The Video Thread


Avatar of War Slayer
This is awful. He spends the first 20 minutes criticizing his parents then applying some of the worst pop-psychology I've ever heard. Seriously, Dr. Phil is better than this guy.
Just ignore the pop-psy if you don't like it. However, trying to understand the adult often requires a reflection on that adults childhood and by extension that child's parents.
(Edit: I think the primary reason he did it the way he did here is that most people have no clue who his parents were. Or the fact that he grew up in the top 1% of his economic class and his family was for all intents and purposes slum-royalty living off their inheritance.)

Having said that, its convenient that you stopped watching it the MOMENT it starts getting into the meat and potatoes of who the guy was. Right around the 20 Minute mark is where his sociopathy really starts to get detailed, including his first documented rape of a servant girl in front of all his friends.



I'm confused about all the sudden fond memories of Power Rangers, as if it were ever anything but a complete pile of shit. I was 9 when that show came out and I recognized how cheap and repetitive it was. Every episode had the exact same plot and literally about half of the same action shots.