The Witcher


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Never read the books. Finished all 8 episodes

It's OK. Not great.

The whole time line jumping just to be cute is getting annoying. Most of the side characters suck. There is zero reason to give a shit about any of them. When Cavill is not on screen it's kind of meh. He REALLY carries this show. The story as a whole is just OK.

6/10. Worth a watch,
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Okay Triss is fucking fugly. Her not being a redhead is whatever, but why does she look like that crazy bitch that was trans-black or whatever.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
For a show called Witcher, it's more about the Hunchback of Notre Damme, and the thousand irrelevant side characters. As said above, there's so many characters so quickly, with a ton of exposition that doesn't really say anything, everyone dies and I don't give a shit about any of them. At least there's a monster fight per episode (so far?). Cavill isn't even that great, and honestly a bit wasted. Also, why is everyone so fucking dirty, all the gd time. I haven't read the books (there were books?), and I didn't play very far into any of the games (fuck those trashy controls). Sloppy swordplay choreography. Gratuitous gore. Hot bitches. Some titties. C-.
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Gunnar Durden
“Why is a show called the Witcher about all these other people”

Well honestly that’s how the books are. Would you feel different if the story was called “the northern kingdoms” or something?

Ultimately the whole series is about Ciri and destiny, with Geralt being the focal point that ties all the stories and characters together.

If you want a monster of the week show that’s not what the material is. It’s about a Witcher who has his fate tied to two women, and their adventures
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You people blathering about the 'lack of sjw nonsense' seem ignorant to the fact that all this awful diversity checklist casting IS sjw nonsense.
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Gunnar Durden
The only obvious character is Triss. The elves and shit I’ve never seen so doesn’t bother me. Yen actually works a lot better than I thought because she’s fucking naked every episode so I don’t care.
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Gunnar Durden
“One character isn’t a red head therefore I can’t watch the show at all even though she’s not really in the show much at all”
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Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
If it makes the anti-SJW crowd happy, the virtue signalling has been thick with condemnation
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Mr. Poopybutthole
“One character isn’t a red head therefore I can’t watch the show at all even though she’s not really in the show much at all”

and fringilla, and the oh wait there's actually TONS of random ass blacks and browns in a show based on medieval Polish fantasy where everyone should basically be white as a fucking ghost.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
[Trigger warning: If discussing history in regards to a fantasy show bothers you, skip this post] This went a wee bit longer than I had planed, but I like history, so eh...

It really depends on the time period and the compositions of the armies. This fantasy series is based on medieval Europe, around the time of the first and second crusades, from the looks of the game and what I could see in the trailer. For much of medieval Europe, in an open field battle, heavy cavalry was king. For sieges though, they were little better than any other heavy infantry unit (and there were a lot of sieges). It wasn't until armies started incorporating companies of pikemen (late middle ages) did the tactics start to move away from the heavy cavalry.

Here are a few examples in brief (that I vaguely remember and could look up):

The Umayyad Caliphate cut through the Visigoth, who used European Infantry tactics of that time (720s), of Iberia and into France with an army composed of almost all heavy cavalry; until finally stopped by the Franks at the Battle of Tours (732) (by infantry and new/superior tactics, as well as various other factors). It took some time, but the European kingdoms eventually adopted and developed heavy cavalry, to the point that some battles became cavalry charges vs cavalry charges.

At the Battle of Tinchebray (1106), Robert, Duke of Normandy, to start his attack, ordered his heavy knights to charge King Henry I of England's line of infantry. Unfortunately for Robert, Henry's infantry front line were dismounted heavy knights, and were able to push back the attack.

At the Battle of Bremule (1119), King Louis 6 of France, to start his attack, ordered his heavy knights to charge King Henry I of England's line of infantry, but guess what? Yep, Henry had dismounted his knights for the front line, and they pushed back the attack. Now, why would Louis do this, when it had been 10 years after Henry defeated his brother with the same tactic (which the French would have know about)? Because these battles were the exceptions, rather than the rule.

At the Battle of Carrhae (53 B.C.E.), the Parthians charge the Romans (who were in a defensive square) with a line of Cataphracts (heavy cavalry) and backed up with a whole mess of mounted archers. The Cataphracts hit and disengage, while the mounted archers endlessly pelt the Romans with barbed arrows. The Romans are annihilated and the "great" Crassus is no more.

At the Battle of the Axona (57 B.C.E.), the Belgae sent a contingent to flank Caesar's fortified position by fording a river and attacking his rear guard & supply line. Caesar sent all of his cavalry and skirmishers to oppose the crossing. The Romans obliterated the Belgae at the river while the main body of both armies stared at each other all day, north of the ford. Even though they still outnumber the Romans, that night the Belgae war counsel decides to head home.

At the Battle of Dhi Qar (609), the Sassanid army's front line was entirely composed of cavalry, as it charged the Arab infantry and dismounted troops. The Arabs held fast, which allowed for some hidden Arab cavalry to charge from the rear and wipe out the Sassanid leader, along with all surrounding units, causing the rest to route.

There are various other battles with cavalry used to lead the main attack, on the center, against infantry, such as the Mongols and even occasionally Alexander's Companion Cavalry, but I should probably stop there.

The Dothreki were light cavalry and fuck D&D.

You sound exactly like my dad after any show or movie he watches that has medieval combat. He has so many obscure medieval battles and tactics memorized. It’s wild.
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Gunnar Durden
I don’t think Fringilla was described as white in the books.

I really don’t care when they add black people. Most people won’t know this is based on Poland. There are dragons and monsters. I can accept random blacks for the sake of not getting cancelled. I will support outage over changing established characters color for diversity. But Triss alone ain’t enough to ruin the show for me.

They made the blackest bitch on the show a bad guy so that counts for some thing.
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<Gold Donor>
You sound exactly like my dad after any show or movie he watches that has medieval combat. He has so many obscure medieval battles and tactics memorized. It’s wild.
I hope you have introduced him to games like Europa Universalis IV or Total War.
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That guy
Yennefer 2.0 is a fuckin babe. Even OG hunchback wasn't super ugly and had a rockin' pair on her, I'd give her the sideways spine. I realize it's the same actress but the difference is pretty yuge.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I hope you have introduced him to games like Europa Universalis IV or Total War.

Well he introduced me to PC gaming. We used to play D&D on the Commodore 64, Heroes of Might and Magic on his 586, Duoed through games like Diablo and Baldurs Gate. Nowadays I just build his gaming PC for him when he’s ready to upgrade, and text each other about what we’re playing.

Anyways, he has played and mastered all of the Total Wars, even the warhammer one. I’m not into them but he sends me all the tactics he’s using and battle info all the time. He played the shit out of that recent first person semi realistic medieval combat game, can’t remember the name atm. Not sure if he’s played Europa, maybe I’ll get him that for Christmas if he hasn’t.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck these shmucks.

pretty sure they only killed Ermion because he's still alive in the games