Tobacco Thread, it's glorious and we should quit.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Smoked since I was 16 or so, was a marlboro man for years but then my balls dropped and I became a camel man. Quit when I was 26 or so and my balls dropped again so I became a Copenhagen man, specifically Copenhagen Longcut. I fucking love the stuff more than life itself. Mana from heaven. Still an on and off again relationship (currently on).

Also for hipster, rolled my own for a few years when I got out of the Navy and if you're into that shit. Bali Shag is good stuff, give it a try.


All that said, we should probably quit cause it's going to kill us.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My sister in law started smoking at like 29. Who does that? I understand doing it when you're a dumb teenager and then not being able to quit but starting when you're all grown up and supposed to know better mystified me.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Meh, I started at like 24 or so? Was working a shitty retail job after college and hated every minute of it, but all the management smoked and it was an easy way to spend like an hour+ of every workday outside doing nothing rather than dealing with customers and shit.

Unfortunately it kinda stuck and here I am 7 years later.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I started smoking weed with one my room-mates who was a regular smoker. That was 5-6 years ago and it became a regular habit to have a joint of tobacco+weed or two with a TV episode or film. Tobacco + Weed is the most common way we smoke it here.

Last year I assumed that I had developed hay fever - I constantly had itchy eyes, watery eyes and a stuffy nose. I attributed this to having laser eye surgery 9 years ago. I also had a cough that wouldn't go away and would occasionally get wheezy. Earlier this year I started to develop an itch around my genitals, specifically scrotum, but occasionally around my cock and my anus.

Several months ago I stopped smoking and all the above symptoms went away. Smoking again, even getting through just one bag of weed will bring back the symptoms.

So, am I allergic to the tobacco or the weed? Hay-fever like symptoms and allergies do seem to be possible with tobacco/weed but I can't find anything that explains the itching


Tranny Chaser
Mebbe someone is fucking you in the ass when you're high. Case closed.
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privileged excrementlord
Started smoking while waiting tables in college. 5 years later, got up to 2 packs a day before actually quitting. Tried and failed to quit 3 or 4 times, read a gay book, actually quit.

Still enjoy cigars and hookah.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah I started in university as well, and also kept going while working a shitty tech support job that I hated. I had planned to quit when I moved to Korea - new environment and schedule, no associations - but I went to the store shortly after arriving and realized that a pack was the equivalent of a bit under two bucks. FFFUUUUU

I ended up reverting back to just smoking when I drank but never otherwise, and maintained that for years before finally quitting completely after moving back to Canada. The price and not being able to smoke in bars killed any desire I may have had to keep smoking.
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Trakanon Raider
Love me a cigarette while drinking. Otherwise, never smoked habitually. I'm that asshole who's always bumming smokes off friends while drinking. I'll buy the occasional pack when I'm on vacation or camping and know I'm going to be around other people who are smoking. If the crew I'm with doesn't smoke, then I don't feel the need to. But when in Rome...
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Quitting smoking is something I think of almost daily. But 20 years later, here I still am. Im almost 39, my son is almost 4 - I seriously need to quit this shit.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Love me a cigarette while drinking. Otherwise, never smoked habitually. I'm that asshole who's always bumming smokes off friends while drinking. I'll buy the occasional pack when I'm on vacation or camping and know I'm going to be around other people who are smoking. If the crew I'm with doesn't smoke, then I don't feel the need to. But when in Rome...

I still do this too. I'm pretty lucky in that I've never really felt chemically addicted to the nicotine, the only hint (not serious) of addiction to cigarettes is habitual, tied almost entirely to drinking beer. So as long as I don't have a beer in my hand it has never been hard for me not to smoke, and having the occasional one won't throw me off the wagon and start me up entirely.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I smoked from 15 to 25. Quit 9 years ago when Mrs Adebisi got pregnant in an act of solidarity since she had to quit too.

Nether of us have smoked cigarettes since. I do enjoy a cigar once every few weeks, though.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Quitting smoking is something I think of almost daily. But 20 years later, here I still am. Im almost 39, my son is almost 4 - I seriously need to quit this shit.

Try chantix. Smoked from 22 to 42, tried everything to quit and Chantix did it. It wipes away the physical need, and makes cigarettes taste like dogshit to address the habit itself. I literally fought to smoke while on it and you just can't because you take one puff and want to puke.

Still miss my morning routine of coffee, cigarette, crapper, and newspaper though-- it was my reason to get out of bed in the morning and was my "zen" time.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I swear Cigarettes are like cocaine, but dipping tobacco is like crack. KRA!

My great-grandmother claimed she started dipping powdered snuff at age 4 when her grandmother would give her some of her own. She lived to the age of 97 and the only times I ever saw her without snuff in her mouth was when she was eating.

I can't stand to inhale cigarette smoke but I do smoke a pipe. Very different kettle of fish though. I'm never jonesing for a smoke like cigarette smokers are if they have to go several hours without being able to smoke.


Trakanon Raider
I started smoking around 14 or so and was probably up to a consistent pack a day by 15. I did either Marlboro or Winston. Couldn't do Camels (aside from those special Kamel reds that were ridiculously overpriced and tasted just like marlboros) because they always felt like they dried my throat up and gave me a weird dry cough. I got pneumonia when I was 26 and that made quitting kind of easy - well cigs anyway, I switched to dipping tobacco for about 4 years and then when my acid reflux got so unbearable (and Nexium twice a day was barely taking the edge off) I gave up the dip. Been completely tobacco free for about 4 years now. I have a couple of e-cigs but don't really use them much.

I still miss smoking sometimes, I can vividly recall that flavor and how fucking awesome it was. However, I don't miss coughing all the damn time. My mornings usually consisted of at least a half hour of hacking up some pretty gnarly lung butter and I don't miss the horrible acid reflux I lived with for years - granted that wasn't all tobacco, large amounts of beer and whiskey contributed as well.
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