The Video Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I would say that a large portion of the middle and lower class just have zero self control....
I'll evict someone and when I go in to assess the living area after they move out, they'll often have left drug paraphernalia laying around. Or they'll have a crippling alcohol addiction and will have left tons of empty poor people beer bottles like 40's, etc. laying around. Or, leave an absolute fuck ton of empty to-go boxes from all types of restaurants. Ive also evicted someone that had an absolute shit ton of lottery tickets laying around. Scratch offs and numbers, just fucking everywhere. I had never seen that before, even with my parents rentals. I had no idea that someone could get addicted to lottery like that.

They would rather give in to their escape pattern for temporary comfort, rather than fix the problem itself. "My credit sucks. I cant buy a house, so Im renting. I never have enough money to pay rent. My job sucks and doesnt pay well. White people have it so much easier. (My favorite, cause Ill be renting out the condo next door to some white fucks with one of the above issues, too.) Old people had it so much better back then." etc. etc. But if they stopped doing drugs, they could pass a drug test for a better job. If they stopped drinking alcohol, at least to excess, then they wouldnt miss days and be able to keep a job. If they had a proper diet, they wouldnt feel like absolute shit all the time. They wouldnt be a fat fuck and be too GD lazy to do anything that'll pay well.

IF they didnt fall prey to any those three vices - they would have the money and energy to go out and do something actually fucking fun and healthy to do. Passively improving their life, and by extension - will meet people also living a healthy, happy life and will move up socially and economically. Just by having some semblance of self control - they would live a life thats better than they've probably ever had.

I say all this, cause man.. I really wish there was a way you could help these people. But outside of treating these people like children and controlling everything they do - there is just no fucking hope.

But this probably goes way further than just the basic shit Im seeing and Im sure there is some rich guy out there that can tell me exactly what Im doing wrong with my life to still be middle class and not millionaire+ rich like him. Though, unlike the fucks Im talking about - if a Billionaire wanted to take me under their wing, Id follow his words to the fucking grave.
I tried to find a video that related to my personal experience, but all I see is Mark Cuban, Grant Cardone, and people like Bitzlato or w/e the fk his name is. All of which are full of scam/scummy type shit.
None of what you say is wrong. however you are not mentioning a couple additional *small* pieces of the puzzle:

1) There comes a point where you fall so low that the Hail Mary plays begin to have higher perceived value. See the studies on how lotto formatted saving accounts are MASSIVELY more popular than normal style ones in the favelas. Prize-linked savings account - Wikipedia . at certain breakpoints the *chance* at life changing money is just so much more attractive than 3% interest on a hand full of change.

2) again, in the same vein of "fall so low", one can get to the point where they can be cold and slightly less hungry (spending that unit of $ on food), hunger and slightly less cold (buy a blanket), utterly highest cold and miserable, but be doing the sensible/right thing with the money, or continue to be as fucked as before, but blissed out of your mind for a while). Saw a clip earlier in the week of a hobo flat out saying he's going to go spend <whatever money he was just handed> on drugs. it wasn't enough to buy him heat, and without the drugs he shivers through the night bad enough he doesn't sleep.

3) expecting humans to be logical a fools game under the best of circumstances; but when someone's life is in the shitter 5 ways from sunday....

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Potato del Grande
Both of these videos are for you;

Touche, still doesn't prove anything about gravity. Removing the medium of your surroundings will indeed mess with how things float. Gravity is so fake and gay it hurts.

The point at the end about a vacuum being the lightest thing and the best method for a blimp is epic. Can someone design this.
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Perpetually Pessimistic
<Bronze Donator>
This window licker got a $75000 bachelors degree to make $23/hr at 33 years old.

This retard votes. This retard which cant possibly comprehend her monthly income votes.

View attachment 462102

You hear how she talked? She thinks biden is gunna save her from her 86 THOUSAND dollar photography degree.

You all forgot to add in that some family member gave her 13k ON TOP of the 73k she borrowed.

She has NO impulse control. Her whole situation is fucking insane. Why would ANYONE give her a down-payment on a home when she is coasting just above default? Like, her father gave her 10k for a down-payment on a home that will likely get foreclosed on. Buy the home, rent to her, when she declares bankruptcy, then you can still charge her rent on the home YOU own and she won't get kicked to the curb.