

Molten Core Raider
IPT is damn good for PC games at least. Watch Dogs was available about 3-4 days before release. All games are available by, at worst, release day and most are often available a few days early.


So I just got my first DMCA notice from Century Link today and I have a couple of questions.

1: I use Bit commet and pirate bay and I thought the whole point of using the "Magnet Links" is that these types of things weren't supposed to happen.

2: I was with Comcast for going on 18 years or so and I never got one of these notices but now that I have been on centurylink apparently I have been getting tagged HARDCORE. Is it because I am now on DSL instead of cable that allows them to track it better?

3: What are my options so that this doesn't happen again?

4: I found a anon VPN service called that supposedly works with Bitcomet and makes you anon. Has anyone had any luck using these things and is $50 a year worth it?



Bronze Knight of the Realm
1) Magnet links protect torrent file hosters, not the people who download them.

2) No, DSL does not track "better" than cable. It's a different company. They have different policies.

3) Don't use public trackers, first and foremost. Additionally, you could use a VPN or a seedbox.

4) Never heard of that particular one.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you look several weeks back you can see my journey of giving up on torrents after I got 2 DMCA notices (both for Veep). I'm on Usenet now, paying $6 a month and I have absolutely no worries about this shit anymore. I also don't have to worry about ratios or any of that other garbage. I recommend it highly.

Either that, or get a seedbox and download your shit off of it. But that seems needlessly complicated and is essentially downloading it twice.


Ya I don't mind paying for whatever but I never leave my torrents up long enough to have a solid seed ratio. How is the selection of items on Usenet?


I ended up just paying $40 a year for a VPN. Small price to pay so that I hopefully will no longer get anymore DMCA notices.


FPS noob
don't use public trackers like piratebay, those are the ones most monitored. Even when you use something like IPT, delete the torrent and zap it in IPT so you are only on it for a few hours tops. Keep 24x7 uploading a bunch of small stupid torrents like eBooks or android apps or whatever, you'll build up thousands of bonus points which you can use to zap anything.

Also a ratioless tracker like BTN (tv) or RTN (movies) is really good, since you only have to stay connected for 24 hours and then can delete. Someday even private trackers will get monitored by hollywood, so eventually yeah you'll need a VPN/seedbox but not yet. This only applies to shows on HBO and movies, no one gives a shit about network/cable shows since they are all on hulu, network web sites, etc.

finally even when you get the DMCA notice its not too bad, most ISPs have adopted the six strikes rule (I think thats what it is). You get 6 warnings and then are in trouble, and it is supposed to reset yearly.

people's biggest mistake is using piratebay/demonoid/etc and seeding for more than an hour. Try to avoid them at all costs, and if you must use it (theres no reason) delete it the second the torrent is done, if its going to take more than 15 minutes to download then you shouldn't be getting it that way.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I got mine from eztv torrents and I removed them within probably 5 seconds of completion. Oh, and the fuckers were tiny files, like 250mb. So they logged my IP in like a 5 minute or less timeframe. Twice about 2 weeks apart. The reason I made the switch was because I have Mediacom and apparently they're one of the worst regarding DMCA notices. 1st strike is a warning, 2nd suspension, 3rd is lifetime termination. And there aren't any other ISP's in my area. So that kind of made me take notice.

As far as Usenet selection (not that you care anymore since you went the VPN route), it seems like it's basically identical for new releases. I'm west coast and I'll generally have something finished downloading in 720p before it even airs out here. I'm on tweaknews and I think their retention is around 1000 days. So anything 3 years old I have no issues getting.
Anyone got an IPT invite? Had an account in good standing there but apparently it got nuked due to inactivity. Weird...thought that after I met a certain threshold it was supposed to be permanent.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Last chance at massive ratio from Game of Thrones! Get the last episode tonight any moment!!


Molten Core Raider
Also snag the full 720p season 4 collection. That will be ratio gold for the next ~12 months.

I'm still seeding Season 3 from roughly 1 hour after Season 3 ended, and I'm up to a 51:1 ratio, with 688GB uploaded. It still slowly climbs every single day, even a year later.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also snag the full 720p season 4 collection. That will be ratio gold for the next ~12 months.

I'm still seeding Season 3 from roughly 1 hour after Season 3 ended, and I'm up to a 51:1 ratio, with 688GB uploaded. It still slowly climbs every single day, even a year later.
Thanks for the tip. Downloading it now!


Molten Core Raider
And the nice part is, on IPT, the season collection is Freeleech, so the initial 13GB download doesn't count against you at all. I've already seeded/uploaded 16GB just since last night. I also snagged the 1080i collection that someone posted, 54GB download but also Freeleech, and I've got about 70GB up on that already, 12 hours later.


I would love to upgrade my phone (Galaxy S2) but all the good deals are on other carriers. It is so hard to give up my $35 a month Virgin plan when if I want to get a cheap new phone, like on Verizon, it will cost me around $90 a month for the plan. Maybe I will just have to wait until Virgin gets the Note 3 or 4 or whatever and then just bite the bullet and pay $600 for it or something.

Someone said the there should be price drops for phones coming up. Is this usually the case around the holiday shopping season when you can get last years model for decent savings?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
And the nice part is, on IPT, the season collection is Freeleech, so the initial 13GB download doesn't count against you at all. I've already seeded/uploaded 16GB just since last night. I also snagged the 1080i collection that someone posted, 54GB download but also Freeleech, and I've got about 70GB up on that already, 12 hours later.
Ya, I saw the Freeleach already on it. That's super nice. Let the ratio roll in along with the bonus points.


FPS noob
you should be using a seedbox or VPN if you are gonna seed anything from HBO, seeding something like that for months with just your home connection is just asking for trouble. even against IPT, which will sell its userlist in a heartbeat for $1

the much smarter thing is to just seed 10 tiny things (ebooks apps music) for months or years, collecting bonus points, and then zapping everything else with the bonus points you get and never seeding anything else.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ya, I won't be seeding GoT for very long. I usually seed to a pretty decent ratio in the first 24-48 hours, and then drop it off. Will see what it looks like by tomorrow morning, and probably remove them.


Molten Core Raider
I do use a seedbox, so I don't worry about any of that, thankfully. is great. Completely maxes my 50Mbps internet connection when I FTP my files over from them as well. I can get a file faster downloading it to the whatbox server, and then to my home via FTP than I ever could just torrenting straight to my home PC.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Got a whatbox, thing is amazing. Dunno why I took so long to do this.

But I was messing with the ruTorrent download settings, and think I might have pooned something.

Can anyone post a SS of the default settings or the best settings to maximize the upload speed? Figured more peers would be better, but dont want to dilute the bandwidth etc