present time - there was no need to travel to the future. Future woman could have traveled back to the past with an alien tooth, fat black psuedo scientist guy analyzes it, nerdy black kid makes the volcano connection, they head to Russia, find the aliens and blow their shit up with conventional weapons. Because once they found the alien craft, they could have destroyed it by any number of means, not just the toxin. Let's also not forget the stupidity of them randomly injecting aliens with the toxins instead of identifying which one was the queen first (you know, the one with the red gills?). Of course, that whole sequence was just there to set up the 15 minutes "final confrontation" finale.
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Buzzfeed Editor
They're already making a sequel. 200 million more just shoved onto the fire. Why not?
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
People are hating too much on this movie.

First of all. There is no indication that there is one queen only. More than likely there are multiple queens as only having one queen for a whole planet infestation is dumb. Second it makes sense to send the toxin to the past, as they did not had the manufacturing capabilities to create the amount it was needed for a world wide clean up effort.
Also assume you kill the queen, and next you have still hundreds of hungry males running around still wrecking shit. So from that perspective she was right, that timeline is fucked, send the toxin to the past so someone else benefits from it.

dumb people like dumb movies, news at 11

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
They're already making a sequel. 200 million more just shoved onto the fire. Why not?
Dear god why? Who is asking or wanting to see a sequel to this?

The aliens and story where not interesting, the characters where not memorable, the set pieces/action was not engaging or fun. And sequel to what? They killed all the aliens at the end of the movie so that future wont happen in the "main" timeline.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Its so crazy that something like this gets released and marketed.

I bet there at least 10 people on this forum who could produce a better story than this shit. Phoenix nailed it, the Aliens were so utterly uninteresting, they were literally random video game trash mobs that yelled and stabbed things. They have scary mouths!


<Bronze Donator>
Dear god why? Who is asking or wanting to see a sequel to this?

The aliens and story where not interesting, the characters where not memorable, the set pieces/action was not engaging or fun. And sequel to what? They killed all the aliens at the end of the movie so that future wont happen in the "main" timeline.
Look how much traffic this thread got and then extrapolate that. Quality content is not their intent.


Tranny Chaser
Um, alright. There's a Site B in the future that turns on their time travel mojo and the link is reestablished. In the efforts to rescue the few remaining survivors of humanity some of the aliens get in to our time. Chris Pratt and the other survivors have the most experience and are assembled to help with the threat. We then find out the Site B people caught space madness and worship the White Spikes like gods when the leader turns heel at a critical moment and destroys the toxin supply before it can be deployed. The alien queen escapes! Oh no! End of Act 2.

If space madness isn't generic enough there's always the "and then the Russian government double crossed the world and is planning on using the White Spikes as bio weapons." If the Russian box office is significant can just make it Evil_Corporation_01. My gut says space madness is the way to go.

Act 3 our heroes go back in to the future to capture another queen so they can use it to draw out males on current year (Pratt can look sad at wrecked ocean base) Earth and thus track the queen that got away. The heroes then find themselves manuevered in to an ambush. The one queen has molted in to a SUPER QUEEN and they have to fight that combined with the queen from the future and a pile of eggs hatching.

tell him its rough but the bones are there.png

"Tell him it's rough but the bones are there."