Tom Clancy's The Division


Log Wizard
I was surprised, i was all decked besides the high end gun, and that looked like a FAL for 2ndary?
He's using a liberator high-end AR in main, and his marksman secondary is the carbine 10 clip. He has 30%+ magazines in both. Kinda sad my gear was exactly the same as his. Those guys had greens so they probably were fresh 8's with like 2-3khp and green weapons. No good.


Molten Core Raider
Pre-ordered for the PS4. I enjoyed the game and I'm looking forward to grouping up. I didn't mind the gun play and moving mechanics. Its different and new which has me intrigued. Worst case scenario is... I play it for a month, burn out, and trade it in ready for some Uncharted 4 action.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So I basically played this solo and have been hearing that is most definitely a way to make sure you aren't excited for the game, at all.

For those playing in groups on PS4, is that the deal breaker for actually having fun with the game? Genuinely curious.


Vyemm Raider
So I basically played this solo and have been hearing that is most definitely a way to make sure you aren't excited for the game, at all.

For those playing in groups on PS4, is that the deal breaker for actually having fun with the game? Genuinely curious.
Honestly its much more fun in groups, especially for the DZ - the PVE content scales with groups as well. The difficulty does marginally change but the amount of enemies and waves is more noticeable. I did the DZ solo mainly bc my peeps are waiting on release. The times i played in a group were more fun mainly because it allowed us to be unscrupulous dirty dbags and it was glorious.


Log Wizard
I played on PC but I'm sure hacking is just a PC issue as it involves editting game files. The invisible player is probably game-wide. The only way to tell is when your teammates tell you "THERE'S A GUY BEHIND YOU" and you never see them and then die. My group would run into an invisible player once every hour or so. He'd be invisible for only 1-2 of us out of 4 though and if they died it'd usually reset it and we'd see him next round.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
That's odd, has to have something to do with group play maybe? I put like ~15 hours in purely solo and never once ran in to it this beta.


So I basically played this solo and have been hearing that is most definitely a way to make sure you aren't excited for the game, at all.

For those playing in groups on PS4, is that the deal breaker for actually having fun with the game? Genuinely curious.
I had fun playing both solo and grouped but it was WAY more fun in groups.


Vyemm Raider
I played on PC but I'm sure hacking is just a PC issue as it involves editting game files. The invisible player is probably game-wide. The only way to tell is when your teammates tell you "THERE'S A GUY BEHIND YOU" and you never see them and then die. My group would run into an invisible player once every hour or so. He'd be invisible for only 1-2 of us out of 4 though and if they died it'd usually reset it and we'd see him next round.
i only put 3hr into PC and 100+ into XB1(from alpha+) and ive never seen invisible people on the xbox yet - i only tried the PC to see the environmental differences on max settings. Its much better but the consoles do hold their own thankfully.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They intentionally crippled PC graphic fidelity, said so in an interview. At least the framerate is decent.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */resolution is already a big step up from console. They added additional fidelity options in the last patch that made the game look even better for PC. But they're not going to run a hundred tests to ensure even more options are viable compared to verified settings on consoles. That's what modders are for. And besides, the game looks pretty amazing as it is already.


Vyemm Raider
They intentionally crippled PC graphic fidelity, said so in an interview. At least the framerate is decent.
3440x1440 on max everything there is a very clear and noticeable difference in quality especially where the environment is concerned. The game has no loss of appeal even if they did diminish it some, because it still looks amazing on PC.
Have not touched destiny since the divsion beta. Don't want to set my hopes too high but this game has the potential to be pretty fun and the fact they have a higher ttk and heals makes for much more strategic fights than destiny and COD.

Lets all hope to a decent content schedule, and a less greed than activation had. Activision effectivly killed destiny when they added silver thinking that could replace content. Really hope The division gives Destiny a kick in the balls and makes them try harder now that they have direct competition. Destiny 2 please be great.
Oh I'm well aware that UO was infinitely more hardcore than this. Personally I think that the Rogue system needs to be drastically changed. Loot should be available as soon as you get it in the Dark Zone. Death should result in dropping one random equipped item. Rogues shouldn't be fucking high lighted on the map, but should be Rogue for exponentially longer, and unable to enter the PvE/Safe Zones as well as dropping an extra item or two when killed.

Honestly I was hoping they would move towards the item system of UO where yes a Vanquishing whatever was great, but it wasn't necessary to compete, and could easily be taken by a better player. Personally I don't want an attachment to my loot, and I want skill to rule over all. More importantly I want a reason to fear Rogues, and a larger reason to hunt them as well as a real choice of going Rogue. Going Rogue right now isn't even a decision if someone pisses you off.
Uo is still my favorite game of all time. I was a Dread lord the entire time and never had a boring login or nothing to do.


Log Wizard
I'm kind of amazed everyone loves this game. I think it's just the graphics singing their siren song to a lot of group and I already know there's about a 20% chance this game lasts us longer than the two weeks or so it'll take us to max out our characters. Hopefully they have a lot of public events in the DZ or new PVP game types or a bunch of REAL raids for PVE. Otherwise I think this is a fun game, but short-lived.