The Video Thread


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Good god Grismark. For your own sake, I hope you're a troll, or on some other secret mission.

You constantly post silly conspiracy theory videos and videos of people making ridiculous claims, mostly based around the idea that the population as a whole as ignorant as can be. Then at the same time, you support ideologies which push libertarianism, which is the idea of putting more trust in the individual than the government. How can you rationally mesh these two ideas together? I'm a libertarian in most regards, but I can stick to that belief mostly due to the fact that I think the average person is good intentioned, rational, and only slightly stupid. This same belief makes it almost impossible for me to support most conspiracy theories. The idea that the government could pull off these large scale operations without people ratting them out from the inside is just plain ludicrous. I can believe that individuals and groups could be evil, selfish, ect, but I think most of governments problems are limited to bad laws, ignorance, and general incompetence.

Have more faith in the average person. There's plenty of things about government and laws that could be fixed or worked towards without spouting this inane bullshit, and you really just make other legitimate points look all the stupider to outsiders by holding both of these views.

Obligatory video that might help you relax.


Avatar of War Slayer
I can believe that individuals and groups could be evil, selfish, ect, but I think most of governments problems are limited to bad laws, ignorance, and general incompetence.
You seem genuine. This is what I will say, and then leave it to you to consider, as I am not interested in an internet debate. I have had way to many of those over the years and concluded that it makes no difference. People looking to learn, do not come to semi-anonymous places like internet forums to instruct each other. They come to vent, and attack, and practice their rhetoric on others, like they couldn't or wouldn't do inrealsocial life. It is why I simply share information here, I do not argue about it. I leave it to you to do whatever you want with it.

Just like I do.


I have come to the conclusion that most people simply do not want to know to much about their government/rulers, because somewhere in the depth of their souls they know that once they know the truth, they are responsible for it. History is replete with examples.

Such as:

How many of the Germans do you think where genuinely surprised about the fate of the Jews and other undesirables?
How many of them do you think never lost a nights sleep because they truly believed that there was no way they could have known what was really happening?

And how many of them where not?



It's a shame that I have to resort to embedding a pair of libertarian fuckheads, but here:
Is it ironic that some bitch in that video says "conspiracy theorist take parts of evidence and make their own conclusion"???

Isn't that what this video is? Does Penn and Teller really know? Do they really know for a fact? No, they take the evidence that they are given or found and come to a conclusion.

I am no conspiracy theorist, do I think 9/11 happened the way the report said? No, I think the government allowed it and thats the extent I think the government had in it.

Those that disagree are asleep sheeple and those that agree are the awakened enlightened ones! It's another way for people to feel a smug superiority over another group of people.

I might take Alex Jones and Glen Beck slightly more seriously if they were not "recommending" (selling) a slew of products from prepper equipment to land in the middle of nowhere to gold (as least gold is a store of value). I have listened to Alex Jones and found it lacking; bordering on prophet/seer worship.

Penn and Teller have to make a entertaining show for Showtime and they admit to not being able to go into near as much detail as would be needed to support a proper thesis.

If you want to watch a dry PowerPoint presentation by Dr Colin Frayn, a senior research fellow with CERCIA, University of Birmingham, UK; here you go.



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
All conspiracy theories are wrong except for all the ones that were proven true? lol.

Nixon's Committee To Reelect the President (CREEP) really was using the CIA to spy on his political opponents.
The Vatican really did have a secret program to move priests around to shield them from accusations of molestation.
Hoover really did have secret files on thousands of federal, state and local government officials to use as blackmail.
The Reagan administration really was selling arms to Iran and using the money to secretly fund rightwing anti-government rebels in Nicaragua.

This list is nearly endless. There's been so many ACTUAL movie-esque conspiracy plots proven true in the past century that conspiracy theorists can't really be considered delusional.

PS: Is that Yahtzee in that video? Sounds just like him, especially when he says "Online Roleplaying Games."


Ssraeszha Raider
I have come to the conclusion that most people simply do not want to know to much about their government/rulers, because somewhere in the depth of their souls they know that once they know the truth, they are responsible for it. History is replete with examples.
Yup, wouldn't be a proper libertarian conclusion if it wasn't as condescending and arrogant as possible. Only brave libertarians like Grimsark have the courage to face the truth! If only we could all be such noble patriots.

Glenn Beck is an all-time low, even for you. You should feel bad.


Blackwing Lair Raider