Tom Clancy's The Division


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You're right, the bug is with invis people. Still not great, but better than hackers 24 hours into the beta.

The boundaries may still exist unless they physically make boundaries to block it off like the other sections. I'm sure they will. And if they don't they'll make them at least auto-kill you.
No, they won't exist because those are parts of the map that we just can't go to in beta. The map there exists, the actual DZ itself outside of beta is a walled in sector, just like the other 3 walls of it are in the beta. Hit M sometime, we've got about 1/3 of the full DZ.


FPS noob
beta is open to all on all platforms, but its only running for another 22 hours (6am EST Feb 1st) and the download is 26 gigs so you better have a fast connection if you wanna check it out.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My biggest gripe, and I know it's part of the game, is losing all of your work because some little faggot can run up behind you while you're engaging an NPC and just take all of your shit. It took me nearly an hour to get a couple pieces of gear with so many people on, then a kid whose been on for 2 minutes kills me and my time is literally 100% wasted. No passing go, no collecting $200, just a big fuck you and a turd on my chest.


Vyemm Raider
At least for the beta, gear drops are pretty shit. It's much better to kill npcs and rogue agents for dz cash and buy gear from the dz vendors.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had that last night too. Extracting some loot and a few npcs engage me. Some dude runs up behind me, kills me in like 1 second since my health was sorta low, and takes all my stuff. I guess going into the dz solo isn't really all that viable, especially during peak playtime hours.

After playing The Division for 6 or so hours this weekend, I've decided to cancel my order. It's sorta fun but feels so clunky. All the enemies look identical in an identical setting. Just feels too repetitive. I also prefer the Destiny gunfighting style to this 3rd person hide-behind-everything more realistic take on shooters.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had that last night too. Extracting some loot and a few npcs engage me. Some dude runs up behind me, kills me in like 1 second since my health was sorta low, and takes all my stuff. I guess going into the dz solo isn't really all that viable, especially during peak playtime hours.

After playing The Division for 6 or so hours this weekend, I've decided to cancel my order. It's sorta fun but feels so clunky. All the enemies look identical in an identical setting. Just feels too repetitive. I also prefer the Destiny gunfighting style to this 3rd person hide-behind-everything more realistic take on shooters.
Forcing you to have to play with other people does not make a good game imo. DZ has the best gear, so if you don't want to be behind the curve you're forced to go in there. The game has potential, but unless some serious issues are fixed I won't be buying it either.

Is there anywhere to submit feedback to them? I did a little write up I'd like to send.

I went into this (PC) beta knowing absolutely 0 about the game. My wife has been interested in it since E3 in 2013 and talked to me about it a few times, but nothing ever stuck with me.

My initial impression from the beta was well received. Graphics are nice, the aesthetic is very "Last of us meets Mass Effect meets Day-Z Mod".

The weapons system is nice, though I feel like there needs to be more weapon customization but this might automatically get addressed since it's the beta. The UI is a little clunky, in that when you open your inventory you should be able to hit escape and exit your inventory instead of having to hit the inventory button again.

The skill system seems like it will be nice when we can use the entire fleshed out tree, but as it stands in beta the med gun and scan pulse are must-haves.

The PvE side of the game seems good enough. Squad based AI combat that you can lone wolf, missions you can rerun on different difficulties, and a separate leveling system from the Dark Zone.

Speaking of which, the Dark Zone in my opinion needs work. In several areas.

But before I get into that I'll note the Pro's I encountered during this limited beta.

*For the first few hours, it felt dynamic and engaging. I had fun running around looking for enemy NPC's to kill and shiny loot pillars to plunder.

*I ran into quite a few players who were nice and got invited to several groups. I only used the matchmaker 3 times and each time kept getting put into groups at level 8 with players who were level 7, and therefore could not be in the same DZ as I was. I think it works just fine for what it is though, but could use a little tweak in the teammate selection process to eliminate that from trying to get into DZ groups.

*The variety of loot was nice. Weapons, armor, and vanity items from white to blue dropped for me. I'm not sure if purples drop from "boss" mobs, but I killed close to 40 named guys and never saw anything better than blue, which is fine.

*Movement felt pretty fluid, but there were a few times I ended up doing the cover ping pong at inopportune times and it led to me getting shot in the face.

*I really like the "gather loot and extract it" thing they're going for, but it also needs work.

*The rogue mechanic is a nice touch, but what I liked about it was totally eclipsed by its implementation which I'll get to next.

All in all it was a fun experience, but got repetitive QUITE fast. I've played MMO's for close to 17 years so I'm no stranger to grinding, but the time vs reward model is off balance here.

For the cons, I'll try to go in-depth about the changes I would like to see and the changes that will push me off the fence and into the land of customer

*While I had fun for the first few hours, that fun quickly dwindled into "running simulator 2016". I've read that they turned down the spawn rates for NPC's in beta, and that the map we have access to is gigantic, but I need to see the finished product for myself. Double the beta rate and they'll be in the ballpark.

*The nice and friendly players I met were a drop in the bucket compared to the assholes. For every 2 nice guys I ran into, there were 10 dickheads that would shoot you in the back or scream "FAGGOT!" as they flanked you while you were in a firefight with AI. I know this is a shooter and that's the type of crowd it will attract, but come on. I'm 32 years old and that's way too old for this shit.

*The "rogue" system and UI needs a complete overhaul. It's too easy to get flagged for rogue actions, the health bars are way too close to non-hostile players, and the amount of time you get flagged for is paltry. I could have 2-3 good blue items I want to get extracted, have some kid run up and backstab me, lose my items, spawn back in, and by the time I get to him he's already back to non-hostile. That's all kinds of NO.

My suggestion is a humanity system similar to hero/bandit in Day-Z. The more players you kill, the lower your humanity gets. The lower your humanity gets, the longer you're flagged as a rogue when you kill someone. To not totally screw the players who like that style of gameplay, reduce the range they show up on non-hostile radar to a 1 block radius or have them not show up on the radar at all. Make their name red, have a skull, whatever...some way to tell them apart from non-hostile agents when you get into range for the UI to show up.

The rewards for non-hostile PvE agents are in the form of loot from killing NPC's. Rogues get loot from murdering non-hostile agents and stealing the loot they worked for. Whether you got a blue on your first drop or you've saved up 6 for some reason, all that time you spent collecting those is 100% wasted, and the rogue makes off like a literal bandit. This absolutely screws players who want to be nice, friendly, and work as a team to grind out loot. It also screws the lone wolf players who don't have friends or who don't like to group by allowing them to get wrecked by roving bands of rogues.

Negative humanity for killing non-hostile players, positive humanity for killing AI. If you're a rogue and you want to "work it off", you can do so by playing the PvE game or hunting other Rogue agents.

All agents have access to every vendor. Eliminate "zone hopping", allow non-hostile agents to access every vendor, and reduce the amount of vendors Rogues have access to by how many non-hostile agents they've killed and how low their humanity score is. You might say that's unfair, but the rogues are already getting ALL the loot a non-hostile agent is carrying when they kill them. So I feel reducing the amount of loot they're able to BUY is perfectly fair.

*On the topic of loot, I am not a fan of non-hostile agents losing every single item when they get killed. If there's no "humanity" system in place, this really needs tweaked. Limiting the items dropped to greens and greys/whites (if there is no other changes to rogue players) might be a step in the right direction there.

*Increase the number of pack slots on the extraction rope. I know it's beta and everyone is crammed into a tiny little area, but it should be at least 8 spots for loot bags.

*The cover system is fun, but if the space bar allows me to take cover, the space bar should take me out of cover when I tap it. Half the time I got glued to a piece of cover I was behind and seemingly everything but double tapping to combat roll never worked, I just sat there like I was autistic while getting unloaded on.

*More weapon mods and customization. I never got any skins, which is a great addition, but we need a little more than a green/blue/purple suppressor, optic, what-have-you. I got a few tan items and a couple red under barrel grips, but other than that everything was the same.

*I don't understand the DZ currency system, which might be entirely on me. Some games I would get hundreds of coins, other games I would end barely 100 up.


Vyemm Raider
You get DZ currency from killing npcs (but not every npc drops it) and killing rogue agents. The higher the rogue level, the more you get. Also, rogue agents get a currency reward for surviving rogue status, depending on how high their rogue rank was. Rogue agents who die lose a lot more dz currency and dz xp when they die than a non-hostile agent does, again, higher loss for higher rogue rank.


Trakanon Raider
They have closed beta forums for feedback.

Beta Discussion | Forums

I've played a few hours with a friend, so far I like the game play, there is quite a lot of running around though and not really running into bad guys often. My concern is how much content will be there for the $80cdn I would have to plop down on this, and they've already announced their season pass with 3 dlc for another $40, so how much of those did they chop off the original release to use as dlc. Maybe what we were given was a very light tutorial and maybe the map will be much more populated with stuff, but won't know for sure until release so I'm probably going to cancel my preorder and wait and see.


Rasterizing . . .
Played for about 12 hours total over the last couple of days and am halfway through 8 with all of the missions and encounters completed in PvE including the hospital on hard. Ended up with mostly purple gear with the high end assault rifle mainly from Dark Zone gear, while sitting at around 5k dps / 5k hps. It's super easy to get geared up in the DZ if you just pay attention, follow the groups and hunt rogues. You can also get quite a bit of currency by going rogue and staying alive but that's much more difficult to do. You'll also find that rogues really start to come out in force when people get bored.

You can only hold a maximum of 6 contaminated items which means worst case scenario, you drop those items when you get killed. They still have to be looted and I can't tell you the number of times I've been able to get back to my body and get several items back. Once you get 4-6 items you should be thinking about getting to an extraction point, activating it, and staying out of sight until just a few seconds before the rope descends. If there are more than 4 folks around it, find another point.

I don't know about these claims of spending hours trying to get gear or losing all items etc. The worse part of the penalties is losing currency and exp. Who cares if you're losing shit you've looted, be glad it's not shit you're wearing. The DZ vendors have far better items than the garbage that drops anyway.

Atmosphere and sound is top notch and the gun play isn't bad. We spent about 7-8 hours on the PvE side and unlocked 6% of the base restoration with 20% of the medical wing completed. You can extrapolate from that how much PvE content there will be. The parkour system isn't bad if you turn on auto-parkour but there are some issues with encountering objects that you can leap over or go through. The parkour system will always have you leap over it vs. running right through it but that wasn't enough to hinder gameplay. The talent/skill systems seems to have some depth to it as it's tied directly to the wings that you upgrade in the base of operations.

The game needs crouch and jump though, without a doubt!

Overall, had quite a bit of fun with it even though the content was a bit anemic, I can still appreciate what they were trying to do and hope we see more varied enemies, locations, weapons, etc.


FPS noob
yeah thats why i keep saying don't buy this on PC, ubisoft has no experience with real multiplayer games and it'll be a fucked up hackfest. On PS4/xbone there is no jailbreak so barring in game bugs (like solo'ing atheon in destiny) you won't run into code hacks.

I mean you just have to read about Rainbow Six, apparently on PC at the high levels of play its just full of cheaters and hackers, and that came out just a month ago.


MMM, you can do the same thing on consoles then if that article is true. You don't need to hack your console to edit ingame files.

Borderlands was plagued with cheating, it's what made the first game so great imo.

Moral of the story, Don't ever put anything important client side...


FPS noob
MMM, you can do the same thing on consoles then if that article is true. You don't need to hack your console to edit ingame files.

Moral of the story, Don't ever put anything important client side...
there is no method on ps4/xbone of editing memory values and thats all everyone is talking about. there is no way to edit files on the console either, but that doesn't apply here. The minor hack a few people have done on PS4 was against firmware 1.4 (we are on 3.15) and only allowed them to get to a shell, not actually access the filesystem or memory or anything. Thats behind dozens of crypto keys. It would suck though if someone does jailbreak the ps4/xbone like they did ps3/360/wii.

What Ubisoft SHOULD do is what Titanfall did - if players are flagged as cheaters, let them keep playing but put them in special DZ servers marked for cheaters only. Fine, you wanna cheat, go ahead and play with other cheaters. GTA5 did this as well, but they stupidly put the flag in the client so cheaters just turned that flag off.

anti-cheat on PC is a nightmare, checking every stat update every change against a server is a huge resource hog. The model BF4 and CS:Go went to instead was just tracking how you do as a player. Someone who never gets killed might be cheating, or someone with a KDR way outside normal. Still, its a constant race against hackers and tracking/banning players and most games seem to just give up.

Be interesting to see what happens with Doom, thats a huge PC-centric competitive new FPS.


there is no method on ps4/xbone of editing memory values and thats all everyone is talking about. there is no way to edit files on the console either, but that doesn't apply here. The minor hack a few people have done on PS4 was against firmware 1.4 (we are on 3.15) and only allowed them to get to a shell, not actually access the filesystem or memory or anything. Thats behind dozens of crypto keys. It would suck though if someone does jailbreak the ps4/xbone like they did ps3/360/wii.
I'll have to take your word on it because on 360 and PS3 editing game files was no problem. No hacks needed on the console itself.

Like I said the original Borderlands community grew out of people making all kinds of shit for that game. Keep everything Client side, and be prepared for people to cheat.