The Walking Dead


> Than U
Also don't forget they mentioned having exiled 3 people recently, and the 4 people who died with Aiden/Nick was recent as well. The death guilt Aid had was recent which leaves me to believe they had only been doing that awhile/recently.
Could be wrong though. I've simply taken all the clues, and watched most of the 2nd half again last 2 days and come up with this. Could be way off base just the gut feeling I got.
I pretty much threw all the comic stuff out as they have been known to change outcomes/deaths/lifes and events around on these finales.

I don't have Carol on my death list but they film May-November and Melissa Mcbride is scheduled to film a movie this summer across the country. So I think her death is coming, but I just don't feel its this next episode, she could pull off traveling though but seems it would be a bitch.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You must be forging into new territories of boredom to watch the past episode again.

Also the Carl + chick storyline was gay as sin. I actually started laughing out loud when they had the slow-mo running into commercial break. It felt like a fucking 80's sitcom.


Keep in mind Alexandria has never been raided by people. They let pretty much anyone in and if you've watched the show, there's a lot of bad people. The doctor was just another example of blindly letting people in and turning the cheek. Had he killed Jessie, they wouldn't give a shit simply because he's a doctor. Also, the cannibals from sanctuary aren't dead, they would let them in without a problem.

If I was rick I'd have been the same way. They are ignorant sheltered idiots and they will drive that place into the ground.


I'll also throw in michonne getting the Axe because she fucked everything up. Dumb bitch.

Keeping in mind I know who gets axed from the comics now
but that doesn't really mean anything to the show.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Keep in mind Alexandria has never been raided by people. They let pretty much anyone in and if you've watched the show, there's a lot of bad people. The doctor was just another example of blindly letting people in and turning the cheek. Had he killed Jessie, they wouldn't give a shit simply because he's a doctor. Also, the cannibals from sanctuary aren't dead, they would let them in without a problem.

If I was rick I'd have been the same way. They are ignorant sheltered idiots and they will drive that place into the ground.
I mean the issue with the doctor beating his wife is it is a gray zone. He saves lives but also at the cost of ruining another life. In our modern society it is pretty easy to say "Kick him out" but when you live in a place where literally a cut could fester, infect and kill you it becomes a far more difficult choice.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's pretty clear, they'll be fighting the "W's" here next week. And this is to a non-comic book reader.


Millie's Staff Member
I mean the issue with the doctor beating his wife is it is a gray zone. He saves lives but also at the cost of ruining another life. In our modern society it is pretty easy to say "Kick him out" but when you live in a place where literally a cut could fester, infect and kill you it becomes a far more difficult choice.
this pretty much, in a world full of death, if you have the skills to save people, nobody really gives a fuck if you smack your flirty wife around. sure people will talk behind your back on how shitty you are to your family, but they will say in the same breath "he is one hell of a doctor, i owe him my life". people give passes to gifted/skilled individuals all the time for such things. they found hundreds of skeletons in benjamin franklin's home because he was running an illegal body snatching racket and it never is mentioned because benjamin franklin is historically awesome. ditto MLK, Ghandi etc.


I'll also throw in michonne getting the Axe because she fucked everything up. Dumb bitch...
Michonne is definitely on the list.

1. She is Rick's psuedo wife and Carl's psuedo mom.
2. She put up her sword.
3. She is now the voice of reason/wiseman for the group. (Dale, Hershel)
4. Like you said, she has defied Rick.


Potato del Grande
Not a spoiler, because it was in the last episode, but internet speculation is that the corpse Daryl found is Morgan's corpse. Dark skin, same colored jacket, sunglasses, ring, etc. Would be odd to have an off screen killing of a character they have been foreshadowing for a while. Guessing next episode will show what happened to him before Daryl got there?



> Than U
Not a spoiler, because it was in the last episode, but internet speculation is that the corpse Daryl found is Morgan's corpse. Dark skin, same colored jacket, sunglasses, ring, etc. Would be odd to have an off screen killing of a character they have been foreshadowing for a while. Guessing next episode will show what happened to him before Daryl got there?

100% certain it is a misdirect. No way they could hype him for 5 years in random scenes to have him chopped up off camera. Unless the first 30 minutes of next episode is Morgan's story, it is to confuse the viewership.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, they wouldn't kill him off screen. Makes no sense.

But either Carol or Daryl is dead meat next episode, but not both.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
My pick is Carol, I kinda am basing that on a hunch of course. But I feel that her being the one to 'discover' the wife beater, is like a completion of her own marriage / personal history. In a one step removed from it all way.

Oh and a late wildcard pick for shock moment of next episode. Sasha goes nuts up in the clock tower and starts shooting anything that moves, getting Hilldog right between the eyes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm picking Glen to die, much internet speculation and that coward is shown retrieving the gun shortly after his and Glen's confrontation.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Well, it is possible they are doing a misdirect. The internet is convinced Daryl or Carol is gonna die and BOTH are on Talking Dead /w a mystery guest. The mystery guest would either be a) Negan b) some major character who dies in the finale


> Than U
I don't think we'll see Negan at all.
I don't think Morgan dies.
I am not even sure any main cast dies but I personally feel one does at least of the original. Hopefully Daryl just for personal entertainment value, but could be Carol or none at all. Misdirection again.
Special guest is Deana/Reg/Pete or another Alexandrian who dies.
I truly don't think Glenn dies. Just like the Morgan arms last week Glenn crying/grunting is a misdirect TWD does them all the time especially before finales.