The Trayvon Trial

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the end result of this is going to be extremely interesting to me as a gun rights advocate, and as someone who believes Zimmerman was likely at fault.


Avatar of War Slayer
i guess for the sake of the thread then, here's what logically happened:

1. zimmerman is on ultra-watchman duty due to a recent rash of crime
2. zimmerman sees a thug looking, unfamiliar guy
3. trayvon sees a sketchy cracker eyeballing him
4. they eventually confront each other
5. they fight, Trayvon wins the tussle
6. Zimmerman shoots trayvon because Trayvon has him mounted

you're all welcome. Zimmerman is at fault because he had no authority to confront Trayvon.

Carrying your firearm is actually more reason to avoid confrontation... because you're probably going to shoot somebody if shit goes down.
I think everyone here is at a consensus that everything is upon this- but who truly started the 'confrontation' - you state Zimmerman did- if true then yes -- if it was Martin then no.

I still "feel" that Martin initiated the confrontation - not only out of timeline evidence but because of my life experiences, mostly being poor and white and in a desegregated public school system. Blacks are very racist to whites... and whites are everyone but blacks or Asian... but usually Asian will be thrown in to whites also. I have seen many, many cases of where just looking at a black kid got a white kid jumped on- in class in the middle of a lesson for no fucking reason- many times. There was this one fat white kid I knew and was friends with- we hung out- us fat kids had to stick together... well I was at a school in my middleish-school years for the not so smart- because, as you all know I cant spell worth a shit- but I could read at kindergarten and always tested above grade level- even in English- and my teachers for fuck all couldn't deal with it - so I was shipped off to the school that took all us poor kids that needed help, oh and all the bad kids because where else are you going to send the next generation of inmates (my school had barbed wire on the top of fences) -- anywho back to my story... this white kid would daydream at the drop of a hat- lunch, PE, math...whatever - good chance you look at him he is going to stair off into space, well one day his daydream gaze happened to be in the path of some black kid that took affront to this- so he jumped up and pushed the kid out of his seat and on the floor- the teacher intervened. This happened again a few weeks later- the white kid got told to stop daydreaming as it was initiating the aggravation of the random black kid who didn't like being looked at.


Molten Core Raider
I think everyone here is at a consensus that everything is upon this- but who truly started the 'confrontation' - you state Zimmerman did- if true then yes -- if it was Martin then no.

I still "feel" that Martin initiated the confrontation - not only out of timeline evidence but because of my life experiences, mostly being poor and white and in a desegregated public school system. Blacks are very racist to whites... and whites are everyone but blacks or Asian... but usually Asian will be thrown in to whites also. I have seen many, many cases of where just looking at a black kid got a white kid jumped on- in class in the middle of a lesson for no fucking reason- many times. There was this one fat white kid I knew and was friends with- we hung out- us fat kids had to stick together... well I was at a school in my middleish-school years for the not so smart- because, as you all know I cant spell worth a shit- but I could read at kindergarten and always tested above grade level- even in English- and my teachers for fuck all couldn't deal with it - so I was shipped off to the school that took all us poor kids that needed help, oh and all the bad kids because where else are you going to send the next generation of inmates (my school had barbed wire on the top of fences) -- anywho back to my story... this white kid would daydream at the drop of a hat- lunch, PE, math...whatever - good chance you look at him he is going to stair off into space, well one day his daydream gaze happened to be in the path of some black kid that took affront to this- so he jumped up and pushed the kid out of his seat and on the floor- the teacher intervened. This happened again a few weeks later- the white kid got told to stop daydreaming as it was initiating the aggravation of the random black kid who didn't like being looked at.
I seen this going to a mostly black/hispanic school, they just always seem so angry for whatever reason, daddy aint home, moms a prostitue, they dont have a xbox 360, or some shit.


Millie's Staff Member
is it racist or common sense to expect black people to start burning down buildings and looting when Zimmerman gets acquitted?


A Mod Real Quick
Blacks riot when their basketball team wins a game, we can basically expect world war 3 after this trial no matter what


Wow, you guys sure went full retard while I took a nap.

Zimmerman called 911 FORTY SEVEN TIMES IN ONE YEAR to report people that were the wrong color to be in his neighborhood. He was a racist, paranoid nutjob with a gun. This was going to happen sooner or later, and while it's probably going to end up being the correct result based on how our justice system is set up, it's still sad that he's going to get away with it.

You know the guy jerks off every night thinking about his epic victory.


Unelected Mod
Zimmerman called 911 FORTY SEVEN TIMES IN ONE YEAR to report people that were the wrong color to be in his neighborhood.
You act like 47 times is a huge number. He was being a neighborhood watchman WHO IS SUPPOSED TO CALL when he sees suspicious people. Most likely many of those calls were followups to the first call of an incident also.

You have zero evidence that he was calling 911 based on racism, yet we are the ones going full retard? Most likely he made calls anything people he didn't know cut through the neighborhood. Maybe overzealous, maybe paranoid, but not necessarily racist at all.


47 times is a huge number.

Also, his Myspace was plastered with racist stuff.

There is a literal shit ton of evidence that Zimmerman was racist.


Silver Squire
Wow, you guys sure went full retard while I took a nap.

Zimmerman called 911 FORTY SEVEN TIMES IN ONE YEAR to report people that were the wrong color to be in his neighborhood. He was a racist, paranoid nutjob with a gun. This was going to happen sooner or later, and while it's probably going to end up being the correct result based on how our justice system is set up, it's still sad that he's going to get away with it.

You know the guy jerks off every night thinking about his epic victory.
So how does that allow T to come up and beat the shit out of the guy?

I'm not happy with the circumstances of this case one bit. However Zimmerman isn't the reason Martin got shot. If Martin didn't try to make an example of this honky cracker and just went home he would of been perfectly fine. Instead he basically stalked him, beat the shit out of him and got shot while he was on top of him and beating the shit out of him.

I wouldn't convict him based on what we know about the case. Much less when the females on the jury are asked: "Hypothetical situation, night time, you are walking home and a large man attacks you. Slamming your head against the ground, you can feel the blood coming down the back of your neck. You are helpless and can't get the upper hand and feel yourself about to lose consciousness. Do you:

A: Shoot him with the weapon you are proficient in using
B: Take your chances that he doesn't really want to kill you and is just awkward at meeting new people

Zero chance this guy gets convicted.

As for the calls, he lived in an area that was plagued by a lot of thefts. The neighborhood was trying to do something about it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I live in an almost exclusively black neighborhood and it's a pretty safe assumption that any black you see is a criminal.


Unelected Mod
47 times is a huge number.
From wikipedia on the background to the shooting...
Three weeks prior to the shooting, on February 2, 2012, Zimmerman called police to report a young man peering into the windows of an empty Twin Lakes home. Zimmerman was told a police car was on the way and he waited for their arrival. By the time police arrived, the suspect had fled. On February 6, workers witnessed two young black men lingering in the yard of a Twin Lakes resident around the same time her home was burglarized. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. The next day police discovered the stolen laptop in the backpack of a young black man, which led to his arrest. Zimmerman identified this young man as the same person he had spotted peering into windows on February 2.[63]
Zimmerman had been licensed to carry a firearm since November 2009. In response to Zimmerman's multiple reports regarding a loose pit bull in the Twin Lakes neighborhood, a Seminole County Animal Services officer advised Zimmerman to "get a gun",
So he had multiple calls for example on a pit bull that was loose. Being a watchman for a year, and considering you have to call multiple times to get police to show up for pretty much anything, I don't see 47 as being a large number.

Also, remember your assertion that he called 47 times because people were the wrong color? I guess the pit bull was the wrong color also huh.


Holy shit you guys are retards. Nowhere, NOWHERE did I say that racism was illegal nor did I say that it's acceptable to beat the shit out of someone solely for being racist (although if it happened a bit more often, I bet some of you in this thread would be singing a different tune).

People were claiming that Zimmerman wasn't racist. I was replying directly to those assertions.
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